

Visible to the public TWC: Small: Deker: Decomposing Commodity Kernels for Verification

The problem of insecure computing environments has large impacts on society: security breaches lead to violations of privacy, financial frauds, espionage, sabotage, lost productivity, and more. These, in turn, result in vast economic damage. A major reason for the severity of these consequences is that many systems run on top of an insecure operating system kernel. The Linux kernel, a de facto industry standard for embedded, mobile, cloud, and supercomputing environments, is often a target for security attacks.


Visible to the public EAGER: Privacy Compliance by Design: Ideation Techniques to Facilitate System Design Compliant with Privacy Laws and Regulations

The explosion in data gathering has greatly exacerbated existing privacy issues in computing systems and created new ones due to the increase in the scale and the scope of available data as well as the advances in the capabilities of computational data analysis. Software professionals typically have no formal training or education on sociotechnical aspects of privacy. As a result, addressing privacy issues raised by a system is frequently an afterthought and/or a matter of compliance-check during the late phases of the system development lifecycle.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: STRUCT: Enabling Secure and Trustworthy Compartments in Mobile Applications

Society's dependence on mobile technologies rapidly increases as we entrust mobile applications with more and more private information and capabilities. Existing security research follows a common threat model that treats apps as monolithic entities and only captures attack surface between apps. However, recent research reveals that app internal attacks are emerging quickly as complex entities with conflicting interests are commonly included inside a single app to allow for rich features and fast development.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Developer Crowdsourcing: Capturing, Understanding, and Addressing Security-related Blind Spots in APIs

Despite an emphasis the security community places on the importance of producing secure software, the number of new security vulnerabilities in software increases every year. This research is based on the assumption that software vulnerabilities are caused by misunderstandings, or lack of knowledge, called blind spots, which the developers experience while they are building systems. When building systems, developers often focus more on functional requirements than on non-functional ones, such as security.


Visible to the public EDU: Lightweight Environment for Network Security Education

The goal of this project is to develop a lightweight infrastructure for supporting hands-on network security education (NSE) and a compelling set of exercises that rely on the infrastructure, covering the three basic aspects of the security: attack, analysis, and defense. Historically, building realistic Cybersecurity exercises has been both a laborious and resource-intensive task.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Black-Box Evaluation of Cryptographic Entropy at Scale

The ability to generate random numbers -- to flip coins -- is crucial for many computing tasks, from Monte Carlo simulation to secure communications. The theory of building such subsystems to generate random numbers is well understood, but the gap between theory and practice is surprisingly wide. As built today, these subsystems are opaque and fragile. Flaws in these subsystems can compromise the security of millions of Internet hosts.


Visible to the public TWC: Frontier: Collaborative: Enabling Trustworthy Cybersystems for Health and Wellness

This frontier project tackles many of the fundamental research challenges necessary to provide trustworthy information systems for health and wellness, as sensitive information and health-related tasks are increasingly pushed into mobile devices and cloud-based services.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Middleware for Certificate-Based Authentication

Every time someone uses a phone or computer to connect to an Internet site, software determines whether the connection is safe or being intercepted by attackers. Unfortunately, this software is error-prone, leaving users vulnerable to having their privacy violated or their personal information stolen due to phishing attacks, identity theft, and unauthorized inspection of their encrypted traffic. A number of solutions are being proposed, but the software is fragmented across many platforms and redundantly or incorrectly implemented.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Secure and Resilient Vehicular Platooning

The goal of the project is to provide a secure foundation for a transportation system that increasingly relies on the cooperation, connectedness, and automation of vehicles to achieve increases in safety, efficiency, and capacity. The financial losses attributable to congestion in America's transportation infrastructure are more than $1 trillion annually and the parallel loss of life in vehicle collisions is 40,000 deaths per year.


Visible to the public CAREER: EASE: Enhancing the Security of Pervasive Wireless Networks by Exploiting Location

Wireless systems have become an inseparable part of our social fabric, which allow users to move around and access the services from different locations while on the move. However, wireless security is often cited as a major technical barrier that must be overcome before widespread adoption of mobile services can occur. Traditional approaches have focused on addressing security threats on a case-by-case basis in an ad-hoc manner as new and specialized threats are uncovered.