Visible to the public Development of Models in Resilient Computing

TitleDevelopment of Models in Resilient Computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsDrozd, Oleksandr, Kharchenko, Vyacheslav, Rucinski, Andrzej, Kochanski, Thaddeus, Garbos, Raymond, Maevsky, Dmitry
Conference Name2019 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT)
Date PublishedJune 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1733-1
KeywordsBiological system modeling, checkability, Circuit faults, computational checkability, Computational modeling, computing development, computing evolution factors, Computing Theory, critical applications, elastic computing, elasticity, evolutionary computation, evolutionary development, fuzzy set theory, growth challenge, harsh resistance, irreversible development processes, modelling, parallel processing, Perturbation methods, perturbations, problem solving, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, resilient computing, Resistance, resistive computing, resistivity, resource boundaries, resource niche, reversible and irreversible processes, reversible development processes, smarter elasticity

The article analyzes the concept of "Resilience" in relation to the development of computing. The strategy for reacting to perturbations in this process can be based either on "harsh Resistance" or "smarter Elasticity." Our "Models" are descriptive in defining the path of evolutionary development as structuring under the perturbations of the natural order and enable the analysis of the relationship among models, structures and factors of evolution. Among those, two features are critical: parallelism and "fuzziness", which to a large extent determine the rate of change of computing development, especially in critical applications. Both reversible and irreversible development processes related to elastic and resistant methods of problem solving are discussed. The sources of perturbations are located in vicinity of the resource boundaries, related to growing problem size with progress combined with the lack of computational "checkability" of resources i.e. data with inadequate models, methodologies and means. As a case study, the problem of hidden faults caused by the growth, the deficit of resources, and the checkability of digital circuits in critical applications is analyzed.

Citation Keydrozd_development_2019