Visible to the public IPC-1782 standard for traceability of critical items based on risk

TitleIPC-1782 standard for traceability of critical items based on risk
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsShearon, C. E.
Conference Name2018 Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium (Pan Pacific)
ISBN Number978-1-944543-04-4
Keywordsautomated processes End to End, Automation, Big Data, Companies, component traceability, consumer behaviour, consumer products, cost reduction, critical safety systems, customer satisfaction, data structures, Design engineering, design requirements, Industries, Industry 4.0, innovation management, integrating quality, IPC-1782 standard, manufacturing systems, Metrics, OEM companies, predictive maintenance, product innovation, product safety, production engineering computing, Productivity, pubcrawl, reliability, resilience, Resiliency, risk assessment, risk management, Scalability, single expandable data structure, Standards, supply chain management, supply chain risk assessment, supply-chain data, Tools, traceability data collection persists

Traceability has grown from being a specialized need for certain safety critical segments of the industry, to now being a recognized value-add tool for the industry as a whole that can be utilized for manual to automated processes End to End throughout the supply chain. The perception of traceability data collection persists as being a burden that provides value only when the most rare and disastrous of events take place. Disparate standards have evolved in the industry, mainly dictated by large OEM companies in the market create confusion, as a multitude of requirements and definitions proliferate. The intent of the IPC-1782 project is to bring the whole principle of traceability up to date and enable business to move faster, increase revenue, increase productivity, and decrease costs as a result of increased trust. Traceability, as defined in this standard will represent the most effective quality tool available, becoming an intrinsic part of best practice operations, with the encouragement of automated data collection from existing manufacturing systems which works well with Industry 4.0, integrating quality, reliability, product safety, predictive (routine, preventative, and corrective) maintenance, throughput, manufacturing, engineering and supply-chain data, reducing cost of ownership as well as ensuring timeliness and accuracy all the way from a finished product back through to the initial materials and granular attributes about the processes along the way. The goal of this standard is to create a single expandable and extendable data structure that can be adopted for all levels of traceability and enable easily exchanged information, as appropriate, across many industries. The scope includes support for the most demanding instances for detail and integrity such as those required by critical safety systems, all the way through to situations where only basic traceability, such as for simple consumer products, are required. A key driver for the adoption of the standard is the ability to find a relevant and achievable level of traceability that exactly meets the requirement following risk assessment of the business. The wealth of data accessible from traceability for analysis (e.g.; Big Data, etc.) can easily and quickly yield information that can raise expectations of very significant quality and performance improvements, as well as providing the necessary protection against the costs of issues in the market and providing very timely information to regulatory bodies along with consumers/customers as appropriate. This information can also be used to quickly raise yields, drive product innovation that resonates with consumers, and help drive development tests & design requirements that are meaningful to the Marketplace. Leveraging IPC 1782 to create the best value of Component Traceability for your business.

Citation Keyshearon_ipc-1782_2018