Visible to the public EntropyVis: Malware classification

TitleEntropyVis: Malware classification
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsRen, Z., Chen, G.
Conference Name2017 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI)
KeywordsBrightness, data visualisation, Data visualization, Entropy, entropy pixel images, EntropyVis, feature extraction, Generators, Human Behavior, image classification, invasive software, Jaccard index, k-Nearest Neighbor classification algorithm, kNN algorithm, local entropy images, malicious Windows Portable Executable files, Malware, malware classification, malware features, malware similarity, malware variants, malware writers, Metrics, nearest neighbour methods, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, visualization, visualization analysis

Malware writers often develop malware with automated measures, so the number of malware has increased dramatically. Automated measures tend to repeatedly use significant modules, which form the basis for identifying malware variants and discriminating malware families. Thus, we propose a novel visualization analysis method for researching malware similarity. This method converts malicious Windows Portable Executable (PE) files into local entropy images for observing internal features of malware, and then normalizes local entropy images into entropy pixel images for malware classification. We take advantage of the Jaccard index to measure similarities between entropy pixel images and the k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) classification algorithm to assign entropy pixel images to different malware families. Preliminary experimental results show that our visualization method can discriminate malware families effectively.

Citation Keyren_entropyvis:_2017