The IEEE Std. 1687 (IJTAG) was designed to provide on-chip access to the various embedded instruments (e.g. built-in self test, sensors, etc.) in complex system-on-chip designs. IJTAG facilitates access to on-chip instruments from third party intellectual property providers with hidden test-data registers. Although access to on-chip instruments provides valuable data specifically for debug and diagnosis, it can potentially expose the design to untrusted sources and instruments that can sniff and possibly manipulate the data that is being shifted through the IJTAG network. This paper provides a comprehensive protection scheme against data sniffing and data integrity attacks by selectively isolating the data flowing through the IJTAG network. The proposed scheme is modeled as a graph coloring problem to optimize the number of isolation signals required to protect the design. It is shown that combining the proposed approach with other existing schemes can also bolster the security against unauthorized user access as well. The proposed countermeasure is shown to add minimal overhead in terms of area and power consumption.
As infamous hacker Kevin Mitnick describes in his book The Art of Deception, "the human factor is truly security's weakest link". Deception has been widely successful when used by hackers for social engineering and by military strategists in kinetic warfare [26]. Deception affects the human's beliefs, decisions, and behaviors. Similarly, as cyber defenders, deception is a powerful tool that should be employed to protect our systems against humans who wish to penetrate, attack, and harm them.
The increasing demand and the use of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) in recent days have attracted the attention of researchers towards pursuing active research work largely related to security attacks in MANET. Gray hole attack is one of the most common security attacks observed in MANET. The paper focuses on gray hole attack analysis in Ad hoc on demand distance vector(AODV) routing protocol based MANET with reliability as a metric. Simulation is performed using ns-2.35 simulation software under varying number of network nodes and varying number of gray hole nodes. Results of simulation indicates that increasing the number of gray hole node in the MANET will decrease the reliability of MANET.
In the wake of diversity of service requirements and increasing push for extreme efficiency, adaptability propelled by machine learning (ML) a.k.a self organizing networks (SON) is emerging as an inevitable design feature for future mobile 5G networks. The implementation of SON with ML as a foundation requires significant amounts of real labeled sample data for the networks to train on, with high correlation between the amount of sample data and the effectiveness of the SON algorithm. As generally real labeled data is scarce therefore it can become bottleneck for ML empowered SON for unleashing their true potential. In this work, we propose a method of expanding these sample data sets using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which are based on two interconnected deep artificial neural networks. This method is an alternative to taking more data to expand the sample set, preferred in cases where taking more data is not simple, feasible, or efficient. We demonstrate how the method can generate large amounts of realistic synthetic data, utilizing the GAN's ability of generation and discrimination, able to be easily added to the sample set. This method is, as an example, implemented with Call Data Records (CDRs) containing the start hour of a call and the duration of the call, in minutes taken from a real mobile operator. Results show that the method can be used with a relatively small sample set and little information about the statistics of the true CDRs and still make accurate synthetic ones.
Hyperspectral image (HSIs) with abundant spectral information but limited labeled dataset endows the rationality and necessity of semi-supervised spectral-based classification methods. Where, the utilizing approach of spectral information is significant to classification accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised method based on generative adversarial network (GAN) with folded spectrum (FS-GAN). Specifically, the original spectral vector is folded to 2D square spectrum as input of GAN, which can generate spectral texture and provide larger receptive field over both adjacent and non-adjacent spectral bands for deep feature extraction. The generated fake folded spectrum, the labeled and unlabeled real folded spectrum are then fed to the discriminator for semi-supervised learning. A feature matching strategy is applied to prevent model collapse. Extensive experimental comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
It is investigated how to achieve semantic security for the wiretap channel. A new type of functions called biregular irreducible (BRI) functions, similar to universal hash functions, is introduced. BRI functions provide a universal method of establishing secrecy. It is proved that the known secrecy rates of any discrete and Gaussian wiretap channel are achievable with semantic security by modular wiretap codes constructed from a BRI function and an error-correcting code. A characterization of BRI functions in terms of edge-disjoint biregular graphs on a common vertex set is derived. This is used to study examples of BRI functions and to construct new ones.
Trust is known to be a key component in human social relationships. It is trust that defines human behavior with others to a large extent. Generative models have been extensively used in social networks study to simulate different characteristics and phenomena in social graphs. In this work, an attempt is made to understand how trust in social graphs can be combined with generative modeling techniques to generate trust-based social graphs. These generated social graphs are then compared with the original social graphs to evaluate how trust helps in generative modeling. Two well-known social network data sets i.e. the soc-Bitcoin and the wiki administrator network data sets are used in this work. Social graphs are generated from these data sets and then compared with the original graphs along with other standard generative modeling techniques to see how trust is a good component in this. Other Generative modeling techniques have been available for a while but this investigation with the real social graph data sets validate that trust can be an important factor in generative modeling.
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are an essential cog of the network security suite that can defend the network from malicious intrusions and anomalous traffic. Many machine learning (ML)-based IDSs have been proposed in the literature for the detection of malicious network traffic. However, recent works have shown that ML models are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations through which an adversary can cause IDSs to malfunction by introducing a small impracticable perturbation in the network traffic. In this paper, we propose an adversarial ML attack using generative adversarial networks (GANs) that can successfully evade an ML-based IDS. We also show that GANs can be used to inoculate the IDS and make it more robust to adversarial perturbations.
Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications on integrated circuits (IC), which pose a grave threat to the security of modern military and commercial systems. Existing methods of detecting hardware Trojans are plagued by the inability of detecting all Trojans, reliance on golden chip that might not be available, high time cost, and low accuracy. In this paper, we present Golden Gates, a novel detection method designed to achieve a comparable level of accuracy to full reverse engineering, yet paying only a fraction of its cost in time. The proposed method inserts golden gate circuits (GGC) to achieve superlative accuracy in the classification of all existing gate footprints using rapid scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and backside ultra thinning. Possible attacks against GGC as well as malicious modifications on interconnect layers are discussed and addressed with secure built-in exhaustive test infrastructure. Evaluation with real SEM images demonstrate high classification accuracy and resistance to attacks of the proposed technique.
The rapid growth of Android malware has posed severe security threats to smartphone users. On the basis of the familial trait of Android malware observed by previous work, the familial analysis is a promising way to help analysts better focus on the commonalities of malware samples within the same families, thus reducing the analytical workload and accelerating malware analysis. The majority of existing approaches rely on supervised learning and face three main challenges, i.e., low accuracy, low efficiency, and the lack of labeled dataset. To address these challenges, we first construct a fine-grained behavior model by abstracting the program semantics into a set of subgraphs. Then, we propose SRA, a novel feature that depicts the similarity relationships between the Structural Roles of sensitive API call nodes in subgraphs. An SRA is obtained based on graph embedding techniques and represented as a vector, thus we can effectively reduce the high complexity of graph matching. After that, instead of training a classifier with labeled samples, we construct malware link network based on SRAs and apply community detection algorithms on it to group the unlabeled samples into groups. We implement these ideas in a system called GefDroid that performs Graph embedding based familial analysis of AnDroid malware using unsupervised learning. Moreover, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate GefDroid on three datasets with ground truth. The results show that GefDroid can achieve high agreements (0.707-0.883 in term of NMI) between the clustering results and the ground truth. Furthermore, GefDroid requires only linear run-time overhead and takes around 8.6s to analyze a sample on average, which is considerably faster than the previous work.
While recent studies have shed light on the expressivity, complexity and compositionality of convolutional networks, the real inductive bias of the family of functions reachable by gradient descent on natural data is still unknown. By exploiting symmetries in the preactivation space of convolutional layers, we present preliminary empirical evidence of regularities in the preimage of trained rectifier networks, in terms of arrangements of polytopes, and relate it to the nonlinear transformations applied by the network to its input.
Devices sharing a network compete for bandwidth, being able to transmit only a limited amount of data. This is for example the case with a network of cameras, that should record and transmit video streams to a monitor node for video surveillance. Adaptive cameras can reduce the quality of their video, thereby increasing the frame compression, to limit network congestion. In this paper, we exploit our experience with computing capacity allocation to design and implement a network bandwidth allocation strategy based on game theory, that accommodates multiple adaptive streams with convergence guarantees. We conduct some experiments with our implementation and discuss the results, together with some conclusions and future challenges.
This paper presents a control strategy for Cyber-Physical System defense developed in the framework of the European Project ATENA, that concerns Critical Infrastructure (CI) protection. The aim of the controller is to find the optimal security configuration, in terms of countermeasures to implement, in order to address the system vulnerabilities. The attack/defense problem is modeled as a multi-agent general sum game, where the aim of the defender is to prevent the most damage possible by finding an optimal trade-off between prevention actions and their costs. The problem is solved utilizing Reinforcement Learning and simulation results provide a proof of the proposed concept, showing how the defender of the protected CI is able to minimize the damage caused by his her opponents by finding the Nash equilibrium of the game in the zero-sum variant, and, in a more general scenario, by driving the attacker in the position where the damage she/he can cause to the infrastructure is lower than the cost it has to sustain to enforce her/his attack strategy.
In the past decades, static code analysis has become a prevalent means to detect bugs and security vulnerabilities in software systems. As software becomes more complex, analysis tools also report lists of increasingly complex warnings that developers need to address on a daily basis. The novel insight we present in this work is that static analysis tools and video games both require users to take on repetitive and challenging tasks. Importantly, though, while good video games manage to keep players engaged, static analysis tools are notorious for their lacking user experience, which prevents developers from using them to their full potential, frequently resulting in dissatisfaction and even tool abandonment. We show parallels between gaming and using static analysis tools, and advocate that the user-experience issues of analysis tools can be addressed by looking at the analysis tooling system as a whole, and by integrating gaming elements that keep users engaged, such as providing immediate and clear feedback, collaborative problem solving, or motivators such as points and badges.