Assure Information Flows


Visible to the public TC: Large: Collaborative Research: Practical Secure Two-Party Computation: Techniques, Tools, and Applications

Many compelling applications involve computations that require sensitive data from two or more individuals. For example, as the cost of personal genome sequencing rapidly plummets many genetics applications will soon be within reach of individuals such as comparing one?s genome with the genomes of different groups of participants in a study to determine which treatment is likely to be most effective. Such comparisons could have tremendous value, but are currently infeasible because of the privacy concerns both for the individual and study participants.


Visible to the public EAGER: Exploring Heuristics and Designing Interface Cues to Understand Revealing or Withholding of Private Information

In individual pursuits of personalized service and other functionalities, people disclose personal and private information by trusting certain online sites and services. Scholars often assume that such trust is based on a careful assessment of the benefits and risks of disclosing information online. This project departs from such an assumption and investigates the possibility that decision-making about online information disclosure is not systematic, but rather based on cognitive heuristics (or mental shortcuts) triggered by cues in the interaction context.


Visible to the public EAGER: Privacy in Citizen Science: An Emerging Concern for Research and Practice

Citizen science is a form of collaboration where members of the public participate in scientific research. Citizen science is increasingly facilitated by a variety of wireless, cellular and satellite technologies. Data collected and shared using these technologies may threaten the privacy of volunteers. This project will discover factors which lead to, or allieviate, privacy concerns for citizen science volunteers.



This project closely examines data aggregation to understand what types of aggregation are normatively and descriptively important to individuals and how do different types and degree of aggregation impact individual trust. This proposed research would advance knowledge and understanding within the study of big data, trust, and business ethics. Initial investigations into data aggregation have been technical to ensure accuracy and diminish unwanted bias.


Visible to the public CAREER: Securing Critical Infrastructure with Autonomously Secure Storage

Embedded systems currently rely on local and often insecure state retention for process control and subsequent forensic analysis. As critical embedded control systems (e.g., smart grids, SCADA) generate increasing amounts of data and become ever more connected to other systems, secure retention and management of that data is required. Attacks such as Stuxnet show that SCADA and other systems comprising critical infrastructure are vulnerable to the compromise of controllers and sensing devices, as well as falsification of data to circumvent anomaly detection mechanisms.


Visible to the public CAREER: Tracking, Revealing and Detecting Crowdsourced Manipulation

The goal of this project is to create the algorithms, frameworks, and systems for defending the open web ecosystem from emerging threats. This project aims to (i) analyze malicious tasks and behaviors of crowdturfers; (ii) detect malicious tasks on crowdsourcing platforms by developing novel malicious task detectors; (iii) design and build a task blacklist; (iv) uncover the ecosystem of crowdturfers and detect crowdturfers; (v) combine crowdturfer detection approaches with other malicious participants detection approaches.


Visible to the public CAREER: Tracking, Revealing and Detecting Crowdsourced Manipulation

The goal of this project is to create the algorithms, frameworks, and systems for defending the open web ecosystem from emerging threats. This project aims to (i) analyze malicious tasks and behaviors of crowdturfers; (ii) detect malicious tasks on crowdsourcing platforms by developing novel malicious task detectors; (iii) design and build a task blacklist; (iv) uncover the ecosystem of crowdturfers and detect crowdturfers; (v) combine crowdturfer detection approaches with other malicious participants detection approaches.


Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: Privacy Preserving Computation in Big Data Clouds

Privacy is critical to freedom of creativity and innovation. Assured privacy protection offers unprecedented opportunities for industry innovation, science and engineering discovery, as well as new life enhancing experiences and opportunities.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: New Protocols and Systems for RAM-Based Secure Computation

Secure computation allows users to collaboratively compute any program on their private data, while ensuring that they learn nothing beyond the output of the computation. Existing protocols for secure computation primarily rely on a boolean-circuit representation for the program being evaluated, which can be highly inefficient. This project focuses on developing secure-computation protocols in the RAM model of computation. Particularly challenging here is the need to ensure that memory accesses are oblivious, and do not leak information about private data.


Visible to the public CAREER: The Value of Privacy

This project takes a new approach to problems involving sensitive data, by focusing on rigorous mathematical modeling and characterization of the value of private information. By focusing on quantifying the loss incurred by affected individuals when their information is used -- and quantifying the attendant benefits of such use -- the approaches advanced by this work enable concrete reasoning about the relative risks and rewards of a wide variety of potential computations on sensitive data.