Visible to the public Enhancing secrecy by full-duplex antenna selection in cognitive networks

TitleEnhancing secrecy by full-duplex antenna selection in cognitive networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsChen, G., Coon, J.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
Date Publishedjul
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1629-1
Keywordsantenna arrays, antenna selection, cognitive networks, Cognitive radio, Cognitive Radio Security, full duplex communication, full-duplex, full-duplex antenna selection, jamming, physical layer security, power system reliability, probability, pubcrawl, radio network secrecy enhancement, receiving antennas, Resiliency, secondary eavesdropping network, secondary users, secrecy outage probability, telecommunication security, transmitting antennas

We consider an underlay cognitive network with secondary users that support full-duplex communication. In this context, we propose the application of antenna selection at the secondary destination node to improve the secondary user secrecy performance. Antenna selection rules for cases where exact and average knowledge of the eavesdropping channels are investigated. The secrecy outage probabilities for the secondary eavesdropping network are analyzed, and it is shown that the secrecy performance improvement due to antenna selection is due to coding gain rather than diversity gain. This is very different from classical antenna selection for data transmission, which usually leads to a higher diversity gain. Numerical simulations are included to verify the performance of the proposed scheme.

Citation Keychen_enhancing_2017