Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/12/2016 - 2:18pm
Hello all,
I am writing to bring to your attention that the GCTC Tech Jam and IoT- Enabled Smart City Framework events will take place March 22-25, 2016. Registration information regarding both events is forthcoming. In the meantime, we hope you will save the date and plan to join us next month.
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 02/12/2016 - 10:40am
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) launched the 2016 Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC; see with a kickoff meeting on November 12-13, 2015, in Gaithersburg, MD.
Evaluation of smart grid in the presence of dynamic market-based pricing and complex network of small and large producers, consumers, and distributers is very difficult task. Not only it involves multiple, interacting, heterogeneous cyber-physical domains, it also requires tight integration of power markets, dynamic pricing and transactions, price-sensitive consumer behavior, who may also be producers of power.