

Visible to the public NSFSaTC-BSF: TWC: Small: Cryptography and Communication Complexity

Current cloud based systems enable distributed access to both information and computational resources. In this setting, it is imperative to have secure communication, and powerful and expensive cryptographic techniques have been proposed to address this issue. A severely limiting factor, however, is that these methods for securely accessing or processing data between participating parties can result in communication overheads when processing large amounts of data.


Visible to the public TWC: Option: Medium: Collaborative: Authenticated Ciphers

OpenSSH reveals excerpts from encrypted login sessions. TLS (HTTPS) reveals encrypted PayPal account cookies. DTLS is no better. EAXprime allows instantaneous forgeries. RFID security has been broken again and again. All of these failures of confidentiality and integrity are failures of authenticated ciphers: algorithms that promise to encrypt and authenticate messages using a shared secret key.


Visible to the public SBE: Medium: Towards Personalized Privacy Assistants

Whether it is on their smartphones, in their browsers or on social networks, people are confronted with an increasingly unmanageable number of privacy settings. What is needed is a new, more scalable paradigm that empowers them to regain control over the collection and use of their data. This is particularly the case for mobile apps people download on their smartphones. These apps have been shown to collect and share a wide variety of sensitive data, with users unable to keep up.


Visible to the public GREPSEC III: Underrepresented Groups in Security Research

This proposal provides funding for the third GREPSEC: Underrepresented Groups in Security Research workshop, which will held in May 2017, in San Jose CA. This day-and-a-half-long workshop intended for women and underrepresented minorities in computer security and privacy, will be co-located with the IEEE Computer Society's Security and Privacy Symposium, the premier conference in security.


Visible to the public EDU:Collaborative: VACCS - Visualization and Analysis for C Code Security

The proposed project will develop Visualization and Analysis of C Code Security (VACCS) tool to assist students with learning secure code programming. The proposal addresses the critical issue of learning secure coding through the development of a system for analyzing and visualizing C code and associated learning materials. VACCS will utilize static and dynamic program analysis to detect security vulnerabilities and warn programmers about the potential errors in their code.


Visible to the public EDU: Developing Security Education Materials for Future Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Workforce

The cyber security of advanced manufacturing systems (AMS) has raised significant interest amongst both the general public and researchers. However, corresponding education programs fall behind in many aspects. Limited curriculum or hands-on learning resources are available for security education in AMS, especially exercises that cover the complete manufacturing cycle. This project will try to bridge the gap by developing an experiment platform dedicated to security education for AMS, and designing a suite of course modules and hands-on projects upon it.


Visible to the public EDU: Collaborative: Using Virtual Machine Introspection for Deep Cyber Security Education

Cybersecurity is one of the most strategically important areas in computer science, and also one of the most difficult disciplines to teach effectively. Historically, hands-on cyber security exercises helped students reinforce basic concepts, but most of them focused on user level attacks and defenses. Since OS kernels provide the foundations to the applications, any compromise to OS kernels will lead to an entirely untrusted computing. Therefore, it is imperative to teach students the practice of kernel level attacks and defenses.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Large: Collaborative: Towards a Science of Censorship Resistance

The proliferation and increasing sophistication of censorship warrants continuing efforts to develop tools to evade it. Yet, designing effective mechanisms for censorship resistance ultimately depends on accurate models of the capabilities of censors, as well as how those capabilities will likely evolve. In contrast to more established disciplines within security, censorship resistance is relatively nascent, not yet having solid foundations for understanding censor capabilities or evaluating the effectiveness of evasion technologies.


Visible to the public TC: Large: Collaborative Research: Facilitating Free and Open Access to Information on the Internet

This project develops methods to provide citizens information about technologies that obstruct, restrict, or tamper with their access to information. Internet users need an objective, independent, third-party service that helps them determine whether their Internet service provider or government is restricting access to content, specific protocols, or otherwise degrading service. Towards this goal, we are (1) monitoring attempts to block or manipulate Internet content and communications; and (2) evaluating various censorship circumvention mechanisms in real-world deployments}.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: An Iterative Approach to Secure Computation

Secure multi-party computation (SMC) allows several mutually untrusting parties to perform joint computations while keeping their inputs private. This project develops new techniques for constructing two-party secure computation protocols with low communication overhead. Building on the PIs prior work for constructing special-purpose secure computation protocols for greedy algorithms, this project aims to develop new techniques that exploit the algorithmic structure of a function in order to develop more efficient secure computation protocols.