CPS Domains

The terms denote engineering domains that have high CPS content.

Visible to the public Save the Date Tech Jam and Framework Workshop

Hello all,

I am writing to bring to your attention that the GCTC Tech Jam and IoT- Enabled Smart City Framework events will take place March 22-25, 2016. Registration information regarding both events is forthcoming. In the meantime, we hope you will save the date and plan to join us next month.

GCTC Tech Jam 2016


Visible to the public CPSWTTE: An Open Platform for Transactive Energy Co-Simulations

Creative Commons 2.5
insert short description here

Evaluation of smart grid in the presence of dynamic market-based pricing and complex network of small and large producers, consumers, and distributers is very difficult task. Not only it involves multiple, interacting, heterogeneous cyber-physical domains, it also requires tight integration of power markets, dynamic pricing and transactions, price-sensitive consumer behavior, who may also be producers of power.