Visible to the public The Study of Closure Domain Structure Dynamics in Bistable Microwires Using the Technique of Three-Level Field Pulses

TitleThe Study of Closure Domain Structure Dynamics in Bistable Microwires Using the Technique of Three-Level Field Pulses
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsOnufer, J., Ziman, J., Duranka, P., Kravčák, J.
JournalIEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Date Publishedjan
KeywordsAmorphous magnetic microwire, bistable microwires, closure domain structure, closure domain structure dynamics, composability, depinning processes, domain wall dynamics, free domain wall production, magnetic domain walls, Magnetic domains, magnetisation reversal, Magnetostriction, pubcrawl, Pulse measurements, rectangular magnetic field pulse, remanence, Resiliency, Saturation magnetization, three-level field pulses, three-level pulse, Wires

The process of release of a single domain wall from the closure domain structure at the microwire ends and the process of nucleation of the reversed domain in regions far from the microwire ends were studied using the technique that consists in determining the critical parameters of the rectangular magnetic field pulse (magnitude-Hpc and length-tc) needed for free domain wall production. Since these processes can be influenced by the magnitude of the magnetic field before or after the application of the field pulse (Hi, t), we propose a modified experiment in which the so-called three-level pulse is used. The three-level pulse starts from the first level, then continues with the second measuring rectangular pulse (Hi, t), which ends at the third field level. Based on the results obtained in experiments using three-level field pulses, it has been shown that reversed domains are not present in the remanent state in regions far from the microwire ends. Some modification of the theoretical model of a single domain wall trapped in a potential well will be needed for an adequate description of the depinning processes.

Citation Keyonufer_study_2019