Visible to the public Wireless Covert Communications Aided by Distributed Cooperative Jamming Over Slow Fading Channels

TitleWireless Covert Communications Aided by Distributed Cooperative Jamming Over Slow Fading Channels
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsZheng, Tong-Xing, Yang, Ziteng, Wang, Chao, Li, Zan, Yuan, Jinhong, Guan, Xiaohong
JournalIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
KeywordsCommunication system security, composability, compositionality, cooperative jamming, covert channels, covert communications, covert throughput, fading channels, jammer selection, jamming, outage probability, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, Throughput, Wireless communication
AbstractIn this paper, we study covert communications between a pair of legitimate transmitter-receiver against a watchful warden over slow fading channels. There coexist multiple friendly helper nodes who are willing to protect the covert communication from being detected by the warden. We propose an uncoordinated jammer selection scheme where those helpers whose instantaneous channel gains to the legitimate receiver fall below a pre-established selection threshold will be chosen as jammers radiating jamming signals to defeat the warden. By doing so, the detection accuracy of the warden is expected to be severely degraded while the desired covert communication is rarely affected. We then jointly design the optimal selection threshold and message transmission rate for maximizing covert throughput under the premise that the detection error of the warden exceeds a certain level. Numerical results are presented to validate our theoretical analyses. It is shown that the multi-jammer assisted covert communication outperforms the conventional single-jammer method in terms of covert throughput, and the maximal covert throughput improves significantly as the total number of helpers increases, which demonstrates the validity and superiority of our proposed scheme.
NotesConference Name: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Citation Keyzheng_wireless_2021