Visible to the public A Human Immunity Inspired Intrusion Detection System to Search for Infections in an Operating System

TitleA Human Immunity Inspired Intrusion Detection System to Search for Infections in an Operating System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsWidulinski, P., Wawryn, K.
Conference Name2020 27th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and System (MIXDES)
Keywordsanomaly detection, artificial immune system, composability, composabilty, computer security, computer software, Containers, human immunity inspired intrusion detection system, Immune system, Intrusion detection, intrusion detection system, Metrics, Microsoft Windows, negative selection algorithm, operating system, operating systems (computers), Operating Systems Security, pubcrawl, receptors, resilience, Resiliency, security, security of data, Windows operating system, Windows Operating System Security

In the paper, an intrusion detection system to safeguard computer software is proposed. The detection is based on negative selection algorithm, inspired by the human immunity mechanism. It is composed of two stages, generation of receptors and anomaly detection. Experimental results of the proposed system are presented, analyzed, and concluded.

Citation Keywidulinski_human_2020