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Li, Qi, Ma, Jianfeng, Xiong, Jinbo, Zhang, Tao, Liu, Ximeng.  2013.  Fully Secure Decentralized Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption. 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems. :220—225.

In previous multi-authority key-policy attribute-based Encryption (KP-ABE) schemes, either a super power central authority (CA) exists, or multiple attribute authorities (AAs) must collaborate in initializing the system. In addition, those schemes are proved security in the selective model. In this paper, we propose a new fully secure decentralized KP-ABE scheme, where no CA exists and there is no cooperation between any AAs. To become an AA, a participant needs to create and publish its public parameters. All the user's private keys will be linked with his unique global identifier (GID). The proposed scheme supports any monotonic access structure which can be expressed by a linear secret sharing scheme (LSSS). We prove the full security of our scheme in the standard model. Our scheme is also secure against at most F-1 AAs corruption, where F is the number of AAs in the system. The efficiency of our scheme is almost as well as that of the underlying fully secure single-authority KP-ABE system.

Xu, Tangwei, Lu, Xiaozhen, Xiao, Liang, Tang, Yuliang, Dai, Huaiyu.  2019.  Voltage Based Authentication for Controller Area Networks with Reinforcement Learning. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–5.
Controller area networks (CANs) are vulnerable to spoofing attacks such as frame falsifying attacks, as electronic control units (ECUs) send and receive messages without any authentication and encryption. In this paper, we propose a physical authentication scheme that exploits the voltage features of the ECU signals on the CAN bus and applies reinforcement learning to choose the authentication mode such as the protection level and test threshold. This scheme enables a monitor node to optimize the authentication mode via trial-and-error without knowing the CAN bus signal model and spoofing model. Experimental results show that the proposed authentication scheme can significantly improve the authentication accuracy and response compared with a benchmark scheme.
Huang, Rui, Wang, Panbao, Zaery, Mohamed, Wei, Wang, Xu, Dianguo.  2019.  A Distributed Fixed-Time Secondary Controller for DC Microgrids. 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). :1–6.

This paper proposes a distributed fixed-time based secondary controller for the DC microgrids (MGs) to overcome the drawbacks of conventional droop control. The controller, based on a distributed fixed-time control approach, can remove the DC voltage deviation and provide proportional current sharing simultaneously within a fixed-time. Comparing with the conventional centralized secondary controller, the controller, using the dynamic consensus, on each converter communicates only with its neighbors on a communication graph which increases the convergence speed and gets an improved performance. The proposed control strategy is simulated in PLECS to test the controller performance, link-failure resiliency, plug and play capability and the feasibility under different time delays.

Xiao, Jiaping, Jiang, Jianchun.  2018.  Real-time Security Evaluation for Unmanned Aircraft Systems under Data-driven Attacks*. 2018 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). :842—847.

With rapid advances in the fields of the Internet of Things and autonomous systems, the network security of cyber-physical systems(CPS) becomes more and more important. This paper focuses on the real-time security evaluation for unmanned aircraft systems which are cyber-physical systems relying on information communication and control system to achieve autonomous decision making. Our problem formulation is motivated by scenarios involving autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) working continuously under data-driven attacks when in an open, uncertain, and even hostile environment. Firstly, we investigated the state estimation method in CPS integrated with data-driven attacks model, and then proposed a real-time security scoring algorithm to evaluate the security condition of unmanned aircraft systems under different threat patterns, considering the vulnerability of the systems and consequences brought by data attacks. Our simulation in a UAV illustrated the efficiency and reliability of the algorithm.

Ni, Ming, Xue, Yusheng, Tong, Heqin, Li, Manli.  2018.  A cyber physical power system co-simulation platform. 2018 Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES). :1—5.

With the tighter integration of power system and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), power grid is becoming a typical cyber physical system (CPS). It is important to analyze the impact of the cyber event on power system, so that it is necessary to build a co-simulation system for studying the interaction between power system and ICT. In this paper, a cyber physical power system (CPPS) co-simulation platform is proposed, which includes the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation function. By using flexible interface, various simulation software for power system and ICT can be interconnected into the platform to build co-simulation tools for various simulation purposes. To demonstrate it as a proof, one simulation framework for real life cyber-attack on power system control is introduced. In this case, the real life denial-of-service attack on a router in automatic voltage control (AVC) is simulated to demonstrate impact of cyber-attack on power system.

Xiao, Yonggang, Liu, Yanbing.  2019.  BayesTrust and VehicleRank: Constructing an Implicit Web of Trust in VANET. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 68:2850–2864.
As Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) features random topology and accommodates freely connected nodes, it is important that the cooperation among the nodes exists. This paper proposes a trust model called Implicit Web of Trust in VANET (IWOT-V) to reason out the trustworthiness of vehicles. Such that untrusted nodes can be identified and avoided when we make a decision regarding whom to follow or cooperate with. Furthermore, the performance of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) applications improves. The idea of IWOT-V is mainly inspired by web page ranking algorithms such as PageRank. Although there does not exist explicit link structure in VANET because of random topology and dynamic connections, social trust relationship among vehicles exists and an implicit web of trust can be derived. To accomplish the derivation, two algorithms are presented, i.e., BayesTrust and VehicleRank. They are responsible for deriving the local and global trust relationships, respectively. The simulation results show that IWOT-V can accurately identify trusted and untrusted nodes if enough local trust information is collected. The performance of IWOT-V affected by five threat models is demonstrated, and the related discussions are also given.
Xiao, Tianran, Tong, Wei, Lei, Xia, Liu, Jingning, Liu, Bo.  2019.  Per-File Secure Deletion for Flash-Based Solid State Drives. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). :1—8.

File update operations generate many invalid flash pages in Solid State Drives (SSDs) because of the-of-place update feature. If these invalid flash pages are not securely deleted, they will be left in the “missing” state, resulting in leakage of sensitive information. However, deleting these invalid pages in real time greatly reduces the performance of SSD. In this paper, we propose a Per-File Secure Deletion (PSD) scheme for SSD to achieve non-real-time secure deletion. PSD assigns a globally unique identifier (GUID) to each file to quickly locate the invalid data blocks and uses Security-TRIM command to securely delete these invalid data blocks. Moreover, we propose a PSD-MLC scheme for Multi-Level Cell (MLC) flash memory. PSD-MLC distributes the data blocks of a file in pairs of pages to avoid the influence of programming crosstalk between paired pages. We evaluate our schemes on different hardware platforms of flash media, and the results prove that PSD and PSD-MLC only have little impact on the performance of SSD. When the cache is disabled and enabled, compared with the system without the secure deletion, PSD decreases SSD throughput by 1.3% and 1.8%, respectively. PSD-MLC decreases SSD throughput by 9.5% and 10.0%, respectively.

Xiong, Leilei, Grijalva, Santiago.  2019.  N-1 RTU Cyber-Physical Security Assessment Using State Estimation. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1–5.
Real-time supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems use remote terminal units (RTUs) to monitor and manage the flow of power at electrical substations. As their connectivity to different utility and private networks increases, RTUs are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Some attacks seek to access RTUs to directly control power system devices with the intent to shed load or cause equipment damage. Other attacks (such as denial-of-service) target network availability and seek to block, delay, or corrupt communications between the RTU and the control center. In the most severe case, when communications are entirely blocked, the loss of an RTU can cause the power system to become unobservable. It is important to understand how losing an RTU impacts the system state (bus voltage magnitudes and angles). The system state is determined by the state estimator and serves as the input to other critical EMS applications. There is currently no systematic approach for assessing the cyber-physical impact of losing RTUs. This paper proposes a methodology for N-1 RTU cyber-physical security assessment that could benefit power system control and operation. We demonstrate our approach on the IEEE 14-bus system as well as on a synthetic 200-bus system.
Xu, Zhiheng, Ng, Daniel Jun Xian, Easwaran, Arvind.  2019.  Automatic Generation of Hierarchical Contracts for Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems. 2019 IEEE 25th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA). :1–11.

With the growing scale of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), it is challenging to maintain their stability under all operating conditions. How to reduce the downtime and locate the failures becomes a core issue in system design. In this paper, we employ a hierarchical contract-based resilience framework to guarantee the stability of CPS. In this framework, we use Assume Guarantee (A-G) contracts to monitor the non-functional properties of individual components (e.g., power and latency), and hierarchically compose such contracts to deduce information about faults at the system level. The hierarchical contracts enable rapid fault detection in large-scale CPS. However, due to the vast number of components in CPS, manually designing numerous contracts and the hierarchy becomes challenging. To address this issue, we propose a technique to automatically decompose a root contract into multiple lower-level contracts depending on I/O dependencies between components. We then formulate a multi-objective optimization problem to search the optimal parameters of each lower-level contract. This enables automatic contract refinement taking into consideration the communication overhead between components. Finally, we use a case study from the manufacturing domain to experimentally demonstrate the benefits of the proposed framework.

Ben, Yongming, Han, Yanni, Cai, Ning, An, Wei, Xu, Zhen.  2019.  An Online System Dependency Graph Anomaly Detection based on Extended Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
Modern operating systems are typical multitasking systems: Running multiple tasks at the same time. Therefore, a large number of system calls belonging to different processes are invoked at the same time. By associating these invocations, one can construct the system dependency graph. In rapidly evolving system dependency graphs, how to quickly find outliers is an urgent issue for intrusion detection. Clustering analysis based on graph similarity will help solve this problem. In this paper, an extended Weisfeiler-Lehman(WL) kernel is proposed. Firstly, an embedded vector with indefinite dimensions is constructed based on the original dependency graph. Then, the vector is compressed with Simhash to generate a fingerprint. Finally, anomaly detection based on clustering is carried out according to these fingerprints. Our scheme can achieve prominent detection with high efficiency. For validation, we choose StreamSpot, a relevant prior work, to act as benchmark, and use the same data set as it to carry out evaluations. Experiments show that our scheme can achieve the highest detection precision of 98% while maintaining a perfect recall performance. Moreover, both quantitative and visual comparisons demonstrate the outperforming clustering effect of our scheme than StreamSpot.
Bao, Xianglin, Su, Cheng, Xiong, Yan, Huang, Wenchao, Hu, Yifei.  2019.  FLChain: A Blockchain for Auditable Federated Learning with Trust and Incentive. 2019 5th International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BIGCOM). :151—159.

Federated learning (shorted as FL) recently proposed by Google is a privacy-preserving method to integrate distributed data trainers. FL is extremely useful due to its ensuring privacy, lower latency, less power consumption and smarter models, but it could fail if multiple trainers abort training or send malformed messages to its partners. Such misbehavior are not auditable and parameter server may compute incorrectly due to single point failure. Furthermore, FL has no incentive to attract sufficient distributed training data and computation power. In this paper, we propose FLChain to build a decentralized, public auditable and healthy FL ecosystem with trust and incentive. FLChain replace traditional FL parameter server whose computation result must be consensual on-chain. Our work is not trivial when it is vital and hard to provide enough incentive and deterrence to distributed trainers. We achieve model commercialization by providing a healthy marketplace for collaborative-training models. Honest trainer can gain fairly partitioned profit from well-trained model according to its contribution and the malicious can be timely detected and heavily punished. To reduce the time cost of misbehavior detecting and model query, we design DDCBF for accelerating the query of blockchain-documented information. Finally, we implement a prototype of our work and measure the cost of various operations.

Xu, Yonggan, Luo, Jian, Tang, Kunming, Jiang, Jie, Gou, Xin, Shi, Jiawei, Lu, Bingwen.  2019.  Control Strategy Analysis of Grid-connected Energy Storage Converter Based on Harmonic Decomposition. 2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia). :1324—1329.

The three-phase grid-connected converter control strategy, which applies to the battery energy storage system, generally ignores the interference of harmonic components in the grid voltage. As a result, it is difficult to meet the practical application requirements. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to optimize and improve the traditional control strategy, taking harmonics into consideration. And its bases are analysis of the harmonic characteristics and study of its control mechanism in the grid-connected converter. This paper proposes a method of harmonic decomposition, classifies the grid voltage harmonics and explores the control mechanism in the grid-connected converter. With the help of the simulation model built by Matlab/Simulink, the comparative simulation of the energy storage control system carried out under the control of the ideal grid voltage input and the actual one, verifies the correctness of the analytical method proposed in the article.

Huijuan, Wang, Yong, Jiang, Xingmin, Ma.  2019.  Fast Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode based Multisource Image Fusion Decomposition. 2019 28th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC). :1—4.

Bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition can decompose the source image into several Bi-dimensional Intrinsic Mode Functions. In the process of image decomposition, interpolation is needed and the upper and lower envelopes will be drawn. However, these interpolations and the drawings of upper and lower envelopes require a lot of computation time and manual screening. This paper proposes a simple but effective method that can maintain the characteristics of the original BEMD method, and the Hermite interpolation reconstruction method is used to replace the surface interpolation, and the variable neighborhood window method is used to replace the fixed neighborhood window method. We call it fast bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition of the variable neighborhood window method based on research characteristics, and we finally complete the image fusion. The empirical analysis shows that this method can overcome the shortcomings that the source image features and details information of BIMF component decomposed from the original BEMD method are not rich enough, and reduce the calculation time, and the fusion quality is better.

Yan, Haonan, Li, Hui, Xiao, Mingchi, Dai, Rui, Zheng, Xianchun, Zhao, Xingwen, Li, Fenghua.  2019.  PGSM-DPI: Precisely Guided Signature Matching of Deep Packet Inspection for Traffic Analysis. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1—6.

In the field of network traffic analysis, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology is widely used at present. However, the increase in network traffic has brought tremendous processing pressure on the DPI. Consequently, detection speed has become the bottleneck of the entire application. In order to speed up the traffic detection of DPI, a lot of research works have been applied to improve signature matching algorithms, which is the most influential factor in DPI performance. In this paper, we present a novel method from a different angle called Precisely Guided Signature Matching (PGSM). Instead of matching packets with signature directly, we use supervised learning to automate the rules of specific protocol in PGSM. By testing the performance of a packet in the rules, the target packet could be decided when and which signatures should be matched with. Thus, the PGSM method reduces the number of aimless matches which are useless and numerous. After proposing PGSM, we build a framework called PGSM-DPI to verify the effectiveness of guidance rules. The PGSM-DPI framework consists of PGSM method and open source DPI library. The framework is running on a distributed platform with better throughput and computational performance. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that our PGSM-DPI can reduce 59.23% original DPI time and increase 21.31% throughput. Besides, all source codes and experimental results can be accessed on our GitHub.

Suo, Yucong, Zhang, Chen, Xi, Xiaoyun, Wang, Xinyi, Zou, Zhiqiang.  2019.  Video Data Hierarchical Retrieval via Deep Hash Method. 2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN). :709—714.

Video retrieval technology faces a series of challenges with the tremendous growth in the number of videos. In order to improve the retrieval performance in efficiency and accuracy, a novel deep hash method for video data hierarchical retrieval is proposed in this paper. The approach first uses cluster-based method to extract key frames, which reduces the workload of subsequent work. On the basis of this, high-level semantical features are extracted from VGG16, a widely used deep convolutional neural network (deep CNN) model. Then we utilize a hierarchical retrieval strategy to improve the retrieval performance, roughly can be categorized as coarse search and fine search. In coarse search, we modify simHash to learn hash codes for faster speed, and in fine search, we use the Euclidean distance to achieve higher accuracy. Finally, we compare our approach with other two methods through practical experiments on two videos, and the results demonstrate that our approach has better retrieval effect.

Xuanyuan, Ming, Ramsurrun, Visham, Seeam, Amar.  2019.  Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks Using Conditional Entropy in Software-defined Networking. 2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC). :66–71.
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a relatively new technology that promotes network revolution. The most distinct characteristic of SDN is the transformation of control logic from the basic packet forwarding equipment to a centralized management unit called controller. However, the centralized control of the network resources is like a double-edged sword, for it not only brings beneficial features but also introduces single point of failure if the controller is under distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we introduce a light-weight approach based on conditional entropy to improve the SDN security with an aim of defending DDoS at the early stage. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a high average detection rate of 99.372%.
Wang, Manxi, Liu, Bingjie, Xu, Haitao.  2019.  Resource Allocation for Threat Defense in Cyber-security IoT system. 2019 28th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC). :1—3.
In this paper, we design a model for resource allocation in IoT system considering the cyber security, to achieve optimal resource allocation when defend the attack and threat. The resource allocation problem is constructed as a dynamic game, where the threat level is the state and the defend cost is the objective function. Open loop solution and feedback solutions are both given to the defender as the optimal control variables under different solutions situations. The optimal allocated resource and the optimal threat level for the defender is simulated through the numerical simulations.
Shengquan, Wang, Xianglong, Li, Ang, Li, Shenlong, Jiang.  2019.  Research on Iris Edge Detection Technology based on Daugman Algorithm. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA). :308—311.

In the current society, people pay more and more attention to identity security, especially in the case of some highly confidential or personal privacy, one-to-one identification is particularly important. The iris recognition just has the characteristics of high efficiency, not easy to be counterfeited, etc., which has been promoted as an identity technology. This paper has carried out research on daugman algorithm and iris edge detection.

Tong, Dong, Yong, Zeng, Mengli, Liu, Zhihong, Liu, Jianfeng, Ma, Xiaoyan, Zhu.  2019.  A Topology Based Differential Privacy Scheme for Average Path Length Query. 2019 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :350–355.
Differential privacy is heavily used in privacy protection due to it provides strong protection against private data. The existing differential privacy scheme mainly implements the privacy protection of nodes or edges in the network by perturbing the data query results. Most of them cannot meet the privacy protection requirements of multiple types of information. In order to overcome these issues, a differential privacy security mechanism with average path length (APL) query is proposed in this paper, which realize the privacy protection of both network vertices and edge weights. Firstly, by describing APL, the reasons for choosing this attribute as the query function are analyzed. Secondly, global sensitivity of APL query under the need of node privacy protection and edge-weighted privacy protection is proved. Finally, the relationship between data availability and privacy control parameters in differential privacy is analyzed through experiments.
Chen, Yanping, Ma, Long, Xia, Hong, Gao, Cong, Wang, Zhongmin, Yu, Zhong.  2019.  Trust-Based Distributed Kalman Filter Estimation Fusion under Malicious Cyber Attacks. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :2255—2260.

We consider distributed Kalman filter for dynamic state estimation over wireless sensor networks. It is promising but challenging when network is under cyber attacks. Since the information exchange between nodes, the malicious attacks quickly spread across the entire network, which causing large measurement errors and even to the collapse of sensor networks. Aiming at the malicious network attack, a trust-based distributed processing frame is proposed. Which allows neighbor nodes to exchange information, and a series of trusted nodes are found using truth discovery. As a demonstration, distributed Cooperative Localization is considered, and numerical results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach by considering random, false data injection and replay attacks.

Liu, Junfu, Chen, Keming, Xu, Guangluan, Li, Hao, Yan, Menglong, Diao, Wenhui, Sun, Xian.  2019.  Semi-Supervised Change Detection Based on Graphs with Generative Adversarial Networks. IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. :74—77.

In this paper, we present a semi-supervised remote sensing change detection method based on graph model with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Firstly, the multi-temporal remote sensing change detection problem is converted as a problem of semi-supervised learning on graph where a majority of unlabeled nodes and a few labeled nodes are contained. Then, GANs are adopted to generate samples in a competitive manner and help improve the classification accuracy. Finally, a binary change map is produced by classifying the unlabeled nodes to a certain class with the help of both the labeled nodes and the unlabeled nodes on graph. Experimental results carried on several very high resolution remote sensing image data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Tsiota, Anastasia, Xenakis, Dionysis, Passas, Nikos, Merakos, Lazaros.  2019.  Multi-Tier and Multi-Band Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Black Hole Attacks. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1—6.

Wireless networks are currently proliferated by multiple tiers and heterogeneous networking equipment that aims to support multifarious services ranging from distant monitoring and control of wireless sensors to immersive virtual reality services. The vast collection of heterogeneous network equipment with divergent radio capabilities (e.g. multi-GHz operation) is vulnerable to wireless network attacks, raising questions on the service availability and coverage performance of future multi-tier wireless networks. In this paper, we study the impact of black hole attacks on service coverage of multi-tier heterogeneous wireless networks and derive closed form expressions when network nodes are unable to identify and avoid black hole nodes. Assuming access to multiple bands, the derived expressions can be readily used to assess the performance gains following from the employment of different association policies and the impact of black hole attacks in multi-tier wireless networks.

Zhang, Tianchen, Zhang, Taimin, Ji, Xiaoyu, Xu, Wenyuan.  2019.  Cuckoo-RPL: Cuckoo Filter based RPL for Defending AMI Network from Blackhole Attacks. 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :8920—8925.

Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is a key component in the smart grid. Transmitting data robustly and reliably between the tremendous smart meters in the AMI is one of the most crucial tasks for providing various services in smart grid. Among the many efforts for designing practical routing protocols for the AMI, the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) proposed by the IETF ROLL working group is considered the most consolidated candidate. Resent research has shown cyber attacks such as blackhole attack and version number attack can seriously damage the performance of the network implementing RPL. The main reason that RPL is vulnerable to these kinds of attacks is the lack an authentication mechanism. In this paper, we study the impact of blackhole attacks on the performance of the AMI network and proposed a new blackhole attack that can bypass the existing defense mechanism. Then, we propose a cuckoo filter based RPL to defend the AMI network from blackhole attacks. We also give the security analysis of the proposed method.

Ye, Yu, Guo, Jun, Xu, Xunjian, Li, Qinpu, Liu, Hong, Di, Yuelun.  2019.  High-risk Problem of Penetration Testing of Power Grid Rainstorm Disaster Artificial Intelligence Prediction System and Its Countermeasures. 2019 IEEE 3rd Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :2675–2680.
System penetration testing is an important measure of discovering information system security issues. This paper summarizes and analyzes the high-risk problems found in the penetration testing of the artificial storm prediction system for power grid storm disasters from four aspects: application security, middleware security, host security and network security. In particular, in order to overcome the blindness of PGRDAIPS current SQL injection penetration test, this paper proposes a SQL blind bug based on improved second-order fragmentation reorganization. By modeling the SQL injection attack behavior and comparing the SQL injection vulnerability test in PGRDAIPS, this method can effectively reduce the blindness of SQL injection penetration test and improve its accuracy. With the prevalence of ubiquitous power internet of things, the electric power information system security defense work has to be taken seriously. This paper can not only guide the design, development and maintenance of disaster prediction information systems, but also provide security for the Energy Internet disaster safety and power meteorological service technology support.
Xiao, Litian, Xiao, Nan, Li, Mengyuan, Liu, Zhanqing, Wang, Fei, Li, Yuliang, Hou, Kewen.  2019.  Intelligent Architecture and Hybrid Model of Ground and Launch System for Advanced Launch Site. 2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference. :1–12.
This paper proposes an intelligent functional architecture for an advanced launch site system that is composed of five parts: the intelligent technical area, the intelligent launching region, the intelligent flight and landing area, the intelligent command and control system, and the intelligent analysis assessment system. The five parts consist of the infrastructure, facilities, equipment, hardware and software and thus include the whole mission processes of ground and launch systems from flight articles' entry to launch. The architectural framework is designed for the intelligent elements of the parts. The framework is also defined as the interrelationship and the interface of the elements, including the launch vehicle and flight payloads. Based on the Internet of Things (IoT), the framework is integrated on four levels: the physical layer, the perception layer, the network layer, and the application layer. The physical layer includes the physical objects and actuators of the launch site. The perception layer consists of the sensors and data processing system. The network layer supplies the access gateways and backbone network. The application layer serves application systems through the middleware platform. The core of the intelligent system is the controller of the automatic control system crossing the four layers. This study builds the models of the IoT, cloud platform, middleware, integrated access gateway, and automatic control system for actual ground and launch systems. A formal approach describes and defines the architecture, models and autonomous control flows in the paper. The defined models describe the physical objects, intelligent elements, interface relations, status transformation functions, etc. The test operation and launch processes are connected with the intelligent system model. This study has been applied to an individual mission project and achieved good results. The architecture and the models of this study regulate the relationship between the elements of the intelligent system. The study lays a foundation for the architectural construction, the simulation and the verification of the intelligent systems at the launch site.