

Visible to the public  STARSS: Small: GC@Scale: Synthesis, optimization, and implementation of Garbled Circuits for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Computing

Computing on sensitive data is a standing challenge central to several modern-world applications. Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows mistrusting parties to jointly compute an arbitrary function on their private inputs without revealing anything but the result. The GC@Scale project focuses on novel scalable methods for addressing SFE, which directly translate to stronger cryptography and security for myriads of tasks with sensitive data.


Visible to the public EAGER: A Mathematical Model of Privacy Decisions: A Behavioral Economic Perspective

When making decisions about information privacy, people do not always act rationally according to their best interests. It is thus important to understand why people express concerns about privacy, but often act contrary to their stated intentions.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Active Security

Computer and network security is currently challenged by the need to secure diverse network environments including clouds and data-centers, PCs and enterprise infrastructures. This diversity of environments is coupled to increased attack sophistication. Today's tools for securing network and computing infrastructures can be painstakingly composed and configured using available components, but fail to automatically learn from their environment and actively protect it.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: EVADE: Evidence-Assisted Detection and Elimination of Security Vulnerabilities

Today's software remains vulnerable to attack. Despite decades of advances in areas ranging from testing to static analysis and verification, all large real-world software is deployed with errors. Because this software is either written in or underpinned by unsafe languages, errors often translate to security vulnerabilities. Although techniques exist that could prevent or limit the risk of exploits, high performance overhead blocks their adoption, leaving today's systems open to attack.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Automating Attack Strategy Recognition to Enhance Cyber Threat Prediction

Network attacks are increasingly complex and fast-evolving. A single attack may use multiple reconnaissance, exploit, and obfuscation techniques. This project investigates how to extract critical attack attributes, synthesize novel attack sequences, and reveal potential threats to critical assets in a timely manner. The project uses machine learning techniques to simultaneously identify new attack types and observed events that could identify those attacks.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: MALDIVES: Developing a Comprehensive Understanding of Malware Delivery Mechanisms

The cybercriminal community is inarguably more organized, better resourced and more motivated than ever to perpetrate massive-scale computer infections across the Internet. The malware distribution systems that they control and operate are characterized by their use of highly specialized suppliers and commoditized malware services.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: Identifying and Mitigating Trust Violations in the Smartphone Ecosystem

The adoption of smartphones has steadily increased in the past few years, and smartphones have become the tool with which millions of users handle confidential information, such as financial and health-related data. As a result, these devices have become attractive targets for cybercriminals, who attempt to violate the trust assumptions underlying the smartphone platform in order to compromise the security and privacy of users.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Theory and Practice of Tweakable-Blockcipher-Based Cryptography

Blockciphers are the basic building block of shared-key cryptography. However, for certain important cryptographic goals, like building encryption schemes, the interface presented by blockciphers is limiting. A more modern primitive, the tweakable blockcipher (TBC), is often a better fit. Like a blockcipher, a TBC takes as input a secret key, a block of data and the tweak which is an additional input which provides variability to the TBC's input-output behavior without having to change the secret key.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Self-Service Cloud Computing

Cloud computing poses significant risks to the security of client data. Virtual Machine Monitors (VMMs) that underlie cloud systems typically have all-powerful administrative domains that can be exploited or misused to snoop on client virtual machines (VMs) and steal/modify their data. Moreover, although virtual machine technology enables several novel security services that clients may wish to use, such services are privileged and must be implemented within the administrative domain.


Visible to the public  TWC: Small: Safeguarding Mobile Cloud Services: New Challenges and Solutions

Mobile cloud technologies have begun to rely heavily on services known as Mobile Back-end as a Service (MBaaS), including push messaging, data synchronization, and mobile identity management. Many of today's popular apps have already integrated push messaging services such as Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), Amazon Device Messaging (ADM), and third parties like Baidu, to enable the apps to receive notifications such as private messages, financial secrets or family members' locations.