

Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Scalable Techniques for Better Situational Awareness: Algorithmic Frameworks and Large-Scale Empirical Analyses

Attacks on computer networks are an all too familiar event, leaving operators with little choice but to deploy a myriad of monitoring devices to ensure dependable and stable service on the networks they operate. However, as networks grow bigger and faster, staying ahead of the constant deluge of attack traffic is becoming increasingly difficult. A case in point is the attacks on enterprise name servers that interact with the Domain Name System (DNS). These name servers are critical infrastructure, busily translating human readable domain names to IP addresses.


Visible to the public Breakthrough: Collaborative: Secure Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems

Modern systems such as the electric smart grid consist of both cyber and physical components that must work together; these are called cyber-physical systems, or CPS. Securing such systems goes beyond just cyber security or physical security into cyber-physical security. While the threats multiply within a CPS, physical aspects also can reduce the threat space. Unlike purely cyber systems, such as the internet, CPS are grounded in physical reality.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Side Channels through Lower-Level Caches: Attacks, Defenses and Security Metrics

In cache-based side-channel attacks, an attacker with no special privileges or physical access can extract secrets from a victim process by observing its memory accesses through a shared cache. Such attacks have been demonstrated on a number of platforms, and represent a dangerous and open threat. This project explores side-channel attacks on the shared lower-level-caches (LLCs) in modern CPUs.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Security and Privacy for Wearable and Continuous Sensing Platforms

This research project studies security and privacy for wearable devices. Wearable computing is poised to become widely deployed throughout society. These devices offer many benefits to end users in terms of realtime access to information and the augmentation of human memory, but they are also likely to introduce new and complex privacy and security problems. People who use wearable devices need assurances that their privacy will be respected, and we also need ways to minimize the potential for wearable devices to intrude on the privacy of bystanders and others.


Visible to the public CRII: SaTC: Lockdown: Guarded Control-Flow and Data Privacy for Sensitive Data

Software systems are under constant attack: extracting sensitive data from running computer systems is a prime and highly lucrative target for attackers. Yet, current defense mechanisms fail to protect confidential or private data along with the integrity and availability of the underlying system. While it is important to find and fix vulnerabilities, it is unlikely that all vulnerabilities will ever be discovered. Therefore, there is an argument to be had for stronger defense mechanisms that protect software systems even in the presence of vulnerabilities.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Scalable Techniques for Better Situational Awareness: Algorithmic Frameworks and Large-Scale Empirical Analyses

Attacks on computer networks are an all too familiar event, leaving operators with little choice but to deploy a myriad of monitoring devices to ensure dependable and stable service on the networks they operate. However, as networks grow bigger and faster, staying ahead of the constant deluge of attack traffic is becoming increasingly difficult. A case in point is the attacks on enterprise name servers that interact with the Domain Name System (DNS). These name servers are critical infrastructure, busily translating human readable domain names to IP addresses.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Understanding Anti-Analysis Defenses in Malicious Code

The problem of cyber-security encompasses computer systems of all sizes and affects almost all aspects of our day-to-day lives. This makes it fundamentally important to detect accurately and respond quickly to cyber-threats as they develop. This project aims to develop techniques and tools that can accelerate the process of understanding and responding to new cyber-threats as they develop. The authors of malicious software (malware) usually try to make the malware stealthy in order to avoid detection.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: EVADE: Evidence-Assisted Detection and Elimination of Security Vulnerabilities

Today's software remains vulnerable to attack. Despite decades of advances in areas ranging from testing to static analysis and verification, all large real-world software is deployed with errors. Because this software is either written in or underpinned by unsafe languages, errors often translate to security vulnerabilities. Although techniques exist that could prevent or limit the risk of exploits, high performance overhead blocks their adoption, leaving today's systems open to attack.


Visible to the public STARSS: Small: Self-reliant Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are hardware circuits that can be reconfigured by a system user after being deployed. FPGAs are a compelling alternative architecture that may allow hardware performance to continue to improve at a dramatic rate. Unfortunately, systems that incorporate an FPGA may allow a potentially untrusted user to reprogram hardware after it has been deployed. Such a scenario enables novel security attacks that can leak a user's private information or corrupt critical information stored on a system, but are performed entirely in hardware.