Visible to the public Analysis of Subject Recognition Algorithms based on Neural Networks

TitleAnalysis of Subject Recognition Algorithms based on Neural Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsTashev, Komil, Rustamova, Sanobar
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT)
Date PublishedNov. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9969-6
Keywordsartificial neural network, Artificial neural networks, Collaboration, composability, cryptology, Human Behavior, human factors, information science, Metrics, Pattern recognition, pubcrawl, resilience, resilient, Scalability, simplest perceptron, Software, Software algorithms, Task Analysis, Text recognition, Training
AbstractThis article describes the principles of construction, training and use of neural networks. The features of the neural network approach are indicated, as well as the range of tasks for which it is most preferable. Algorithms of functioning, software implementation and results of work of an artificial neural network are presented.
Citation Keytashev_analysis_2020