Visible to the public Biomedical Image Encryption Based on Fractional Discrete Cosine Transform with Singular Value Decomposition and Chaotic System

TitleBiomedical Image Encryption Based on Fractional Discrete Cosine Transform with Singular Value Decomposition and Chaotic System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBhandari, Chitra, Kumar, Sumit, Chauhan, Sudha, Rahman, M A, Sundaram, Gaurav, Jha, Rajib Kumar, Sundar, Shyam, Verma, A R, Singh, Yashvir
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON)
ISBN Number978-93-5351-098-5
Keywordsbiomedical image encryption, chaotic system, compositionality, cryptography, cyber physical systems, decomposition, decryption, different medical images, discrete cosine transforms, Encryption, Fourier transforms, fractional discrete cosine transform, fractional Fourier, FrDCT, Image coding, image sequences, Logistics, Medical diagnostic imaging, medical image encryption, medical image processing, Metrics, optical chaos, pubcrawl, singular value decomposition

In this paper, new image encryption based on singular value decomposition (SVD), fractional discrete cosine transform (FrDCT) and the chaotic system is proposed for the security of medical image. Reliability, vitality, and efficacy of medical image encryption are strengthened by it. The proposed method discusses the benefits of FrDCT over fractional Fourier transform. The key sensitivity of the proposed algorithm for different medical images inspires us to make a platform for other researchers. Theoretical and statistical tests are carried out demonstrating the high-level security of the proposed algorithm.

Citation Keybhandari_biomedical_2019