Visible to the public New Trust Metric for the RPL Routing Protocol

TitleNew Trust Metric for the RPL Routing Protocol
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsDjedjig, N., Tandjaoui, D., Medjek, F., Romdhani, I.
Conference Name2017 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS)
ISBN Number978-1-5090-4243-2
Keywordsborder router, BR, Collaboration, composability, distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm, DODAG information object message, ERNT, extended RPL node trustworthiness, Internet of Things, IoT security, Linear programming, lossy networks, low power, maintenance engineering, Measurement, metric based RPL trustworthiness scheme, MRTS, new Objective Function TOF, pubcrawl, reliable routing processes, resilience, Resiliency, Routing, routing nodes, Routing protocols, RPL, RPL routing protocol, Scalability, Secure Routing, security, Selfish nodes, telecommunication network reliability, telecommunication security, trust inference problem, Trust management, trust metric, trust objective function, Trust Routing, vital security requirement

Establishing trust relationships between routing nodes represents a vital security requirement to establish reliable routing processes that exclude infected or selfish nodes. In this paper, we propose a new security scheme for the Internet of things and mainly for the RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks) called: Metric-based RPL Trustworthiness Scheme (MRTS). The primary aim is to enhance RPL security and deal with the trust inference problem. MRTS addresses trust issue during the construction and maintenance of routing paths from each node to the BR (Border Router). To handle this issue, we extend DIO (DODAG Information Object) message by introducing a new trust-based metric ERNT (Extended RPL Node Trustworthiness) and a new Objective Function TOF (Trust Objective Function). In fact, ERNT represents the trust values for each node within the network, and TOF demonstrates how ERNT is mapped to path cost. In MRTS all nodes collaborate to calculate ERNT by taking into account nodes' behavior including selfishness, energy, and honesty components. We implemented our scheme by extending the distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm. Evaluation results demonstrated that the new scheme improves the security of RPL.

Citation Keydjedjig_new_2017