Visible to the public A Framework for Wide-Area Monitoring and Control Systems Interoperability and Cybersecurity Analysis

TitleA Framework for Wide-Area Monitoring and Control Systems Interoperability and Cybersecurity Analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChenine, M., Ullberg, J., Nordstrom, L., Wu, Y., Ericsson, G.N.
JournalPower Delivery, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedApril
KeywordsAnalytical models, Communication systems, computer security, cybersecurity, cybersecurity analysis, decision making, electric power system, enterprise architecture analysis, enterprise architecture method, information and communication technology, interoperability, Network interfaces, next generation operational management system, nonfunctional quality, open systems, power system management, power system measurement, power system security, Power systems, Protocols, real time situational awareness, SCADA systems, Unified modeling language, WAMC ICT architecture, wide area monitoring and control systems interoperability, wide-area monitoring and control systems (WAMCS)

Wide-area monitoring and control (WAMC) systems are the next-generation operational-management systems for electric power systems. The main purpose of such systems is to provide high resolution real-time situational awareness in order to improve the operation of the power system by detecting and responding to fast evolving phenomenon in power systems. From an information and communication technology (ICT) perspective, the nonfunctional qualities of these systems are increasingly becoming important and there is a need to evaluate and analyze the factors that impact these nonfunctional qualities. Enterprise architecture methods, which capture properties of ICT systems in architecture models and use these models as a basis for analysis and decision making, are a promising approach to meet these challenges. This paper presents a quantitative architecture analysis method for the study of WAMC ICT architectures focusing primarily on the interoperability and cybersecurity aspects.

Citation Key6702498