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Mailloux, L. O., Span, M., Mills, R. F., Young, W..  2019.  A Top Down Approach for Eliciting Systems Security Requirements for a Notional Autonomous Space System. 2019 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1–7.
Today's highly interconnected and technology reliant environment places great emphasis on the need for secure cyber-physical systems. This work addresses this need by detailing a top down systems security requirements analysis approach for understanding and eliciting security requirements for a notional space system. More specifically, the System-Theoretic Process Analysis approach for Security (STPA-Sec) is used to understand and elicit systems security requirements during the conceptual stage of development. This work employs STPA-Sec in a notional space system to detail the development of functional-level security requirements, design-level engineering considerations, and architectural-level security specifications early in the system life cycle when the solution trade-space is largest rather than merely examining components and adding protections during system operation, maintenance, or sustainment. Lastly, this approach employs a holistic viewpoint which aligns with the systems and software engineering processes as detailed in ISO/IEC/IEEE 152SS and NIST SP SOO-160 Volume 1. This work seeks to advance the science of systems security by providing insight into a viable systems security requirements analysis approach which results in traceable security, safety, and resiliency requirements that can be designed-for, built-to, and verified with confidence.
Hagan, M., Siddiqui, F., Sezer, S..  2019.  Enhancing Security and Privacy of Next-Generation Edge Computing Technologies. 2019 17th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :1–5.
The advent of high performance fog and edge computing and high bandwidth connectivity has brought about changes to Internet-of-Things (IoT) service architectures, allowing for greater quantities of high quality information to be extracted from their environments to be processed. However, recently introduced international regulations, along with heightened awareness among consumers, have strengthened requirements to ensure data security, with significant financial and reputational penalties for organisations who fail to protect customers' data. This paper proposes the leveraging of fog and edge computing to facilitate processing of confidential user data, to reduce the quantity and availability of raw confidential data at various levels of the IoT architecture. This ultimately reduces attack surface area, however it also increases efficiency of the architecture by distributing processing amongst nodes and transmitting only processed data. However, such an approach is vulnerable to device level attacks. To approach this issue, a proposed System Security Manager is used to continuously monitor system resources and ensure confidential data is confined only to parts of the device that require it. In event of an attack, critical data can be isolated and the system informed, to prevent data confidentiality breach.
Ullah, S., Shetty, S., Hassanzadeh, A..  2018.  Towards Modeling Attacker’s Opportunity for Improving Cyber Resilience in Energy Delivery Systems. 2018 Resilience Week (RWS). :100–107.
Cyber resiliency of Energy Delivery Systems (EDS) is critical for secure and resilient cyber infrastructure. Defense-in-depth architecture forces attackers to conduct lateral propagation until the target is compromised. Researchers developed techniques based on graph spectral matrices to model lateral propagation. However, these techniques ignore host criticality which is critical in EDS. In this paper, we model attacker's opportunity by developing three criticality metrics for each host along the path to the target. The first metric refers the opportunity of attackers before they penetrate the infrastructure. The second metric measure the opportunity a host provides by allowing attackers to propagate through the network. Along with vulnerability we also take into account the attributes of hosts and links within each path. Then, we derive third criticality metric to reflect the information flow dependency from each host to target. Finally, we provide system design for instantiating the proposed metrics for real network scenarios in EDS. We present simulation results which illustrates the effectiveness of the metrics for efficient defense deployment in EDS cyber infrastructure.
Feth, P., Adler, R., Schneider, D..  2018.  A Context-Aware, Confidence-Disclosing and Fail-Operational Dynamic Risk Assessment Architecture. 2018 14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC). :190–194.
Future automotive systems will be highly automated and they will cooperate to optimize important system qualities and performance. Established safety assurance approaches and standards have been designed with manually controlled stand-alone systems in mind and are thus not fit to ensure safety of this next generation of systems. We argue that, given frequent dynamic changes and unknown contexts, systems need to be enabled to dynamically assess and manage their risks. In doing so, systems become resilient from a safety perspective, i.e. they are able to maintain a state of acceptable risk even when facing changes. This work presents a Dynamic Risk Assessment architecture that implements the concepts of context-awareness, confidence-disclosure and fail-operational. In particular, we demonstrate the utilization of these concepts for the calculation of automotive collision risk metrics, which are at the heart of our architecture.
Anju, J., Shreelekshmi, R..  2019.  Modified Feature Descriptors to enhance Secure Content-based Image Retrieval in Cloud. 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT). 1:674–680.
With the emergence of cloud, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) on encrypted domain gain enormous importance due to the ever increasing need for ensuring confidentiality, authentication, integrity and privacy of data. CBIR on outsourced encrypted images can be done by extracting features from unencrypted images and generating searchable encrypted index based on it. Visual descriptors like color descriptors, shape and texture descriptors, etc. are employed for similarity search. Since visual descriptors used to represent an image have crucial role in retrieving most similar results, an attempt to combine them has been made in this paper. The effect of combining different visual descriptors on retrieval precision in secure CBIR scheme proposed by Xia et al. is analyzed. Experimental results show that combining visual descriptors can significantly enhance retrieval precision of the secure CBIR scheme.
Choudhury, O., Sylla, I., Fairoza, N., Das, A..  2019.  A Blockchain Framework for Ensuring Data Quality in Multi-Organizational Clinical Trials. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). :1–9.
The cost and complexity of conducting multi-site clinical trials have significantly increased over time, with site monitoring, data management, and Institutional Review Board (IRB) amendments being key drivers. Trial sponsors, such as pharmaceutical companies, are also increasingly outsourcing trial management to multiple organizations. Enforcing compliance with standard operating procedures, such as preserving data privacy for human subject protection, is crucial for upholding the integrity of a study and its findings. Current efforts to ensure quality of data collected at multiple sites and by multiple organizations lack a secure, trusted, and efficient framework for fragmented data capture. To address this challenge, we propose a novel data management infrastructure based on a permissioned blockchain with private channels, smart contracts, and distributed ledgers. We use an example multi-organizational clinical trial to design and implement a blockchain network: generate activity-specific private channels to segregate data flow for confidentiality, write channel-specific smart contracts to enforce regulatory guidelines, monitor the immutable transaction log to detect protocol breach, and auto-generate audit trail. Through comprehensive experimental study, we demonstrate that our system handles high-throughput transactions, exhibits low-latency, and constitutes a trusted, scalable solution.
Shen, N., Yeh, J., Chen, C., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y..  2019.  Ensuring Query Completeness in Outsourced Database Using Order-Preserving Encryption. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing Communications, Social Computing Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :776–783.
Nowadays database outsourcing has become business owners' preferred option and they are benefiting from its flexibility, reliability, and low cost. However, because database service providers cannot always be fully trusted and data owners will no longer have a direct control over their own data, how to make the outsourced data secure becomes a hot research topic. From the data integrity protection aspect, the client wants to make sure the data returned is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Previous research work in literature put more efforts on data correctness, while data completeness is still a challenging problem to solve. There are some existing works that tried to protect the completeness of data. Unfortunately, these solutions were considered not fully solving the problem because of their high communication or computation overhead. The implementations and limitations of existing works will be further discussed in this paper. From the data confidentiality protection aspect, order-preserving encryption (OPE) is a widely used encryption scheme in protecting data confidentiality. It allows the client to perform range queries and some other operations such as GROUP BY and ORDER BY over the OPE encrypted data. Therefore, it is worthy to develop a solution that allows user to verify the query completeness for an OPE encrypted database so that both data confidentiality and completeness are both protected. Inspired by this motivation, we propose a new data completeness protecting scheme by inserting fake tuples into databases. Both the real and fake tuples are OPE encrypted and thus the cloud server cannot distinguish among them. While our new scheme is much more efficient than all existing approaches, the level of security protection remains the same.
Roisum, H., Urizar, L., Yeh, J., Salisbury, K., Magette, M..  2019.  Completeness Integrity Protection for Outsourced Databases Using Semantic Fake Data. 2019 4th International Conference on Communication and Information Systems (ICCIS). :222–228.
As cloud storage and computing gains popularity, data entrusted to the cloud has the potential to be exposed to more people and thus more vulnerable to attacks. It is important to develop mechanisms to protect data privacy and integrity so that clients can safely outsource their data to the cloud. We present a method for ensuring data completeness which is one facet of the data integrity problem. Our approach converts a standard database to a Completeness Protected Database (CPDB) by inserting some semantic fake data before outsourcing it to the cloud. These fake data are initially produced using our generating function which uses Order Preserving Encryption, which allows the user to be able to regenerate these fake data and match them to fake data returned from a range query to check for completeness. The CPDB is innovative in the following ways: (1) fake data is deterministically generated but is semantically indistinguishable from other existing data; (2) since fake data is generated by deterministic functions, data owners do not need to locally store the fake data that have been inserted, instead they can re-generate fake data using the functions; (3) no costly data encryption/signature is used in our scheme compared to previous work which encrypt/sign the entire database.
Li, H., Patnaik, S., Sengupta, A., Yang, H., Knechtel, J., Yu, B., Young, E. F. Y., Sinanoglu, O..  2019.  Attacking Split Manufacturing from a Deep Learning Perspective. 2019 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1–6.
The notion of integrated circuit split manufacturing which delegates the front-end-of-line (FEOL) and back-end-of-line (BEOL) parts to different foundries, is to prevent overproduction, piracy of the intellectual property (IP), or targeted insertion of hardware Trojans by adversaries in the FEOL facility. In this work, we challenge the security promise of split manufacturing by formulating various layout-level placement and routing hints as vector- and image-based features. We construct a sophisticated deep neural network which can infer the missing BEOL connections with high accuracy. Compared with the publicly available network-flow attack [1], for the same set of ISCAS-85benchmarks, we achieve 1.21× accuracy when splitting on M1 and 1.12× accuracy when splitting on M3 with less than 1% running time.
Sengupta, A., Roy, D., Mohanty, S. P..  2019.  Low-Overhead Robust RTL Signature for DSP Core Protection: New Paradigm for Smart CE Design. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). :1–6.
The design process of smart Consumer Electronics (CE) devices heavily relies on reusable Intellectual Property (IP) cores of Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and Multimedia Processor (MP). On the other hand, due to strict competition and rivalry between IP vendors, the problem of ownership conflict and IP piracy is surging. Therefore, to design a secured smart CE device, protection of DSP/MP IP core is essential. Embedding a robust IP owner's signature can protect an IP core from ownership abuse and forgery. This paper presents a covert signature embedding process for DSP/MP IP core at Register-transfer level (RTL). The secret marks of the signature are distributed over the entire design such that it provides higher robustness. For example for 8th order FIR filter, it incurs only between 6% and 3% area overhead for maximum and minimum size signature respectively compared to the non-signature FIR RTL design but with significantly enhanced security.
Rao, V. V., Savidis, I..  2019.  Mesh Based Obfuscation of Analog Circuit Properties. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1–5.
In this paper, a technique to design analog circuits with enhanced security is described. The proposed key based obfuscation technique uses a mesh topology to obfuscate the physical dimensions and the threshold voltage of the transistor. To mitigate the additional overhead of implementing the obfuscated circuitry, a satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) based algorithm is proposed to auto-determine the sizes of the transistors selected for obfuscation such that only a limited set of key values produce the correct circuit functionality. The proposed algorithm and the obfuscation methodology is implemented on an LC tank voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The operating frequency of the VCO is masked with a 24-bit encryption key applied to a 2×6 mesh structure that obfuscates the dimensions of each varactor transistor. The probability of determining the correct key is 5.96×10-8 through brute force attack. The dimensions of the obfuscated transistors determined by the analog satisfiability (aSAT) algorithm result in at least a 15%, 3%, and 13% deviation in, respectively, the effective transistor dimensions, target frequency, and voltage amplitude when an incorrect key is applied to the VCO. In addition, only one key produces the desired frequency and properly sets the overall performance specifications of the VCO. The simulated results indicate that the proposed design methodology, which quickly and accurately determines the transistor sizes for obfuscation, produces the target specifications and provides protection for analog circuits against IP piracy and reverse engineering.
Rathor, M., Sengupta, A..  2019.  Enhanced Functional Obfuscation of DSP core using Flip-Flops and Combinational logic. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin). :1–5.
Due to globalization of Integrated Circuit (IC) design flow, Intellectual Property (IP) cores have increasingly become susceptible to various hardware threats such as Trojan insertion, piracy, overbuilding etc. An IP core can be secured against these threats using functional obfuscation based security mechanism. This paper presents a functional obfuscation of digital signal processing (DSP) core for consumer electronics systems using a novel IP core locking block (ILB) logic that leverages the structure of flip-flops and combinational circuits. These ILBs perform the locking of the functionality of a DSP design and actuate the correct functionality only on application of a valid key sequence. In existing approaches so far, executing exhaustive trials are sufficient to extract the valid keys from an obfuscated design. However, proposed work is capable of hindering the extraction of valid keys even on exhaustive trials, unless successfully applied in the first attempt only. In other words, the proposed work drastically reduces the probability of obtaining valid key of a functionally obfuscated design in exhaustive trials. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach achieves higher security and lower design overhead than previous works.
Islam, S. A., Sah, L. K., Katkoori, S..  2019.  DLockout: A Design Lockout Technique for Key Obfuscated RTL IP Designs. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS). :17–20.
Intellectual Property (IP) infringement including piracy and overproduction have emerged as significant threats in the semiconductor supply chain. Key-based obfuscation techniques (i.e., logic locking) are widely applied to secure legacy IP from such attacks. However, the fundamental question remains open whether an attacker is allowed an exponential amount of time to seek correct key or could it be useful to lock out the design in a non-destructive manner after several incorrect attempts. In this paper, we address this question with a robust design lockout technique. Specifically, we perform comparisons on obfuscation logic output that reflects the condition (correct or incorrect) of the applied key without changing the system behavior. The proposed approach, when combined with key obfuscation (logic locking) technique, increases the difficulty of reverse engineering key obfuscated RTL module. We provide security evaluation of DLockout against three common side-channel attacks followed by a quantitative assessment of the resilience. We conducted a set of experiments on four datapath intensive IPs and one crypto core for three different key lengths (32-, 64-, and 128-bit) under the typical design corner. On average, DLockout incurs negligible area, power, and delay overheads.
Sengupta, A., Gupta, G., Jalan, H..  2019.  Hardware Steganography for IP Core Protection of Fault Secured DSP Cores. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin). :1–6.
Security of transient fault secured IP cores against piracy, false claim of ownership can be achieved during high level synthesis, especially when handling DSP or multimedia cores. Though watermarking that involves implanting a vendor defined signature onto the design can be useful, however research has shown its limitations such as less designer control, high overhead due to extreme dependency on signature size, combination and encoding rule. This paper proposes an alternative paradigm called `hardware steganography' where hidden additional designer's constraints are implanted in a fault secured IP core using entropy thresholding. In proposed hardware steganography, concealed information in the form of additional edges having a specific entropy value is embedded in the colored interval graph (CIG). This is a signature free approach and ensures high designer control (more robustness and stronger proof of authorship) as well as lower overhead than watermarking schemes used for DSP based IP cores.
Zaman, M., Sengupta, A., Liu, D., Sinanoglu, O., Makris, Y., Rajendran, J. J. V..  2018.  Towards provably-secure performance locking. 2018 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :1592–1597.
Locking the functionality of an integrated circuit (IC) thwarts attacks such as intellectual property (IP) piracy, hardware Trojans, overbuilding, and counterfeiting. Although functional locking has been extensively investigated, locking the performance of an IC has been little explored. In this paper, we develop provably-secure performance locking, where only on applying the correct key the IC shows superior performance; for an incorrect key, the performance of the IC degrades significantly. This leads to a new business model, where the companies can design a single IC capable of different performances for different users. We develop mathematical definitions of security and theoretically, and experimentally prove the security against the state-of-the-art-attacks. We implemented performance locking on a FabScalar microprocessor, achieving a degradation in instructions per clock cycle (IPC) of up to 77% on applying an incorrect key, with an overhead of 0.6%, 0.2%, and 0% for area, power, and delay, respectively.
Sengupta, A., Ashraf, M., Nabeel, M., Sinanoglu, O..  2018.  Customized Locking of IP Blocks on a Multi-Million-Gate SoC. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–7.
Reliance on off-site untrusted fabrication facilities has given rise to several threats such as intellectual property (IP) piracy, overbuilding and hardware Trojans. Logic locking is a promising defense technique against such malicious activities that is effected at the silicon layer. Over the past decade, several logic locking defenses and attacks have been presented, thereby, enhancing the state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, there has been little research aiming to demonstrate the applicability of logic locking with large-scale multi-million-gate industrial designs consisting of multiple IP blocks with different security requirements. In this work, we take on this challenge to successfully lock a multi-million-gate system-on-chip (SoC) provided by DARPA by taking it all the way to GDSII layout. We analyze how specific features, constraints, and security requirements of an IP block can be leveraged to lock its functionality in the most appropriate way. We show that the blocks of an SoC can be locked in a customized manner at 0.5%, 15.3%, and 1.5% chip-level overhead in power, performance, and area, respectively.
Saeed, S. M., Cui, X., Zulehner, A., Wille, R., Drechsler, R., Wu, K., Karri, R..  2018.  IC/IP Piracy Assessment of Reversible Logic. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–8.
Reversible logic is a building block for adiabatic and quantum computing in addition to other applications. Since common functions are non-reversible, one needs to embed them into proper-size reversible functions by adding ancillary inputs and garbage outputs. We explore the Intellectual Property (IP) piracy of reversible circuits. The number of embeddings of regular functions in a reversible function and the percent of leaked ancillary inputs measure the difficulty of recovering the embedded function. To illustrate the key concepts, we study reversible logic circuits designed using reversible logic synthesis tools based on Binary Decision Diagrams and Quantum Multi-valued Decision Diagrams.
Farhadi, M., Haddad, H., Shahriar, H..  2019.  Compliance Checking of Open Source EHR Applications for HIPAA and ONC Security and Privacy Requirements. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:704–713.
Electronic Health Record (EHR) applications are digital versions of paper-based patient's health information. They are increasingly adopted to improved quality in healthcare, such as convenient access to histories of patient medication and clinic visits, easier follow up of patient treatment plans, and precise medical decision-making process. EHR applications are guided by measures of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Furthermore, Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology (HIT) certification criteria for usability of EHRs. A compliance checking approach attempts to identify whether or not an adopted EHR application meets the security and privacy criteria. There is no study in the literature to understand whether traditional static code analysis-based vulnerability discovered can assist in compliance checking of regulatory requirements of HIPAA and ONC. This paper attempts to address this issue. We identify security and privacy requirements for HIPAA technical requirements, and identify a subset of ONC criteria related to security and privacy, and then evaluate EHR applications for security vulnerabilities. Finally propose mitigation of security issues towards better compliance and to help practitioners reuse open source tools towards certification compliance.
Fischer, T., Lesjak, C., Pirker, D., Steger, C..  2019.  RPC Based Framework for Partitioning IoT Security Software for Trusted Execution Environments. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0430–0435.
Partitioning security components of IoT devices to enable the use of Trusted Execution Environments adds resilience against side-channel attacks. Devices are hardened against extraction of sensitive information, but at the same time additional effort must be spent for the integration of the TEE and software partitioning. To perform partitioning, the developer typically inserts Remote Procedure Calls into the software. Existing RPC-based solutions require the developer to write Interface Definition Language files to generate RPC stubs. In this work, we present an RPC-based framework that supports software partitioning via a graphical user interface. The framework extracts required information about the interfaces from source-code header files to eliminate the need for IDL files. With this approach the TEE integration time is reduced and reuse of existing libraries is supported. We evaluate a Proof-of-Concept by partitioning a TLS library for IoT devices and compare our approach to other RPC-based solutions.
Ya'u, B. I., Nordin, A., Salleh, N., Aliyu, I..  2018.  Requirements Patterns Structure for Specifying and Reusing Software Product Line Requirements. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World (ICT4M). :185–190.
A well-defined structure is essential in all software development, thus providing an avenue for smooth execution of the processes involved during various software development phases. One of the potential benefits provided by a well-defined structure is systematic reuse of software artifacts. Requirements pattern approach provides guidelines and modality that enables a systematic way of specifying and documenting requirements, which in turn supports a systematic reuse. Although there is a great deal of research concerning requirements pattern in the literature, the research focuses are not on requirement engineering (RE) activities of SPLE. In this paper, we proposed a software requirement pattern (SRP) structure based on RePa Requirements Pattern Template, which was adapted to best suit RE activities in SPLE. With this requirement pattern structure, RE activities such as elicitation and identification of common and variable requirements as well as the specification, documentation, and reuse in SPLE could be substantially improved.
Muller, T., Walz, A., Kiefer, M., Doran, H. Dermot, Sikora, A..  2018.  Challenges and prospects of communication security in real-time ethernet automation systems. 2018 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS). :1–9.
Real-Time Ethernet has become the major communication technology for modern automation and industrial control systems. On the one hand, this trend increases the need for an automation-friendly security solution, as such networks can no longer be considered sufficiently isolated. On the other hand, it shows that, despite diverging requirements, the domain of Operational Technology (OT) can derive advantage from high-volume technology of the Information Technology (IT) domain. Based on these two sides of the same coin, we study the challenges and prospects of approaches to communication security in real-time Ethernet automation systems. In order to capitalize the expertise aggregated in decades of research and development, we put a special focus on the reuse of well-established security technology from the IT domain. We argue that enhancing such technology to become automation-friendly is likely to result in more robust and secure designs than greenfield designs. Because of its widespread deployment and the (to this date) nonexistence of a consistent security architecture, we use PROFINET as a showcase of our considerations. Security requirements for this technology are defined and different well-known solutions are examined according their suitability for PROFINET. Based on these findings, we elaborate the necessary adaptions for the deployment on PROFINET.
Yang, J., Kang, X., Wong, E. K., Shi, Y..  2018.  Deep Learning with Feature Reuse for JPEG Image Steganalysis. 2018 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC). :533–538.
It is challenging to detect weak hidden information in a JPEG compressed image. In this paper, we propose a 32-layer convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with feature reuse by concatenating all features from previous layers. The proposed method can improve the flow of gradient and information, and the shared features and bottleneck layers in the proposed CNN model further reduce the number of parameters dramatically. The experimental results shown that the proposed method significantly reduce the detection error rate compared with the existing JPEG steganalysis methods, e.g. state-of-the-art XuNet method and the conventional SCA-GFR method. Compared with XuNet method and conventional method SCA-GFR in detecting J-UNIWARD at 0.1 bpnzAC (bit per non-zero AC DCT coefficient), the proposed method can reduce detection error rate by 4.33% and 6.55% respectively.
Khalid, F., Hanif, M. A., Rehman, S., Ahmed, R., Shafique, M..  2019.  TrISec: Training Data-Unaware Imperceptible Security Attacks on Deep Neural Networks. 2019 IEEE 25th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS). :188—193.

Most of the data manipulation attacks on deep neural networks (DNNs) during the training stage introduce a perceptible noise that can be catered by preprocessing during inference, or can be identified during the validation phase. There-fore, data poisoning attacks during inference (e.g., adversarial attacks) are becoming more popular. However, many of them do not consider the imperceptibility factor in their optimization algorithms, and can be detected by correlation and structural similarity analysis, or noticeable (e.g., by humans) in multi-level security system. Moreover, majority of the inference attack rely on some knowledge about the training dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology which automatically generates imperceptible attack images by using the back-propagation algorithm on pre-trained DNNs, without requiring any information about the training dataset (i.e., completely training data-unaware). We present a case study on traffic sign detection using the VGGNet trained on the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmarks dataset in an autonomous driving use case. Our results demonstrate that the generated attack images successfully perform misclassification while remaining imperceptible in both “subjective” and “objective” quality tests.

Chacon, H., Silva, S., Rad, P..  2019.  Deep Learning Poison Data Attack Detection. 2019 IEEE 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). :971—978.

Deep neural networks are widely used in many walks of life. Techniques such as transfer learning enable neural networks pre-trained on certain tasks to be retrained for a new duty, often with much less data. Users have access to both pre-trained model parameters and model definitions along with testing data but have either limited access to training data or just a subset of it. This is risky for system-critical applications, where adversarial information can be maliciously included during the training phase to attack the system. Determining the existence and level of attack in a model is challenging. In this paper, we present evidence on how adversarially attacking training data increases the boundary of model parameters using as an example of a CNN model and the MNIST data set as a test. This expansion is due to new characteristics of the poisonous data that are added to the training data. Approaching the problem from the feature space learned by the network provides a relation between them and the possible parameters taken by the model on the training phase. An algorithm is proposed to determine if a given network was attacked in the training by comparing the boundaries of parameters distribution on intermediate layers of the model estimated by using the Maximum Entropy Principle and the Variational inference approach.

Shen, J., Zhu, X., Ma, D..  2019.  TensorClog: An Imperceptible Poisoning Attack on Deep Neural Network Applications. IEEE Access. 7:41498—41506.

Internet application providers now have more incentive than ever to collect user data, which greatly increases the risk of user privacy violations due to the emerging of deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose TensorClog-a poisoning attack technique that is designed for privacy protection against deep neural networks. TensorClog has three properties with each of them serving a privacy protection purpose: 1) training on TensorClog poisoned data results in lower inference accuracy, reducing the incentive of abusive data collection; 2) training on TensorClog poisoned data converges to a larger loss, which prevents the neural network from learning the privacy; and 3) TensorClog regularizes the perturbation to remain a high structure similarity, so that the poisoning does not affect the actual content in the data. Applying our TensorClog poisoning technique to CIFAR-10 dataset results in an increase in both converged training loss and test error by 300% and 272%, respectively. It manages to maintain data's human perception with a high SSIM index of 0.9905. More experiments including different limited information attack scenarios and a real-world application transferred from pre-trained ImageNet models are presented to further evaluate TensorClog's effectiveness in more complex situations.