Visible to the public Human acoustic fingerprints: A novel biometric modality for mobile security

TitleHuman acoustic fingerprints: A novel biometric modality for mobile security
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsYuxi Liu, Hatzinakos, D.
Conference NameAcoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Date PublishedMay
KeywordsAcoustic signal processing, Autoencoder Neural Network, biometric modality, Biometric Verification, biometrics (access control), blind recognition problem, feature extraction, generic dataset, human acoustic fingerprints, learning (artificial intelligence), learning model, mobile biometric system, Mobile communication, mobile computing, mobile devices, mobile environment, Mobile handsets, mobile security, neural nets, Neural networks, Otoacoustic Emission, otoacoustic emissions, pre-enrolled identity gallery, security, Time-frequency Analysis, Training, transient evoked otoacoustic emission, unsupervised learning approach

Recently, the demand for more robust protection against unauthorized use of mobile devices has been rapidly growing. This paper presents a novel biometric modality Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission (TEOAE) for mobile security. Prior works have investigated TEOAE for biometrics in a setting where an individual is to be identified among a pre-enrolled identity gallery. However, this limits the applicability to mobile environment, where attacks in most cases are from imposters unknown to the system before. Therefore, we employ an unsupervised learning approach based on Autoencoder Neural Network to tackle such blind recognition problem. The learning model is trained upon a generic dataset and used to verify an individual in a random population. We also introduce the framework of mobile biometric system considering practical application. Experiments show the merits of the proposed method and system performance is further evaluated by cross-validation with an average EER 2.41% achieved.

Citation Key6854309