

Visible to the public EAGER: Cybersecurity Transition To Practice (TTP) Acceleration

The 2011 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Plan cites "Accelerating Transition to Practice (TTP)" as one of five strategic objectives in the Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) Program Component Area. TTP remains a strategic objective of Agencies which fund cybersecurity research, including NSF. However, the NSF cybersecurity portfolio contains only a small amount of security research that has been transitioned into operational activities.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Seal: Secure Engine for AnaLytics - From Secure Similarity Search to Secure Data Analytics

Many organizations and individuals rely on the cloud to store their data and process their analytical queries. But such data may contain sensitive information. Not only do users want to conceal their data on a cloud, they may also want to hide analytical queries over their data, results of such queries, and data access patterns from a cloud service provider (that may be compromised either from within or by a third party).


Visible to the public  STARSS: Small: GC@Scale: Synthesis, optimization, and implementation of Garbled Circuits for Scalable Privacy-Preserving Computing

Computing on sensitive data is a standing challenge central to several modern-world applications. Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows mistrusting parties to jointly compute an arbitrary function on their private inputs without revealing anything but the result. The GC@Scale project focuses on novel scalable methods for addressing SFE, which directly translate to stronger cryptography and security for myriads of tasks with sensitive data.


Visible to the public EAGER: A Mathematical Model of Privacy Decisions: A Behavioral Economic Perspective

When making decisions about information privacy, people do not always act rationally according to their best interests. It is thus important to understand why people express concerns about privacy, but often act contrary to their stated intentions.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Active Security

Computer and network security is currently challenged by the need to secure diverse network environments including clouds and data-centers, PCs and enterprise infrastructures. This diversity of environments is coupled to increased attack sophistication. Today's tools for securing network and computing infrastructures can be painstakingly composed and configured using available components, but fail to automatically learn from their environment and actively protect it.


Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Automated Reverse Engineering of Commodity Software

Software, including common examples such as commercial applications or embedded device firmware, is often delivered as closed-source binaries. While prior academic work has examined how to automatically discover vulnerabilities in binary software, and even how to automatically craft exploits for these vulnerabilities, the ability to answer basic security-relevant questions about closed-source software remains elusive.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: EVADE: Evidence-Assisted Detection and Elimination of Security Vulnerabilities

Today's software remains vulnerable to attack. Despite decades of advances in areas ranging from testing to static analysis and verification, all large real-world software is deployed with errors. Because this software is either written in or underpinned by unsafe languages, errors often translate to security vulnerabilities. Although techniques exist that could prevent or limit the risk of exploits, high performance overhead blocks their adoption, leaving today's systems open to attack.


Visible to the public EAGER: Exploring Job Applicant Privacy Concerns

Millions of people in the U.S. and worldwide apply for jobs online, and the use of online job application systems is growing. Thus, online job applicants are an important population to study. However, few studies have examined job applicants' concerns about their privacy and how to protect it. Further, job applicants' privacy concerns may affect how willing they are to apply for jobs and even whether job applicants pursue legal action against employers for privacy violations.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Limits and Algorithms for Covert Communications

Security and privacy are prominent concerns in modern communications. Although cryptographic approaches have been widely studied to protect a message's content from deciphering by an eavesdropper, there are many times when hiding the very existence of the communication is critical. The hiding of communication, termed covert (private) communication, is important in many domains such as covert military operations, and removing the ability of users to be tracked in their everyday activities.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Workflows and Relationships for End-to-End Data Security in Collaborative Applications

Access control refers to mechanisms for protecting access to confidential information, such as sensitive medical data. Management of access control policies, in applications that involve several collaborating parties, poses several challenges. One of these is in ensuring that each party in such a collaboration only obtains the minimal set of access permissions that they require for the collaboration. In a domain such as healthcare, it may be critical that access be minimized in this way, rather than allowing all parties equal access to the sensitive information.