Visible to the public Demonstrating Different Phishing Attacks Using Fuzzy Logic

TitleDemonstrating Different Phishing Attacks Using Fuzzy Logic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsShirsat, S. D.
Conference Name2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT)
Date PublishedApril 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1974-2
Keywordsbank account details, Bars, Classification algorithms, Computer crime, data mining, Defuzzification, Electronic mail, Fraudulent, fraudulent websites, Fuzzy logic, global security, indexing, legitimate websites, malicious website, Membership functions, Metrics, online banking passwords, pagerank, phishing, phishing attacks, Phishing Detection, phishing sites, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, security of data, Uniform resource locators, unsolicited e-mail, Web sites

Phishing has increased tremendously over last few years and it has become a serious threat to global security and economy. Existing literature dealing with the problem of phishing is scarce. Phishing is a deception technique that uses a combination of technology and social engineering to acquire sensitive information such as online banking passwords, credit card or bank account details [2]. Phishing can be done through emails and websites to collect confidential information. Phishers design fraudulent websites which look similar to the legitimate websites and lure the user to visit the malicious website. Therefore, the users must be aware of malicious websites to protect their sensitive data [1]. But it is very difficult to distinguish between legitimate and fake website especially for nontechnical users [4]. Moreover, phishing sites are growing rapidly. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate phishing detection using fuzzy logic and interpreting results using different defuzzification methods.

Citation Keyshirsat_demonstrating_2018