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Novikova, Evgenia, Bekeneva, Yana, Shorov, Andrey.  2019.  The Location-Centric Approach to Employee's Interaction Pattern Detection. 2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP). :373–378.
The task of the insider threat detection is one of the most sophisticated problems of the information security. The analysis of the logs of the access control system may reveal on how employees move and interact providing thus better understanding on how personnel observe security policies and established business processes. The paper presents an approach to the detection of the location-centric employees' interaction patterns. The authors propose the formal definition of the interaction patterns and present the visualization-driven technique to the extraction of the patterns from the data when any prior information about existing interaction routine and procedures is not available. The proposed approach is demonstrated on the data set provided within VAST MiniChallenge-2 2016 contest.
Izem, Acia, Wakrim, Mohamed, Ghadi, Abderrahim.  2019.  Logical Topology of Networks Implementing IPv6 Addressing. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart City Applications. :1–10.
The massive growth of the global routing tables is one of the biggest problems that still face internet nowadays. This problem is mainly caused by the random distribution of IPv4 addresses. With the immigration to IPv6 and the large ranges of addresses provided by this protocol, it is crucial to wisely manage the assignment of IPv6 prefixes. In this paper, we propose a process to generate a logical topology of IPv6 networks. This topology uses perfectly the summarization technique and consists in representing the summary routes in hierarchical manner such that large range of addresses represents several smaller ranges. The proposed aggregation process optimizes and divides up the routing tables which may help resolve the problem of the explosive growth of internet routing tables. Furthermore, the logical topology can be easly customized to fit the features of the routers that are used in the network.
Sengupta, A., Roy, D., Mohanty, S. P..  2019.  Low-Overhead Robust RTL Signature for DSP Core Protection: New Paradigm for Smart CE Design. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). :1–6.
The design process of smart Consumer Electronics (CE) devices heavily relies on reusable Intellectual Property (IP) cores of Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and Multimedia Processor (MP). On the other hand, due to strict competition and rivalry between IP vendors, the problem of ownership conflict and IP piracy is surging. Therefore, to design a secured smart CE device, protection of DSP/MP IP core is essential. Embedding a robust IP owner's signature can protect an IP core from ownership abuse and forgery. This paper presents a covert signature embedding process for DSP/MP IP core at Register-transfer level (RTL). The secret marks of the signature are distributed over the entire design such that it provides higher robustness. For example for 8th order FIR filter, it incurs only between 6% and 3% area overhead for maximum and minimum size signature respectively compared to the non-signature FIR RTL design but with significantly enhanced security.
Zhang, Naiji, Jaafar, Fehmi, Malik, Yasir.  2019.  Low-Rate DoS Attack Detection Using PSD Based Entropy and Machine Learning. 2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019 5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom). :59–62.
The Distributed Denial of Service attack is one of the most common attacks and it is hard to mitigate, however, it has become more difficult while dealing with the Low-rate DoS (LDoS) attacks. The LDoS exploits the vulnerability of TCP congestion-control mechanism by sending malicious traffic at the low constant rate and influence the victim machine. Recently, machine learning approaches are applied to detect the complex DDoS attacks and improve the efficiency and robustness of the intrusion detection system. In this research, the algorithm is designed to balance the detection rate and its efficiency. The detection algorithm combines the Power Spectral Density (PSD) entropy function and Support Vector Machine to detect LDoS traffic from normal traffic. In our solution, the detection rate and efficiency are adjustable based on the parameter in the decision algorithm. To have high efficiency, the detection method will always detect the attacks by calculating PSD-entropy first and compare it with the two adaptive thresholds. The thresholds can efficiently filter nearly 19% of the samples with a high detection rate. To minimize the computational cost and look only for the patterns that are most relevant for detection, Support Vector Machine based machine learning model is applied to learn the traffic pattern and select appropriate features for detection algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can detect 99.19% of the LDoS attacks and has an O (n log n) time complexity in the best case.
Danger, Jean-Luc, Fribourg, Laurent, Kühne, Ulrich, Naceur, Maha.  2019.  LAOCOÖN: A Run-Time Monitoring and Verification Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection. 2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :269–276.

Hardware Trojan Horses and active fault attacks are a threat to the safety and security of electronic systems. By such manipulations, an attacker can extract sensitive information or disturb the functionality of a device. Therefore, several protections against malicious inclusions have been devised in recent years. A prominent technique to detect abnormal behavior in the field is run-time verification. It relies on dedicated monitoring circuits and on verification rules generated from a set of temporal properties. An important question when dealing with such protections is the effectiveness of the protection against unknown attacks. In this paper, we present a methodology based on automatic generation of monitoring and formal verification techniques that can be used to validate and analyze the quality of a set of temporal properties when used as protection against generic attackers of variable strengths.

Tian, Dave Jing, Hernandez, Grant, Choi, Joseph I., Frost, Vanessa, Johnson, Peter C., Butler, Kevin R. B..  2019.  LBM: A Security Framework for Peripherals within the Linux Kernel. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :967—984.

Modern computer peripherals are diverse in their capabilities and functionality, ranging from keyboards and printers to smartphones and external GPUs. In recent years, peripherals increasingly connect over a small number of standardized communication protocols, including USB, Bluetooth, and NFC. The host operating system is responsible for managing these devices; however, malicious peripherals can request additional functionality from the OS resulting in system compromise, or can craft data packets to exploit vulnerabilities within OS software stacks. Defenses against malicious peripherals to date only partially cover the peripheral attack surface and are limited to specific protocols (e.g., USB). In this paper, we propose Linux (e)BPF Modules (LBM), a general security framework that provides a unified API for enforcing protection against malicious peripherals within the Linux kernel. LBM leverages the eBPF packet filtering mechanism for performance and extensibility and we provide a high-level language to facilitate the development of powerful filtering functionality. We demonstrate how LBM can provide host protection against malicious USB, Bluetooth, and NFC devices; we also instantiate and unify existing defenses under the LBM framework. Our evaluation shows that the overhead introduced by LBM is within 1 μs per packet in most cases, application and system overhead is negligible, and LBM outperforms other state-of-the-art solutions. To our knowledge, LBM is the first security framework designed to provide comprehensive protection against malicious peripherals within the Linux kernel.

Ciupe, Aurelia, Mititica, Doru Florin, Meza, Serban, Orza, Bogdan.  2019.  Learning Agile with Intelligent Conversational Agents. 2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). :1100—1107.

Conversational agents assist traditional teaching-learning instruments in proposing new designs for knowledge creation and learning analysis, across organizational environments. Means of building common educative background in both industry and academic fields become of interest for ensuring educational effectiveness and consistency. Such a context requires transferable practices and becomes the basis for the Agile adoption into Higher Education, at both curriculum and operational levels. The current work proposes a model for delivering Agile Scrum training through an assistive web-based conversational service, where analytics are collected to provide an overview on learners' knowledge path. Besides its specific applicability into Software Engineering (SE) industry, the model is to assist the academic SE curriculum. A user-acceptance test has been carried out among 200 undergraduate students and patterns of interaction have been depicted for 2 conversational strategies.

Tychalas, Dimitrios, Keliris, Anastasis, Maniatakos, Michail.  2019.  LED Alert: Supply Chain Threats for Stealthy Data Exfiltration in Industrial Control Systems. 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :194–199.

Industrial Internet-of-Things has been touted as the next revolution in the industrial domain, offering interconnectivity, independence, real-time operation, and self-optimization. Integration of smart systems, however, bridges the gap between information and operation technology, creating new avenues for attacks from the cyber domain. The dismantling of this air-gap, in conjunction with the devices' long lifespan -in the range of 20-30 years-, motivates us to bring the attention of the community to emerging advanced persistent threats. We demonstrate a threat that bridges the air-gap by leaking data from memory to analog peripherals through Direct Memory Access (DMA), delivered as a firmware modification through the supply chain. The attack automatically adapts to a target device by leveraging the Device Tree and resides solely in the peripherals, completely transparent to the main CPU, by judiciously short-circuiting specific components. We implement this attack on a commercial Programmable Logic Controller, leaking information over the available LEDs. We evaluate the presented attack vector in terms of stealthiness, and demonstrate no observable overhead on both CPU performance and DMA transfer speed. Since traditional anomaly detection techniques would fail to detect this firmware trojan, this work highlights the need for industrial control system-appropriate techniques that can be applied promptly to installed devices.

Alomari, Mohammad Ahmed, Hafiz Yusoff, M., Samsudin, Khairulmizam, Ahmad, R. Badlishah.  2019.  Light Database Encryption Design Utilizing Multicore Processors for Mobile Devices. 2019 IEEE 15th International Colloquium on Signal Processing Its Applications (CSPA). :254–259.

The confidentiality of data stored in embedded and handheld devices has become an urgent necessity more than ever before. Encryption of sensitive data is a well-known technique to preserve their confidentiality, however it comes with certain costs that can heavily impact the device processing resources. Utilizing multicore processors, which are equipped with current embedded devices, has brought a new era to enhance data confidentiality while maintaining suitable device performance. Encrypting the complete storage area, also known as Full Disk Encryption (FDE) can still be challenging, especially with newly emerging massive storage systems. Alternatively, since the most user sensitive data are residing inside persisting databases, it will be more efficient to focus on securing SQLite databases, through encryption, where SQLite is the most common RDBMS in handheld and embedded systems. This paper addresses the problem of ensuring data protection in embedded and mobile devices while maintaining suitable device performance by mitigating the impact of encryption. We presented here a proposed design for a parallel database encryption system, called SQLite-XTS. The proposed system encrypts data stored in databases transparently on-the-fly without the need for any user intervention. To maintain a proper device performance, the system takes advantage of the commodity multicore processors available with most embedded and mobile devices.

Bauer, Sergei, Brunner, Martin, Schartner, Peter.  2019.  Lightweight Authentication for Low-End Control Units with Hardware Based Individual Keys. 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC). :425–426.

In autonomous driving, security issues from robotic and automotive applications are converging toward each other. A novel approach for deriving secret keys using a lightweight cipher in the firmware of low-end control units is introduced. By evaluating the method on a typical low-end automotive platform, we demonstrate the reusability of the cipher for message authentication. The proposed solution counteracts a known security issue in the robotics and automotive domain.

Noura, Hassan, Chehab, Ali, Couturier, Raphael.  2019.  Lightweight Dynamic Key-Dependent and Flexible Cipher Scheme for IoT Devices. 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1–8.

Security attacks against Internet of Things (IoT) are on the rise and they lead to drastic consequences. Data confidentiality is typically based on a strong symmetric-key algorithm to guard against confidentiality attacks. However, there is a need to design an efficient lightweight cipher scheme for a number of applications for IoT systems. Recently, a set of lightweight cryptographic algorithms have been presented and they are based on the dynamic key approach, requiring a small number of rounds to minimize the computation and resource overhead, without degrading the security level. This paper follows this logic and provides a new flexible lightweight cipher, with or without chaining operation mode, with a simple round function and a dynamic key for each input message. Consequently, the proposed cipher scheme can be utilized for real-time applications and/or devices with limited resources such as Multimedia Internet of Things (MIoT) systems. The importance of the proposed solution is that it produces dynamic cryptographic primitives and it performs the mixing of selected blocks in a dynamic pseudo-random manner. Accordingly, different plaintext messages are encrypted differently, and the avalanche effect is also preserved. Finally, security and performance analysis are presented to validate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed cipher variants.

Heigl, Michael, Schramm, Martin, Fiala, Dalibor.  2019.  A Lightweight Quantum-Safe Security Concept for Wireless Sensor Network Communication. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :906–911.

The ubiquitous internetworking of devices in all areas of life is boosted by various trends for instance the Internet of Things. Promising technologies that can be used for such future environments come from Wireless Sensor Networks. It ensures connectivity between distributed, tiny and simple sensor nodes as well as sensor nodes and base stations in order to monitor physical or environmental conditions such as vibrations, temperature or motion. Security plays an increasingly important role in the coming decades in which attacking strategies are becoming more and more sophisticated. Contemporary cryptographic mechanisms face a great threat from quantum computers in the near future and together with Intrusion Detection Systems are hardly applicable on sensors due to strict resource constraints. Thus, in this work a future-proof lightweight and resource-aware security concept for sensor networks with a processing stage permeated filtering mechanism is proposed. A special focus in the concepts evaluation lies on the novel Magic Number filter to mitigate a special kind of Denial-of-Service attack performed on CC1350 LaunchPad ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller boards.

Noura, Hassan, Couturier, Raphael, Pham, Congduc, Chehab, Ali.  2019.  Lightweight Stream Cipher Scheme for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices. 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). :1–8.

The Internet of Things (IoT) systems are vulnerable to many security threats that may have drastic impacts. Existing cryptographic solutions do not cater for the limitations of resource-constrained IoT devices, nor for real-time requirements of some IoT applications. Therefore, it is essential to design new efficient cipher schemes with low overhead in terms of delay and resource requirements. In this paper, we propose a lightweight stream cipher scheme, which is based, on one hand, on the dynamic key-dependent approach to achieve a high security level, and on the other hand, the scheme involves few simple operations to minimize the overhead. In our approach, cryptographic primitives change in a dynamic lightweight manner for each input block. Security and performance study as well as experimentation are performed to validate that the proposed cipher achieves a high level of efficiency and robustness, making it suitable for resource-constrained IoT devices.

Yin, Z., Dou, S., Bai, H., Hou, Y..  2019.  Light-Weighted Security Access Scheme of Broadband Power Line Communications for Multi-Source Information Collection. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1087–1090.

With the continuously development of smart meter-reading technologies for decades, remote information collection of electricity, water, gas and heat meters have been realized. Due to the difference of electrical interfaces and communication protocols among various types of meters, communication modes of meter terminals are not so compatible, it is difficult to realize communication optimization of electricity, water, gas and heat meters information collection services. In addition, with the development of power consumption information acquisition system, the number of acquisition terminals soars greatly and the data of terminal access is highly concurrent. Therefore, the risk of security access is increasing. This paper presents a light-weighted security access scheme of power line communication based on multi-source data acquisition of electricity, water, gas and heat meters, which separates multi-source data acquisition services and achieve services security isolation and channel security isolation. The communication reliability and security of the meter-reading service of "electricity, water, gas and heat" will be improved and the integrated meter service will be realized reliably.

Guang, Xuan, Yeung, Raymond w..  2019.  Local-Encoding-Preserving Secure Network Coding for Fixed Dimension. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :201-205.

In the paradigm of network coding, information-theoretic security is considered in the presence of wiretappers, who can access one arbitrary edge subset up to a certain size, referred to as the security level. Secure network coding is applied to prevent the leakage of the source information to the wiretappers. In this paper, we consider the problem of secure network coding for flexible pairs of information rate and security level with any fixed dimension (equal to the sum of rate and security level). We present a novel approach for designing a secure linear network code (SLNC) such that the same SLNC can be applied for all the rate and security-level pairs with the fixed dimension. We further develop a polynomial-time algorithm for efficient implementation and prove that there is no penalty on the required field size for the existence of SLNCs in terms of the best known lower bound by Guang and Yeung. Finally, by applying our approach as a crucial building block, we can construct a family of SLNCs that not only can be applied to all possible pairs of rate and security level but also share a common local encoding kernel at each intermediate node in the network.

Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Gillett, Jonathan, Mouratidis, Haralambos, Naik, Kshirasagar, Song, Jingping.  2019.  Lockout-Tagout Ransomware: A Detection Method for Ransomware using Fuzzy Hashing and Clustering. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :641–648.

Ransomware attacks are a prevalent cybersecurity threat to every user and enterprise today. This is attributed to their polymorphic behaviour and dispersion of inexhaustible versions due to the same ransomware family or threat actor. A certain ransomware family or threat actor repeatedly utilises nearly the same style or codebase to create a vast number of ransomware versions. Therefore, it is essential for users and enterprises to keep well-informed about this threat landscape and adopt proactive prevention strategies to minimise its spread and affects. This requires a technique to detect ransomware samples to determine the similarity and link with the known ransomware family or threat actor. Therefore, this paper presents a detection method for ransomware by employing a combination of a similarity preserving hashing method called fuzzy hashing and a clustering method. This detection method is applied on the collected WannaCry/WannaCryptor ransomware samples utilising a range of fuzzy hashing and clustering methods. The clustering results of various clustering methods are evaluated through the use of the internal evaluation indexes to determine the accuracy and consistency of their clustering results, thus the effective combination of fuzzy hashing and clustering method as applied to the particular ransomware corpus. The proposed detection method is a static analysis method, which requires fewer computational overheads and performs rapid comparative analysis with respect to other static analysis methods.

Zhan, Dongyang, Li, Huhua, Ye, Lin, Zhang, Hongli, Fang, Binxing, Du, Xiaojiang.  2019.  A Low-Overhead Kernel Object Monitoring Approach for Virtual Machine Introspection. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.

Monitoring kernel object modification of virtual machine is widely used by virtual-machine-introspection-based security monitors to protect virtual machines in cloud computing, such as monitoring dentry objects to intercept file operations, etc. However, most of the current virtual machine monitors, such as KVM and Xen, only support page-level monitoring, because the Intel EPT technology can only monitor page privilege. If the out-of-virtual-machine security tools want to monitor some kernel objects, they need to intercept the operation of the whole memory page. Since there are some other objects stored in the monitored pages, the modification of them will also trigger the monitor. Therefore, page-level memory monitor usually introduces overhead to related kernel services of the target virtual machine. In this paper, we propose a low-overhead kernel object monitoring approach to reduce the overhead caused by page-level monitor. The core idea is to migrate the target kernel objects to a protected memory area and then to monitor the corresponding new memory pages. Since the new pages only contain the kernel objects to be monitored, other kernel objects will not trigger our monitor. Therefore, our monitor will not introduce runtime overhead to the related kernel service. The experimental results show that our system can monitor target kernel objects effectively only with very low overhead.

Wang, Meng, Chow, Joe H., Hao, Yingshuai, Zhang, Shuai, Li, Wenting, Wang, Ren, Gao, Pengzhi, Lackner, Christopher, Farantatos, Evangelos, Patel, Mahendra.  2019.  A Low-Rank Framework of PMU Data Recovery and Event Identification. 2019 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics (SGSMA). :1–9.

The large amounts of synchrophasor data obtained by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) provide dynamic visibility into power systems. Extracting reliable information from the data can enhance power system situational awareness. The data quality often suffers from data losses, bad data, and cyber data attacks. Data privacy is also an increasing concern. In this paper, we discuss our recently proposed framework of data recovery, error correction, data privacy enhancement, and event identification methods by exploiting the intrinsic low-dimensional structures in the high-dimensional spatial-temporal blocks of PMU data. Our data-driven approaches are computationally efficient with provable analytical guarantees. The data recovery method can recover the ground-truth data even if simultaneous and consecutive data losses and errors happen across all PMU channels for some time. We can identify PMU channels that are under false data injection attacks by locating abnormal dynamics in the data. The data recovery method for the operator can extract the information accurately by collectively processing the privacy-preserving data from many PMUs. A cyber intruder with access to partial measurements cannot recover the data correctly even using the same approach. A real-time event identification method is also proposed, based on the new idea of characterizing an event by the low-dimensional subspace spanned by the dominant singular vectors of the data matrix.

Shrishti, Burra, Manohar S., Maurya, Chanchal, Maity, Soumyadev.  2019.  Leakage Resilient Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Periodic Updation. {2019 3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics} (ICOEI).

Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) scheme allows a data owner to perform search queries over encrypted documents using symmetric cryptography. SSE schemes are useful in cloud storage and data outsourcing. Most of the SSE schemes in existing literature have been proved to leak a substantial amount of information that can lead to an inference attack. This paper presents, a novel leakage resilient searchable symmetric encryption with periodic updation (LRSSEPU) scheme that minimizes extra information leakage, and prevents an untrusted cloud server from performing document mapping attack, query recovery attack and other inference attacks. In particular, the size of the keyword vector is fixed and the keywords are periodically permuted and updated to achieve minimum leakage. Furthermore, our proposed LRSSEPU scheme provides authentication of the query messages and restricts an adversary from performing a replay attack, forged query attack and denial of service attack. We employ a combination of identity-based cryptography (IBC) with symmetric key cryptography to reduce the computation cost and communication overhead. Our scheme is lightweight and easy to implement with very little communication overhead.

Chin, Paul, Cao, Yuan, Zhao, Xiaojin, Zhang, Leilei, Zhang, Fan.  2019.  Locking Secret Data in the Vault Leveraging Fuzzy PUFs. 2019 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1–6.

Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are considered as an attractive low-cost security anchor. The unique features of PUFs are dependent on the Nanoscale variations introduced during the manufacturing variations. Most PUFs exhibit an unreliability problem due to aging and inherent sensitivity to the environmental conditions. As a remedy to the reliability issue, helper data algorithms are used in practice. A helper data algorithm generates and stores the helper data in the enrollment phase in a secure environment. The generated helper data are used then for error correction, which can transform the unique feature of PUFs into a reproducible key. The key can be used to encrypt secret data in the security scheme. In contrast, this work shows that the fuzzy PUFs can be used to secret important data directly by an error-tolerant protocol without the enrollment phase and error-correction algorithm. In our proposal, the secret data is locked in a vault leveraging the unique fuzzy pattern of PUF. Although the noise exists, the data can then be released only by this unique PUF. The evaluation was performed on the most prominent intrinsic PUF - DRAM PUF. The test results demonstrate that our proposal can reach an acceptable reconstruction rate in various environment. Finally, the security analysis of the new proposal is discussed.

Yao, Lin, Jiang, Binyao, Deng, Jing, Obaidat, Mohammad S..  2019.  LSTM-Based Detection for Timing Attacks in Named Data Network. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1—6.

Named Data Network (NDN) is an alternative to host-centric networking exemplified by today's Internet. One key feature of NDN is in-network caching that reduces access delay and query overhead by caching popular contents at the source as well as at a few other nodes. Unfortunately, in-network caching suffers various privacy risks by different attacks, one of which is termed timing attack. This is an attack to infer whether a consumer has recently requested certain contents based on the time difference between the delivery time of those contents that are currently cached and those that are not cached. In order to prevent the privacy leakage and resist such kind of attacks, we propose a detection scheme by adopting Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) model. Based on the four input features of LSTM, cache hit ratio, average request interval, request frequency, and types of requested contents, we timely capture more important eigenvalues by dividing a constant time window size into a few small slices in order to detect timing attacks accurately. We have performed extensive simulations to compare our scheme with several other state-of-the-art schemes in classification accuracy, detection ratio, false alarm ratio, and F-measure. It has been shown that our scheme possesses a better performance in all cases studied.

Wu, Peilun, Guo, Hui.  2019.  LuNet: A Deep Neural Network for Network Intrusion Detection. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :617—624.

Network attack is a significant security issue for modern society. From small mobile devices to large cloud platforms, almost all computing products, used in our daily life, are networked and potentially under the threat of network intrusion. With the fast-growing network users, network intrusions become more and more frequent, volatile and advanced. Being able to capture intrusions in time for such a large scale network is critical and very challenging. To this end, the machine learning (or AI) based network intrusion detection (NID), due to its intelligent capability, has drawn increasing attention in recent years. Compared to the traditional signature-based approaches, the AI-based solutions are more capable of detecting variants of advanced network attacks. However, the high detection rate achieved by the existing designs is usually accompanied by a high rate of false alarms, which may significantly discount the overall effectiveness of the intrusion detection system. In this paper, we consider the existence of spatial and temporal features in the network traffic data and propose a hierarchical CNN+RNN neural network, LuNet. In LuNet, the convolutional neural network (CNN) and the recurrent neural network (RNN) learn input traffic data in sync with a gradually increasing granularity such that both spatial and temporal features of the data can be effectively extracted. Our experiments on two network traffic datasets show that compared to the state-of-the-art network intrusion detection techniques, LuNet not only offers a high level of detection capability but also has a much low rate of false positive-alarm.

Thulasiraman, Preetha, Wang, Yizhong.  2019.  A Lightweight Trust-Based Security Architecture for RPL in Mobile IoT Networks. 2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–6.

Military communities have come to rely heavily on commercial off the shelf (COTS) standards and technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) operations. One of the major obstacles to military use of COTS IoT devices is the security of data transfer. In this paper, we successfully design and develop a lightweight, trust-based security architecture to support routing in a mobile IoT network. Specifically, we modify the RPL IoT routing algorithm using common security techniques, including a nonce identity value, timestamp, and network whitelist. Our approach allows RPL to select a routing path over a mobile IoT wireless network based on a computed node trust value and average received signal strength indicator (ARSSI) value across network members. We conducted simulations using the Cooja network simulator and Wireshark to validate the algorithm against stipulated threat models. We demonstrate that our algorithm can protect the network against Denial of Service (DoS) and Sybil based identity attacks. We also show that the control overhead required for our algorithm is less than 5% and that the packet delivery rate improves by nearly 10%.

Kaul, Sonam Devgan, Hatzinakos, Dimitrios.  2019.  Learning Automata Based Secure Multi Agent RFID Authentication System. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–7.
Radio frequency identification wireless sensing technology widely adopted and developed from last decade and has been utilized for monitoring and autonomous identification of objects. However, wider utilization of RFID technologies has introduced challenges such as preserving security and privacy of sensitive data while maintaining the high quality of service. Thus, in this work, we will deliberately build up a RFID system by utilizing learning automata based multi agent intelligent system to greatly enhance and secure message transactions and to improve operational efficiency. The incorporation of these two advancements and technological developments will provide maximum benefit in terms of expertly and securely handle data in RFID scenario. In proposed work, learning automata inbuilt RFID tags or assumed players choose their optimal strategy via enlarging its own utility function to achieve long term benefit. This is possible if they transmit their utility securely to back end server and then correspondingly safely get new utility function from server to behave optimally in its environment. Hence, our proposed authentication protocol, expertly transfer utility from learning automata inbuilt tags to reader and then to server. Moreover, we verify the security and privacy of our proposed system by utilizing automatic formal prover Scyther tool.
Jiang, Ruituo, Li, Xu, Gao, Ang, Li, Lixin, Meng, Hongying, Yue, Shigang, Zhang, Lei.  2019.  Learning Spectral and Spatial Features Based on Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution. IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. :3161—3164.

Super-resolution (SR) of hyperspectral images (HSIs) aims to enhance the spatial/spectral resolution of hyperspectral imagery and the super-resolved results will benefit many remote sensing applications. A generative adversarial network for HSIs super-resolution (HSRGAN) is proposed in this paper. Specifically, HSRGAN constructs spectral and spatial blocks with residual network in generator to effectively learn spectral and spatial features from HSIs. Furthermore, a new loss function which combines the pixel-wise loss and adversarial loss together is designed to guide the generator to recover images approximating the original HSIs and with finer texture details. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that the proposed HSRGAN is superior to the state of the art methods like SRCNN and SRGAN for HSIs spatial SR.