Visible to the public Cybersecurity Education: From Beginners to Advanced Players in Cybersecurity Competitions

TitleCybersecurity Education: From Beginners to Advanced Players in Cybersecurity Competitions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsThomas, L. J., Balders, M., Countney, Z., Zhong, C., Yao, J., Xu, C.
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI)
Date PublishedJuly 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-2504-6
Keywordsactive learning, advanced players, capture-the-flag type tasks, college-level cybersecurity competition, computer aided instruction, computer science education, computer security, confidence level, cyber physical systems, cybersecurity competition, cybersecurity concepts, cybersecurity education, Educational institutions, Games, human factors, human-subject study, individual games, Interviews, learning needs, motivation, National Cyber League competition, novice players, player feedback, player interests, privacy, pubcrawl, security of data, student engagement, systematic training, Systematics, Task Analysis, team game, Tools, Training, undergraduate students

Cybersecurity competitions have been shown to be an effective approach for promoting student engagement through active learning in cybersecurity. Players can gain hands-on experience in puzzle-based or capture-the-flag type tasks that promote learning. However, novice players with limited prior knowledge in cybersecurity usually found difficult to have a clue to solve a problem and get frustrated at the early stage. To enhance student engagement, it is important to study the experiences of novices to better understand their learning needs. To achieve this goal, we conducted a 4-month longitudinal case study which involves 11 undergraduate students participating in a college-level cybersecurity competition, National Cyber League (NCL) competition. The competition includes two individual games and one team game. Questionnaires and in-person interviews were conducted before and after each game to collect the players' feedback on their experience, learning challenges and needs, and information about their motivation, interests and confidence level. The collected data demonstrate that the primary concern going into these competitions stemmed from a lack of knowledge regarding cybersecurity concepts and tools. Players' interests and confidence can be increased by going through systematic training.

Citation Keythomas_cybersecurity_2019