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Multiuser, multimodal sensemaking cognitive immersive environment with a task-oriented dialog system. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1–3.
2022. This paper is a conceptual paper that explores how the sensemaking process by intelligence analysts completed within a cognitive immersive environment might be impacted by the inclusion of a progressive dialog system. The tools enabled in the sensemaking room (a specific instance within the cognitive immersive environment) were informed by tools from the intelligence analysis domain. We explore how a progressive dialog system would impact the use of tools such as the collaborative brainstorming exercise [1]. These structured analytic techniques are well established in intelligence analysis training literature, and act as ways to access the intended users' cognitive schema as they use the cognitive immersive room and move through the sensemaking process. A prior user study determined that the sensemaking room encouraged users to be more concise and representative with information while using the digital brainstorming tool. We anticipate that addition of the progressive dialog function will enable a more cohesive link between information foraging and sensemaking behaviors for analysts.
The Nature of Trust in Communication Robots: Through Comparison with Trusts in Other People and AI systems. 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). :900–903.
2022. In this study, the nature of human trust in communication robots was experimentally investigated comparing with trusts in other people and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The results of the experiment showed that trust in robots is basically similar to that in AI systems in a calculation task where a single solution can be obtained and is partly similar to that in other people in an emotion recognition task where multiple interpretations can be acceptable. This study will contribute to designing a smooth interaction between people and communication robots.
Network Security Situation Assessment Method Based on Absorbing Markov Chain. 2022 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :556–561.
2022. This paper has a new network security evaluation method as an absorbing Markov chain-based assessment method. This method is different from other network security situation assessment methods based on graph theory. It effectively refinement issues such as poor objectivity of other methods, incomplete consideration of evaluation factors, and mismatching of evaluation results with the actual situation of the network. Firstly, this method collects the security elements in the network. Then, using graph theory combined with absorbing Markov chain, the threat values of vulnerable nodes are calculated and sorted. Finally, the maximum possible attack path is obtained by blending network asset information to determine the current network security status. The experimental results prove that the method fully considers the vulnerability and threat node ranking and the specific case of system network assets, which makes the evaluation result close to the actual network situation.
A New False Data Injection Detection Protocol based Machine Learning for P2P Energy Transaction between CEVs. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM). 4:1—5.
2022. Without security, any network system loses its efficiency, reliability, and resilience. With the huge integration of the ICT capabilities, the Electric Vehicle (EV) as a transportation form in cities is becoming more and more affordable and able to reply to citizen and environmental expectations. However, the EV vulnerability to cyber-attacks is increasing which intensifies its negative impact on societies. This paper targets the cybersecurity issues for Connected Electric Vehicles (CEVs) in parking lots where a peer-to-peer(P2P) energy transaction system is launched. A False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) on the electricity price signal is considered and a Machine Learning/SVM classification protocol is used to detect and extract the right values. Simulation results are conducted to prove the effectiveness of this proposed model.
Nonlinear cyber-physical system security control under false data injection attack. 2022 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :4311–4316.
2022. We investigate the fuzzy adaptive compensation control problem for nonlinear cyber-physical system with false data injection attack over digital communication links. The fuzzy logic system is first introduced to approximate uncertain nonlinear functions. And the time-varying sliding mode surface is designed. Secondly, for the actual require-ment of data transmission, three uniform quantizers are designed to quantify system state and sliding mode surface and control input signal, respectively. Then, the adaptive fuzzy laws are designed, which can effectively compensate for FDI attack and the quantization errors. Furthermore, the system stability and the reachability of sliding surface are strictly guaranteed by using adaptive fuzzy laws. Finally, we use an example to verify the effectiveness of the method.
ISSN: 1934-1768
A Novel Blockchain-Driven Framework for Deterring Fraud in Supply Chain Finance. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). :1000–1005.
2022. Frauds in supply chain finance not only result in substantial loss for financial institutions (e.g., banks, trust company, private funds), but also are detrimental to the reputation of the ecosystem. However, such frauds are hard to detect due to the complexity of the operating environment in supply chain finance such as involvement of multiple parties under different agreements. Traditional instruments of financial institutions are time-consuming yet insufficient in countering fraudulent supply chain financing. In this study, we propose a novel blockchain-driven framework for deterring fraud in supply chain finance. Specifically, we use inventory financing in jewelry supply chain as an illustrative scenario. The blockchain technology enables secure and trusted data sharing among multiple parties due to its characteristics of immutability and traceability. Consequently, information on manufacturing, brand license, and warehouse status are available to financial institutions in real time. Moreover, we develop a novel rule-based fraud check module to automatically detect suspicious fraud cases by auditing documents shared by multiple parties through a blockchain network. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we employ agent-based modeling and simulation. Experimental results show that our proposed framework can effectively deter fraudulent supply chain financing as well as improve operational efficiency.
ISSN: 2577-1655
A Novel Password Secure Mechanism using Reformation based Optimized Honey Encryption and Decryption Technique. 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :877–880.
2022. The exponential rise of online services has heightened awareness of safeguarding the various applications that cooperate with and provide Internet users. Users must present their credentials, such as user name and secret code, to the servers to be authorized. This sensitive data should be secured from being exploited due to numerous security breaches, resulting in criminal activity. It is vital to secure systems against numerous risks. This article offers a novel approach to protecting against brute force attacks. A solution is presented where the user obtains the keypad on each occurrence. Following the establishment of the keypad, the webserver produces an encrypted password for the user's Computer/device authentication. The encrypted password will be used for authentication; users must type the amended one-time password (OTP) every time they access the website. This research protects passwords using reformation-based encryption and decryption and optimal honey encryption (OH-E) and decryption.
ISSN: 2768-5330
A Novel Secure Physical Layer Key Generation Method in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). 2022 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–6.
2022. A novel secure physical layer key generation method for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) against an attacker is proposed under fading and Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). In the proposed method, a random sequence key is added to the demodulated sequence to generate a unique pre-shared key (PSK) to enhance security. Extensive computer simulation results proved that an attacker cannot extract the same legitimate PSK generated by the received vehicle even if identical fading and AWGN parameters are used both for the legitimate vehicle and attacker.
Obnoxious Deterrence. 2022 14th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Keep Moving! (CyCon). 700:65–77.
2022. The reigning U.S. paradigm for deterring malicious cyberspace activity carried out by or condoned by other countries is to levy penalties on them. The results have been disappointing. There is little evidence of the permanent reduction of such activity, and the narrative behind the paradigm presupposes a U.S./allied posture that assumes the morally superior role of judge upon whom also falls the burden of proof–-a posture not accepted but nevertheless exploited by other countries. In this paper, we explore an alternative paradigm, obnoxious deterrence, in which the United States itself carries out malicious cyberspace activity that is used as a bargaining chip to persuade others to abandon objectionable cyberspace activity. We then analyze the necessary characteristics of this malicious cyberspace activity, which is generated only to be traded off. It turns out that two fundamental criteria–that the activity be sufficiently obnoxious to induce bargaining but be insufficiently valuable to allow it to be traded away–may greatly reduce the feasibility of such a ploy. Even if symmetric agreements are easier to enforce than pseudo-symmetric agreements (e.g., the XiObama agreement of 2015) or asymmetric red lines (e.g., the Biden demand that Russia not condone its citizens hacking U.S. critical infrastructure), when violations occur, many of today’s problems recur. We then evaluate the practical consequences of this approach, one that is superficially attractive.
ISSN: 2325-5374
Optimal Energy Storage System Placement for Robust Stabilization of Power Systems Against Dynamic Load Altering Attacks. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). :821–828.
2022. This paper presents a study on the "Dynamic Load Altering Attacks" (D-LAAs), their effects on the dynamics of a transmission network, and provides a robust control protection scheme, based on polytopic uncertainties, invariance theory, Lyapunov arguments and graph theory. The proposed algorithm returns an optimal Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) placement, that minimizes the number of ESSs placed in the network, together with the associated control law that can robustly stabilize against D-LAAs. The paper provides a contextualization of the problem and a modelling approach for power networks subject to D-LAAs, suitable for the designed robust control protection scheme. The paper also proposes a reference scenario for the study of the dynamics of the control actions and their effects in different cases. The approach is evaluated by numerical simulations on large networks.
ISSN: 2473-3504
Optimal Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading by Applying Blockchain to Islanded Microgrid Considering V2G. 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :1–4.
2022. Energy trading in small groups or microgrids is interesting to study. The energy market may overgrow in the future, so accessing the energy market by small prosumers may not be difficult anymore. This paper has modeled a decentralized P2P energy trading and exchange system in a microgrid group. The Islanded microgrid system is simulated to create a small energy producer and consumer trading situation. The simulation results show the increasing energy transactions and profit when including V2G as an energy storage device. In addition, blockchain is used for system security because a peer-to-peer marketplace has no intermediary control.
Overview Of Vanet Network Security. 2022 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1–6.
2022. This article provides an overview of the security of VANET, which is a vehicle network. When reviewing this topic, publications of various researchers were considered. The article provides information security requirements for VANET, an overview of security research, an overview of existing attacks, methods for detecting attacks and appropriate countermeasures against such threats.
Parameter sensitivity analysis and adjustment for subsynchronous oscillation stability of doubly-fed wind farms with static var generator. 2022 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing (ICSP). :215–219.
2022. The interaction between the transmission system of doubly-fed wind farms and the power grid and the stability of the system have always been widely concerned at home and abroad. In recent years, wind farms have basically installed static var generator (SVG) to improve voltage stability. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) problem in the grid-connected grid-connected doubly-fed wind farm with static var generators. Firstly based on impedance analysis, the sequence impedance model of the doubly-fed induction generator and the static var generator is established by the method. Then, based on the stability criterion of Bode plot and time domain simulation, the influence of the access of the static var generator on the SSO of the system is analyzed. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of the main parameters of the doubly-fed induction generator and the static var generator is carried out. The results show that the highest sensitivity is the proportional gain parameter of the doubly-fed induction generator current inner loop, and its value should be reduced to reduce the risk of SSO of the system.
Pay or Not Pay? A Game-Theoretical Analysis of Ransomware Interactions Considering a Defender’s Deception Architecture 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - Supplemental Volume (DSN-S). :53–54.
2022. Malware created by the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups do not typically carry out the attacks in a single stage. The “Cyber Kill Chain” framework developed by Lockheed Martin describes an APT through a seven stage life cycle [5] . APT groups are generally nation state actors [1] . They perform highly targeted attacks and do not stop until the goal is achieved [7] . Researchers are always working toward developing a system and a process to create an environment safe from APT type attacks [2] . In this paper, the threat considered is ransomware which are developed by APT groups. WannaCry is an example of a highly sophisticated ransomware created by the Lazurus group of North Korea and its level of sophistication is evident from the existence of a contingency plan of attack upon being discovered [3] [6] . The major contribution of this research is the analysis of APT type ransomware using game theory to present optimal strategies for the defender through the development of equilibrium solutions when faced with APT type ransomware attack. The goal of the equilibrium solutions is to help the defender in preparedness before the attack and in minimization of losses during and after the attack.
PbV mSp: A priority-based VM selection policy for VM consolidation in green cloud computing. 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :32–37.
2022. Cloud computing forms the backbone of the era of automation and the Internet of Things (IoT). It offers computing and storage-based services on consumption-based pricing. Large-scale datacenters are used to provide these service and consumes enormous electricity. Datacenters contribute a large portion of the carbon footprint in the environment. Through virtual machine (VM) consolidation, datacenter energy consumption can be reduced via efficient resource management. VM selection policy is used to choose the VM that needs migration. In this research, we have proposed PbV mSp: A priority-based VM selection policy for VM consolidation. The PbV mSp is implemented in cloudsim and evaluated compared with well-known VM selection policies like gpa, gpammt, mimt, mums, and mxu. The results show that the proposed PbV mSp selection policy has outperformed the exisitng policies in terms of energy consumption and other metrics.
ISSN: 2831-3844
PDF Malware Analysis. 2022 7th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). :1—4.
2022. This document addresses the issue of the actual security level of PDF documents. Two types of detection approaches are utilized to detect dangerous elements within malware: static analysis and dynamic analysis. Analyzing malware binaries to identify dangerous strings, as well as reverse-engineering is included in static analysis for t1he malware to disassemble it. On the other hand, dynamic analysis monitors malware activities by running them in a safe environment, such as a virtual machine. Each method has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and it is usually best to employ both methods while analyzing malware. Malware detection could be simplified without sacrificing accuracy by reducing the number of malicious traits. This may allow the researcher to devote more time to analysis. Our worry is that there is no obvious need to identify malware with numerous functionalities when it isn't necessary. We will solve this problem by developing a system that will identify if the given file is infected with malware or not.
Perception of physical and virtual agents: exploration of factors influencing the acceptance of intrusive domestic agents. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). :1050–1057.
2022. Domestic robots and agents are widely sold to the grand public, leading us to ethical issues related to the data harvested by such machines. While users show a general acceptance of these robots, concerns remain when it comes to information security and privacy. Current research indicates that there’s a privacy-security trade-off for better use, but the anthropomorphic and social abilities of a robot are also known to modulate its acceptance and use. To explore and deepen what literature already brought on the subject we examined how users perceived their robot (Replika, Roomba©, Amazon Echo©, Google Home©, or Cozmo©/Vector©) through an online questionnaire exploring acceptance, perceived privacy and security, anthropomorphism, disclosure, perceived intimacy, and loneliness. The results supported the literature regarding the potential manipulative effects of robot’s anthropomorphism for acceptance but also information disclosure, perceived intimacy, security, and privacy.
ISSN: 1944-9437
A Percolation-Based Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Agents (ICA). :60–65.
2022. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have assisted applications of multi-agent system. Abundant sensor nodes, densely distributed around a base station (BS), collect data and transmit to BS node for data analysis. The concept of cluster has been emerged as the efficient communication structure in resource-constrained environment. However, the security still remains a major concern due to the vulnerability of sensor nodes. In this paper, we propose a percolation-based secure routing protocol. We leverage the trust score composed of three indexes to select cluster heads (CH) for unevenly distributed clusters. By considering the reliability, centrality and stability, legitimate nodes with social trust and adequate energy are chosen to provide relay service. Moreover, we design a multi-path inter-cluster routing protocol to construct CH chains for directed inter-cluster data transmission based on the percolation. And the measurement of transit score for on-path CH nodes contributes to load balancing and security. Our simulation results show that our protocol is able to guarantee the security to improve the delivery ratio and packets delay.
Phish Finders: Crowd-powered RE for anti-phishing training tools. 2022 IEEE 30th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW). :130–135.
2022. Many organizations use internal phishing campaigns to gauge awareness and coordinate training efforts based on those findings. Ongoing content design is important for phishing training tools due to the influence recency has on phishing susceptibility. Traditional approaches for content development require significant investment and can be prohibitively costly, especially during the requirements engineering phase of software development and for applications that are constantly evolving. While prior research primarily depends upon already known phishing cues curated by experts, our project, Phish Finders, uses crowdsourcing to explore phishing cues through the unique perspectives and thought processes of everyday users in a realistic yet safe online environment, Zooniverse. This paper contributes qualitative analysis of crowdsourced comments that identifies novel cues, such as formatting and typography, which were identified by the crowd as potential phishing indicators. The paper also shows that crowdsourcing may have the potential to scale as a requirements engineering approach to meet the needs of content labeling for improved training tool development.
ISSN: 2770-6834
Physical-Layer Security for THz Communications via Orbital Angular Momentum Waves. 2022 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS). :1–6.
2022. This paper presents a physically-secure wireless communication system utilizing orbital angular momentum (OAM) waves at 0.31THz. A trustworthy key distribution mechanism for symmetric key cryptography is proposed by exploiting random hopping among the orthogonal OAM-wave modes and phases. Keccak-f[400] based pseudorandom number generator provides randomness to phase distribution of OAM-wave modes for additional security. We assess the security vulnerabilities of using OAM modulation in a THz communication system under various physical-layer threat models as well as analyze the effectiveness of these threat models for varying attacker complexity levels under different conditions.
ISSN: 2374-7390
Poisoning Attack against Online Regression Learning with Maximum Loss for Edge Intelligence. 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, Perception and Quantum Technology (CCPQT). :169—173.
2022. Recent trends in the convergence of edge computing and artificial intelligence (AI) have led to a new paradigm of “edge intelligence”, which are more vulnerable to attack such as data and model poisoning and evasion of attacks. This paper proposes a white-box poisoning attack against online regression model for edge intelligence environment, which aim to prepare the protection methods in the future. Firstly, the new method selects data points from original stream with maximum loss by two selection strategies; Secondly, it pollutes these points with gradient ascent strategy. At last, it injects polluted points into original stream being sent to target model to complete the attack process. We extensively evaluate our proposed attack on open dataset, the results of which demonstrate the effectiveness of the novel attack method and the real implications of poisoning attack in a case study electric energy prediction application.
A POMDP-based Robot-Human Trust Model for Human-Robot Collaboration. 2022 12th International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER). :1009–1014.
2022. Trust is a cognitive ability that can be dependent on behavioral consistency. In this paper, a partially observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP)-based computational robot-human trust model is proposed for hand-over tasks in human-robot collaborative contexts. The robot's trust in its human partner is evaluated based on the human behavior estimates and object detection during the hand-over task. The human-robot hand-over process is parameterized as a partially observable Markov Decision Process. The proposed approach is verified in real-world human-robot collaborative tasks. Results show that our approach can be successfully applied to human-robot hand-over tasks to achieve high efficiency, reduce redundant robot movements, and realize predictability and mutual understanding of the task.
ISSN: 2642-6633
Possibility of the Intruder Type Determination in Systems of Physical Protection of Objects. 2022 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1—5.
2022. This article proposes a method for determining the intruder type in the systems of physical protection of objects. An intruder trying to enter the territory, buildings or premises of the facility has to overcome typical engineering reinforcement elements of building structures. Elements of building structures are equipped with addressable alarm sensors. The intruder type is proposed to be determined according to its equipment by comparing the time of actually overcoming the building structure elements with the expert estimates. The time to overcome the elements of building structures is estimated by the time between successive responses of the security alarm address sensors. The intruder's awareness of the protection object is proposed to be assessed by tracking the route of its movement on the object using address sensors. Determining the intruder type according to the data of the security alarm systems can be used for the in-process tactics control of the security group actions.
Poster: Flexible Function Estimation of IoT Malware Using Graph Embedding Technique. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—3.
2022. Most IoT malware is variants generated by editing and reusing parts of the functions based on publicly available source codes. In our previous study, we proposed a method to estimate the functions of a specimen using the Function Call Sequence Graph (FCSG), which is a directed graph of execution sequence of function calls. In the FCSG-based method, the subgraph corresponding to a malware functionality is manually created and called a signature-FSCG. The specimens with the signature-FSCG are expected to have the corresponding functionality. However, this method cannot detect the specimens with a slightly different subgraph from the signature-FSCG. This paper found that these specimens were supposed to have the same functionality for a signature-FSCG. These specimens need more flexible signature matching, and we propose a graph embedding technique to realize it.
Predicting Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability from SQL Injection Payload. 2022 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech). :600–605.
2022. SQL Injection has been around as a harmful and prolific threat on web applications for more than 20 years, yet it still poses a huge threat to the World Wide Web. Rapidly evolving web technology has not eradicated this threat; In 2017 51 % of web application attacks are SQL injection attacks. Most conventional practices to prevent SQL injection attacks revolves around secure web and database programming and administration techniques. Despite developer ignorance, a large number of online applications remain susceptible to SQL injection attacks. There is a need for a more effective method to detect and prevent SQL Injection attacks. In this research, we offer a unique machine learning-based strategy for identifying potential SQL injection attack (SQL injection attack) threats. Application of the proposed method in a Security Information and Event Management(SIEM) system will be discussed. SIEM can aggregate and normalize event information from multiple sources, and detect malicious events from analysis of these information. The result of this work shows that a machine learning based SQL injection attack detector which uses SIEM approach possess high accuracy in detecting malicious SQL queries.