Visible to the public Making active-probing-based network intrusion detection in Wireless Multihop Networks practical: A Bayesian inference approach to probe selection

TitleMaking active-probing-based network intrusion detection in Wireless Multihop Networks practical: A Bayesian inference approach to probe selection
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
Authorsdo Carmo, R., Hoffmann, J., Willert, V., Hollick, M.
Conference NameLocal Computer Networks (LCN), 2014 IEEE 39th Conference on
Date PublishedSept
ISBN Number978-1-4799-3780-6
Keywordsactive-probing-based network intrusion detection system, AP-NIDS DogoIDS, Bayes inference, Bayes methods, Bayesian inference, Bayesian model, Equations, IEEE 802.11s, indoor communication, indoor wireless mesh testbed, Intrusion detection, probe selection algorithm, Probes, security, security of data, spread spectrum communication, Telecommunication standards, testbed experimentation, Testing, Wireless communication, wireless mesh networks, wireless multihop networks, WMN

Practical intrusion detection in Wireless Multihop Networks (WMNs) is a hard challenge. The distributed nature of the network makes centralized intrusion detection difficult, while resource constraints of the nodes and the characteristics of the wireless medium often render decentralized, node-based approaches impractical. We demonstrate that an active-probing-based network intrusion detection system (AP-NIDS) is practical for WMNs. The key contribution of this paper is to optimize the active probing process: we introduce a general Bayesian model and design a probe selection algorithm that reduces the number of probes while maximizing the insights gathered by the AP-NIDS. We validate our model by means of testbed experimentation. We integrate it to our open source AP-NIDS DogoIDS and run it in an indoor wireless mesh testbed utilizing the IEEE 802.11s protocol. For the example of a selective packet dropping attack, we develop the detection states for our Bayes model, and show its feasibility. We demonstrate that our approach does not need to execute the complete set of probes, yet we obtain good detection rates.

Citation Key6925790