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EVINA, P. A., AYACHI, F. LABBENE, JAIDI, F., Bouhoula, A..  2019.  Enforcing a Risk Assessment Approach in Access Control Policies Management: Analysis, Correlation Study and Model Enhancement. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :1866—1871.
Nowadays, the domain of Information System (IS) security is closely related to that of Risk Management (RM). As an immediate consequence, talking about and tackling the security of IS imply the implementation of a set of mechanisms that aim to reduce or eliminate the risk of IS degradations. Also, the high cadence of IS evolution requires careful consideration of corresponding measures to prevent or mitigate security risks that may cause the degradation of these systems. From this perspective, an access control service is subjected to a number of rules established to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the handled data. During their lifecycle, the use or manipulation of Access Control Policies (ACP) is accompanied with several defects that are made intentionally or not. For many years, these defects have been the subject of numerous studies either for their detection or for the analysis of the risks incurred by IS to their recurrence and complexity. In our research works, we focus on the analysis and risk assessment of noncompliance anomalies in concrete instances of access control policies. We complete our analysis by studying and assessing the risks associated with the correlation that may exist between different anomalies. Indeed, taking into account possible correlations can make a significant contribution to the reliability of IS. Identifying correlation links between anomalies in concrete instances of ACP contributes in discovering or detecting new scenarios of alterations and attacks. Therefore, once done, this study mainly contributes in the improvement of our risk assessment model.
Efstathopoulos, G., Grammatikis, P. R., Sarigiannidis, P., Argyriou, V., Sarigiannidis, A., Stamatakis, K., Angelopoulos, M. K., Athanasopoulos, S. K..  2019.  Operational Data Based Intrusion Detection System for Smart Grid. 2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). :1—6.

With the rapid progression of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and especially of Internet of Things (IoT), the conventional electrical grid is transformed into a new intelligent paradigm, known as Smart Grid (SG). SG provides significant benefits both for utility companies and energy consumers such as the two-way communication (both electricity and information), distributed generation, remote monitoring, self-healing and pervasive control. However, at the same time, this dependence introduces new security challenges, since SG inherits the vulnerabilities of multiple heterogeneous, co-existing legacy and smart technologies, such as IoT and Industrial Control Systems (ICS). An effective countermeasure against the various cyberthreats in SG is the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), informing the operator timely about the possible cyberattacks and anomalies. In this paper, we provide an anomaly-based IDS especially designed for SG utilising operational data from a real power plant. In particular, many machine learning and deep learning models were deployed, introducing novel parameters and feature representations in a comparative study. The evaluation analysis demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed IDS and the improvement due to the suggested complex data representation.

Agadakos, I., Ciocarlie, G. F., Copos, B., Emmi, M., George, J., Leslie, N., Michaelis, J..  2019.  Application of Trust Assessment Techniques to IoBT Systems. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :833—840.

Continued advances in IoT technology have prompted new investigation into its usage for military operations, both to augment and complement existing military sensing assets and support next-generation artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. Under the emerging Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) paradigm, current operational conditions necessitate the development of novel security techniques, centered on establishment of trust for individual assets and supporting resilience of broader systems. To advance current IoBT efforts, a collection of prior-developed cybersecurity techniques is reviewed for applicability to conditions presented by IoBT operational environments (e.g., diverse asset ownership, degraded networking infrastructure, adversary activities) through use of supporting case study examples. The research techniques covered focus on two themes: (1) Supporting trust assessment for known/unknown IoT assets; (2) ensuring continued trust of known IoT assets and IoBT systems.

Ekşim, A., Demirci, T..  2019.  Ultimate Secrecy in Wireless Communications. 2019 11th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO). :682–686.
In this work, communication secrecy in the physical layer for various radio frequencies is examined. Frequencies with the highest level of secrecy in 1-1000 GHz range and their level of communication secrecy are derived. The concept of ultimate secrecy in wireless communications is proposed. Attenuation lines and ranges of both detection and ultimate secrecy are calculated for transmitter powers from 1 W to 1000 W. From results, frequencies with the highest potential to apply bandwidth saving method known as frequency reuse are devised. Commonly used secrecy benchmarks for the given conditions are calculated. Frequencies with the highest attenuation are devised and their ranges of both detection and ultimate secrecy are calculated.
Yuan, X., Zhang, T., Shama, A. A., Xu, J., Yang, L., Ellis, J., He, W., Waters, C..  2019.  Teaching Cybersecurity Using Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—6.

This Innovate Practice Full Paper describes our experience with teaching cybersecurity topics using guided inquiry collaborative learning. The goal is to not only develop the students' in-depth technical knowledge, but also “soft skills” such as communication, attitude, team work, networking, problem-solving and critical thinking. This paper reports our experience with developing and using the Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning materials on the topics of firewall and IPsec. Pre- and post-surveys were conducted to access the effectiveness of the developed materials and teaching methods in terms of learning outcome, attitudes, learning experience and motivation. Analysis of the survey data shows that students had increased learning outcome, participation in class, and interest with Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning.

Anzer, Ayesha, Elhadef, Mourad.  2018.  A Multilayer Perceptron-Based Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Internet of Vehicles. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC). :438—445.

Security of Internet of vehicles (IoV) is critical as it promises to provide with safer and secure driving. IoV relies on VANETs which is based on V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle) communication. The vehicles are integrated with various sensors and embedded systems allowing them to gather data related to the situation on the road. The collected data can be information associated with a car accident, the congested highway ahead, parked car, etc. This information exchanged with other neighboring vehicles on the road to promote safe driving. IoV networks are vulnerable to various security attacks. The V2V communication comprises specific vulnerabilities which can be manipulated by attackers to compromise the whole network. In this paper, we concentrate on intrusion detection in IoV and propose a multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network to detect intruders or attackers on an IoV network. Results are in the form of prediction, classification reports, and confusion matrix. A thorough simulation study demonstrates the effectiveness of the new MLP-based intrusion detection system.

Ermakov, Anton D., Prokopenko, Svetlana A., Yevtushenko, Nina V..  2018.  Security Checking Experiments with Mobile Services. 2018 19th International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM). :139—141.
In this paper, we continue to investigate the problem of software security. The problem is to check if software under test has some vulnerabilities such as exceeding of admissible values of input/output parameters or internal variables or can reach states where the software (service) behavior is not defined. We illustrate by experiments that the well-known verifier Java Path Finder (JPF) can be utilized for this purpose. We apply JPF-mobile to Android applications and results of security checking experiments are presented.
Basu, Kanad, Elnaggar, Rana, Chakrabarty, Krishnendu, Karri, Ramesh.  2019.  PREEMPT: PReempting Malware by Examining Embedded Processor Traces. 2019 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1—6.

Anti-virus software (AVS) tools are used to detect Malware in a system. However, software-based AVS are vulnerable to attacks. A malicious entity can exploit these vulnerabilities to subvert the AVS. Recently, hardware components such as Hardware Performance Counters (HPC) have been used for Malware detection. In this paper, we propose PREEMPT, a zero overhead, high-accuracy and low-latency technique to detect Malware by re-purposing the embedded trace buffer (ETB), a debug hardware component available in most modern processors. The ETB is used for post-silicon validation and debug and allows us to control and monitor the internal activities of a chip, beyond what is provided by the Input/Output pins. PREEMPT combines these hardware-level observations with machine learning-based classifiers to preempt Malware before it can cause damage. There are many benefits of re-using the ETB for Malware detection. It is difficult to hack into hardware compared to software, and hence, PREEMPT is more robust against attacks than AVS. PREEMPT does not incur performance penalties. Finally, PREEMPT has a high True Positive value of 94% and maintains a low False Positive value of 2%.

Bakht, Humayun, Eding, Samuel.  2018.  Policy-Based Approach for Securing Message Dissemination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 4th Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :1040—1045.

Mobile ad hoc networks present numerous advantages compared to traditional networks. However, due to the fact that they do not have any central management point and are highly dynamic, mobile ad hoc networks display many issues. The one study in this paper is the one related to security. A policy based approach for securing messages dissemination in mobile ad hoc network is proposed in order to tackle that issue.

El-Zoghby, Ayman M., Mosharafa, Ahmed, Azer, Marianne A..  2018.  Anonymous Routing Protocols in MANETs, a Security Comparative Analysis. 2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO). :254—259.

A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is considered a type of network which is wireless and has no fixed infrastructure composed of a set if nodes in self organized fashion which are randomly, frequently and unpredictably mobile. MANETs can be applied in both military and civil environments ones because of its numerous applications. This is due to their special characteristics and self-configuration capability. This is due to its dynamic nature, lack of fixed infrastructure, and the no need of being centrally managed; a special type of routing protocols such as Anonymous routing protocols are needed to hide the identifiable information of communicating parties, while preserving the communication secrecy. This paper provides an examination of a comprehensive list of anonymous routing protocols in MANET, focusing their security and performance capabilities.

Hossain, Sazzat, Hussain, Md. Sazzad, Ema, Romana Rahman, Dutta, Songita, Sarkar, Suborna, Islam, Tajul.  2019.  Detecting Black hole attack by selecting appropriate routes for authentic message passing using SHA-3 and Diffie-Hellman algorithm in AODV and AOMDV routing protocols in MANET. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—7.
Ad hoc network is sensitive to attacks because it has temporary nature and frequently recognized insecure environment. Both Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance vector (AOMDV) routing protocols have the strategy to take help from Wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is recognized as an useful internet protocol and where the mobile nodes are self-configuring and self-organizing in character. This research paper has focused on the detection and influence of black hole attack on the execution of AODV and AOMDV routing protocols and has also evaluated the performance of those two on-demand routing protocols in MANETs. AODV has the characteristics for discovering a single path in single route discovery and AOMDV has the characteristics for discovering multiple paths in single route discovery. Here a proposed method for both AODV and AOMDV routing protocol, has been applied for the detection of the black hole attack, which is the merge of both SHA-3 and Diffie-Hellman algorithm. This merge technique has been applied to detect black hole attack in MANET. This technique has been applied to measure the performance matrices for both AODV and AOMDV and those performance matrices are Average Throughput, Average End to End delay and Normalized Routing Load. Both AODV and AOMDV routing protocol have been compared with each other to show that under black hole attack, AOMDV protocol always has better execution than AODV protocol. Here, NS-2.35 has been used as the Network Simulator tool for the simulation of these particular three types of performance metrics stated above.
DaSilva, Gianni, Loud, Vincent, Salazar, Ana, Soto, Jeff, Elleithy, Abdelrahman.  2019.  Context-Oriented Privacy Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2019 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT). :1–4.
As more devices become connected to the internet and new technologies emerge to connect them, security must keep up to protect data during transmission and at rest. Several instances of security breaches have forced many companies to investigate the effectiveness of their security measures. In this paper, we discuss different methodologies for protecting data as it relates to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Data collected from these sensors range in type from location data of an individual to surveillance for military applications. We propose a solution that protects the location of the base station and the nodes while transmitting data.
Eryonucu, Cihan, Ayday, Erman, Zeydan, Engin.  2018.  A Demonstration of Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection. 2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM). :1–3.
In recent years, service providers, such as mobile operators providing wireless services, collected location data in enormous extent with the increase of the usages of mobile phones. Vertical businesses, such as banks, may want to use this location information for their own scenarios. However, service providers cannot directly provide these private data to the vertical businesses because of the privacy and legal issues. In this demo, we show how privacy preserving solutions can be utilized using such location-based queries without revealing each organization's sensitive data. In our demonstration, we used partially homomorphic cryptosystem in our protocols and showed practicality and feasibility of our proposed solution.
Engoulou, Richard Gilles, Bellaiche, Martine, Halabi, Talal, Pierre, Samuel.  2019.  A Decentralized Reputation Management System for Securing the Internet of Vehicles. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :900–904.
The evolution of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) paradigm has recently attracted a lot of researchers and industries. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is the networking model that lies at the heart of this technology. It enables the vehicles to exchange relevant information concerning road conditions and safety. However, ensuring communication security has been and still is one of the main challenges to vehicles' interconnection. To secure the interconnected vehicular system, many cryptography techniques, communication protocols, and certification and reputation-based security approaches were proposed. Nonetheless, some limitations are still present, preventing the practical implementation of such approaches. In this paper, we first define a set of locally-perceived behavioral reputation parameters that enable a distributed evaluation of vehicles' reputation. Then, we integrate these parameters into the design of a reputation management system to exclude malicious or faulty vehicles from the IoV network. Our system can help in the prevention of several attacks on the VANET environment such as Sybil and Denial of Service attacks, and can be implemented in a fully decentralized fashion.
Gaio Rito, Cátia Sofia, Beatriz Piedade, Maria, Eugénio Lucas, Eugénio.  2019.  E-Government - Qualified Digital Signature Case Study. 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1—6.

This paper presents a case study on the use and implementation of the Qualified Digital Signature. Problematics such as the degree of use, security and authenticity of Qualified Digital Signature and the publication and dissemination of documents signed in digital format are analyzed. In order to support the case study, a methodology was adopted that included interviews with municipalities that are part of the Intermunicipal Community of the region of Leiria and a computer application was developed that allowed to analyze the documents available in the institutional websites of the municipalities, the ones that were digitally signed. The results show that institutional websites are already providing documentation with Qualified Digital Signature and that the level of trust and authenticity regarding their use is considered to be mostly very positive.

Brenner, Bernhard, Weippl, Edgar, Ekelhart, Andreas.  2019.  Security Related Technical Debt in the Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering Process. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:3012–3017.

Technical debt is an analogy introduced in 1992 by Cunningham to help explain how intentional decisions not to follow a gold standard or best practice in order to save time or effort during creation of software can later on lead to a product of lower quality in terms of product quality itself, reliability, maintainability or extensibility. Little work has been done so far that applies this analogy to cyber physical (production) systems (CP(P)S). Also there is only little work that uses this analogy for security related issues. This work aims to fill this gap: We want to find out which security related symptoms within the field of cyber physical production systems can be traced back to TD items during all phases, from requirements and design down to maintenance and operation. This work shall support experts from the field by being a first step in exploring the relationship between not following security best practices and concrete increase of costs due to TD as consequence.

Eckhart, Matthias, Ekelhart, Andreas, Lüder, Arndt, Biffl, Stefan, Weippl, Edgar.  2019.  Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:3004–3011.

As the connectivity within manufacturing processes increases in light of Industry 4.0, information security becomes a pressing issue for product suppliers, systems integrators, and asset owners. Reaching new heights in digitizing the manufacturing industry also provides more targets for cyber attacks, hence, cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs) must be adequately secured to prevent malicious acts. To achieve a sufficient level of security, proper defense mechanisms must be integrated already early on in the systems' lifecycle and not just eventually in the operation phase. Although standardization efforts exist with the objective of guiding involved stakeholders toward the establishment of a holistic industrial security concept (e.g., IEC 62443), a dedicated security development lifecycle for systems integrators is missing. This represents a major challenge for engineers who lack sufficient information security knowledge, as they may not be able to identify security-related activities that can be performed along the production systems engineering (PSE) process. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology named Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SDL-CPPS) that aims to foster security by design for CPPSs, i.e., the engineering of smart production systems with security in mind. More specifically, we derive security-related activities based on (i) security standards and guidelines, and (ii) relevant literature, leading to a security-improved PSE process that can be implemented by systems integrators. Furthermore, this paper informs domain experts on how they can conduct these security-enhancing activities and provides pointers to relevant works that may fill the potential knowledge gap. Finally, we review the proposed approach by means of discussions in a workshop setting with technical managers of an Austrian-based systems integrator to identify barriers to adopting the SDL-CPPS.

Akond Rahman, Effat Farhana, Laurie Williams.  2020.  The ‘as code’ activities: development anti-patterns for infrastructure as code. Empirical Software Engineering . 25(3467)


The ‘as code’ suffix in infrastructure as code (IaC) refers to applying software engineering activities, such as version control, to maintain IaC scripts. Without the application of these activities, defects that can have serious consequences may be introduced in IaC scripts. A systematic investigation of the development anti-patterns for IaC scripts can guide practitioners in identifying activities to avoid defects in IaC scripts. Development anti-patterns are recurring development activities that relate with defective IaC scripts.


The goal of this paper is to help practitioners improve the quality of infrastructure as code (IaC) scripts by identifying development activities that relate with defective IaC scripts.


We identify development anti-patterns by adopting a mixed-methods approach, where we apply quantitative analysis with 2,138 open source IaC scripts and conduct a survey with 51 practitioners.


We observe five development activities to be related with defective IaC scripts from our quantitative analysis. We identify five development anti-patterns namely, ‘boss is not around’, ‘many cooks spoil’, ‘minors are spoiler’, ‘silos’, and ‘unfocused contribution’.


Our identified development anti-patterns suggest the importance of ‘as code’ activities in IaC because these activities are related to quality of IaC scripts.

Akond Rahman, Effat Farhana, Chris Parnin, Laurie Williams.  2020.  Gang of Eight: A Defect Taxonomy for Infrastructure as Code Scripts. International Conference of Softare Engineering (ICSE).

Defects in infrastructure as code (IaC) scripts can have serious
consequences, for example, creating large-scale system outages. A
taxonomy of IaC defects can be useful for understanding the nature
of defects, and identifying activities needed to fix and prevent
defects in IaC scripts. The goal of this paper is to help practitioners
improve the quality of infrastructure as code (IaC) scripts by developing
a defect taxonomy for IaC scripts through qualitative analysis.
We develop a taxonomy of IaC defects by applying qualitative analysis
on 1,448 defect-related commits collected from open source
software (OSS) repositories of the Openstack organization. We conduct
a survey with 66 practitioners to assess if they agree with the
identified defect categories included in our taxonomy. We quantify
the frequency of identified defect categories by analyzing 80,425
commits collected from 291 OSS repositories spanning across 2005
to 2019.

Our defect taxonomy for IaC consists of eight categories, including
a category specific to IaC called idempotency (i.e., defects that
lead to incorrect system provisioning when the same IaC script is
executed multiple times). We observe the surveyed 66 practitioners
to agree most with idempotency. The most frequent defect category
is configuration data i.e., providing erroneous configuration data
in IaC scripts. Our taxonomy and the quantified frequency of the
defect categories may help in advancing the science of IaC script

Kalwar, Abhishek, Bhuyan, Monowar H., Bhattacharyya, Dhruba K., Kadobayashi, Youki, Elmroth, Erik, Kalita, Jugal K..  2019.  TVis: A Light-weight Traffic Visualization System for DDoS Detection. 2019 14th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP). :1—6.

With rapid growth of network size and complexity, network defenders are facing more challenges in protecting networked computers and other devices from acute attacks. Traffic visualization is an essential element in an anomaly detection system for visual observations and detection of distributed DoS attacks. This paper presents an interactive visualization system called TVis, proposed to detect both low-rate and highrate DDoS attacks using Heron's triangle-area mapping. TVis allows network defenders to identify and investigate anomalies in internal and external network traffic at both online and offline modes. We model the network traffic as an undirected graph and compute triangle-area map based on incidences at each vertex for each 5 seconds time window. The system triggers an alarm iff the system finds an area of the mapped triangle beyond the dynamic threshold. TVis performs well for both low-rate and high-rate DDoS detection in comparison to its competitors.

Parvina, Hashem, Moradi, Parham, Esmaeilib, Shahrokh, Jalilic, Mahdi.  2018.  An Efficient Recommender System by Integrating Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Trust and Distrust Relationships. 2018 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW). :135—139.

Matrix factorization (MF) has been proved to be an effective approach to build a successful recommender system. However, most current MF-based recommenders cannot obtain high prediction accuracy due to the sparseness of user-item matrix. Moreover, these methods suffer from the scalability issues when applying on large-scale real-world tasks. To tackle these issues, in this paper a social regularization method called TrustRSNMF is proposed that incorporates the social trust information of users in nonnegative matrix factorization framework. The proposed method integrates trust statements along with user-item ratings as an additional information source into the recommendation model to deal with the data sparsity and cold-start issues. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a number of experiments are performed on two real-world datasets. The obtained results demonstrate significant improvements of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art recommendation methods.

Ibrahim, Ahmed, El-Ramly, Mohammad, Badr, Amr.  2019.  Beware of the Vulnerability! How Vulnerable are GitHub's Most Popular PHP Applications? 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA). :1–7.
The presence of software vulnerabilities is a serious threat to any software project. Exploiting them can compromise system availability, data integrity, and confidentiality. Unfortunately, many open source projects go for years with undetected ready-to-exploit critical vulnerabilities. In this study, we investigate the presence of software vulnerabilities in open source projects and the factors that influence this presence. We analyzed the top 100 open source PHP applications in GitHub using a static analysis vulnerability scanner to examine how common software vulnerabilities are. We also discussed which vulnerabilities are most present and what factors contribute to their presence. We found that 27% of these projects are insecure, with a median number of 3 vulnerabilities per vulnerable project. We found that the most common type is injection vulnerabilities, which made 58% of all detected vulnerabilities. Out of these, cross-site scripting (XSS) was the most common and made 43.5% of all vulnerabilities found. Statistical analysis revealed that project activities like branching, pulling, and committing have a moderate positive correlation with the number of vulnerabilities in the project. Other factors like project popularity, number of releases, and number of issues had almost no influence on the number of vulnerabilities. We recommend that open source project owners should set secure code development guidelines for their project members and establish secure code reviews as part of the project's development process.
Evans, David, Calvo, Daniel, Arroyo, Adrian, Manilla, Alejandro, Gómez, David.  2019.  End-to-end security assessment framework for connected vehicles. 2019 22nd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC). :1–6.
To increase security and to offer user experiences according to the requirements of a hyper-connected world, modern vehicles are integrating complex electronic systems, being transformed into systems of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). While a great diversity of heterogeneous hardware and software components must work together and control in real-time crucial functionalities, cybersecurity for the automotive sector is still in its infancy. This paper provides an analysis of the most common vulnerabilities and risks of connected vehicles, using a real example based on industrial and market-ready technologies. Several components have been implemented to inject and simulate multiple attacks, which enable security services and mitigation actions to be developed and validated.
Fischinger, Michael, Egger, Norbert, Binder, Christoph, Neureiter, Christian.  2019.  Towards a Model-centric Approach for Developing Dependable Smart Grid Applications. 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS). :1–9.
The Smart Grid is the leading example when talking about complex and critical System-of-Systems (SoS). Specifically regarding the Smart Grids criticality, dependability is a central quality attribute to strive for. Combined with the desire of agility in modern development, conventional systems engineering methods reach their limits in coping with these requirements. However, approaches from model-based or model-driven engineering can reduce complexity and encourage development with rapidly changing requirements. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is known to be more successful in a domain specific manner. For that reason, an approach for Domain Specific Systems Engineering (DSSE) in the Smart Grid has already been specially investigated. This Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approach especially aims the comprehensibility of complex systems. In this context, the traceability of requirements is a centrally pursued attribute. However, achieving continuing traceability between the model of a system and the concrete implementation is still an open issue. To close this gap, the present research paper introduces a Model-Centric Software Development (MCSD) solution for Smart Grid applications. Based on two exploratory case studies, the focus finally lies on the automated generation of partial implementation artifacts and the evaluation of traceability, based on dedicated functional aspects.
Arrieta, Miguel, Esnaola, Iñaki, Effros, Michelle.  2019.  Universal Privacy Guarantees for Smart Meters. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :2154–2158.
Smart meters enable improvements in electricity distribution system efficiency at some cost in customer privacy. Users with home batteries can mitigate this privacy loss by applying charging policies that mask their underlying energy use. A battery charging policy is proposed and shown to provide universal privacy guarantees subject to a constraint on energy cost. The guarantee bounds our strategy's maximal information leakage from the user to the utility provider under general stochastic models of user energy consumption. The policy construction adapts coding strategies for non-probabilistic permuting channels to this privacy problem.