Visible to the public The Roles of E-Government in Healthcare from the Perspective of Structuration Theory

TitleThe Roles of E-Government in Healthcare from the Perspective of Structuration Theory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTungela, Nomawethu, Mutudi, Maria, Iyamu, Tiko
Conference Name2018 Open Innovations Conference (OI)
Date PublishedOct. 2018
ISBN Number 978-1-5386-5318-0
KeywordsCollaboration, cybersecurity, Data analysis, E-Government, e-government concept, Electronic government, government policies, Health Care, healthcare, healthcare services, information technology, Lenses, Medical services, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, public administration, qualitative methods, resilience, Resiliency, security, structuration theory, Trajectory

The e-government concept and healthcare have usually been studied separately. Even when and where both e-government and healthcare systems were combined in a study, the roles of e-government in healthcare have not been examined. As a result., the complementarity of the systems poses potential challenges. The interpretive approach was applied in this study. Existing materials in the areas of healthcare and e-government were used as data from a qualitative method viewpoint. Dimension of change from the perspective of the structuration theory was employed to guide the data analysis. From the analysis., six factors were found to be the main roles of e-government in the implementation and application of e-health in the delivering of healthcare services. An understanding of the roles of e-government promotes complementarity., which enhances the healthcare service delivery to the community.

Citation Keytungela_roles_2018