Visible to the public Effect of multilayer structure on energy storage characteristics of PVDF ferroelectric polymer

TitleEffect of multilayer structure on energy storage characteristics of PVDF ferroelectric polymer
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsCui, Yang, Ma, Yikai, Zhang, Yudong, Lin, Xi, Zhang, Siwei, Si, Tianbin, Zhang, Changhai
Conference Name2022 4th International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing (ICMSP)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordscomposability, dielectric materials, Discharges (electric), energy storage density, Multilayer structure, Nonhomogeneous media, Polarization, Polymers, Pressing, pubcrawl, PVDF, remanence, resilience, Resiliency, Signal processing
AbstractDielectric capacitors have attracted attention as energy storage devices that can achieve rapid charge and discharge. But the key to restricting its development is the low energy storage density of dielectric materials. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), as a polymer with high dielectric properties, is expected to improve the energy storage density of dielectric materials. In this work, the multilayer structure of PVDF ferroelectric polymer is designed, and the influence of the number of layers on the maximum polarization, remanent polarization, applied electric field and energy storage density of the dielectric material is studied. The final obtained double-layer PVDF obtained a discharge energy storage density of 10.6 J/cm3 and an efficiency of 49.1% at an electric field of 410 kV/mm; the three-layer PVDF obtained a discharge energy storage density of 11.0 J/cm3 and an efficiency of 37.2% at an electric field of 440 kV/mm.
Citation Keycui_effect_2022