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Liu, W., Park, E. K., Krieger, U., Zhu, S. S..  2020.  Smart e-Health Security and Safety Monitoring with Machine Learning Services. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—6.

This research provides security and safety extensions to a blockchain based solution whose target is e-health. The Advanced Blockchain platform is extended with intelligent monitoring for security and machine learning for detecting patient treatment medication safety issues. For the reasons of stringent HIPAA, HITECH, EU-GDPR and other regional regulations dictating security, safety and privacy requirements, the e-Health blockchains have to cover mandatory disclosure of violations or enforcements of policies during transaction flows involving healthcare. Our service solution further provides the benefits of resolving the abnormal flows of a medical treatment process, providing accountability of the service providers, enabling a trust health information environment for institutions to handle medication safely, giving patients a better safety guarantee, and enabling the authorities to supervise the security and safety of e-Health blockchains. The capabilities can be generalized to support a uniform smart solution across industry in a variety of blockchain applications.

Gamba, J., Rashed, M., Razaghpanah, A., Tapiador, J., Vallina-Rodriguez, N..  2020.  An Analysis of Pre-installed Android Software. 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1039—1055.

The open-source nature of the Android OS makes it possible for manufacturers to ship custom versions of the OS along with a set of pre-installed apps, often for product differentiation. Some device vendors have recently come under scrutiny for potentially invasive private data collection practices and other potentially harmful or unwanted behavior of the preinstalled apps on their devices. Yet, the landscape of preinstalled software in Android has largely remained unexplored, particularly in terms of the security and privacy implications of such customizations. In this paper, we present the first large- scale study of pre-installed software on Android devices from more than 200 vendors. Our work relies on a large dataset of real-world Android firmware acquired worldwide using crowd-sourcing methods. This allows us to answer questions related to the stakeholders involved in the supply chain, from device manufacturers and mobile network operators to third- party organizations like advertising and tracking services, and social network platforms. Our study allows us to also uncover relationships between these actors, which seem to revolve primarily around advertising and data-driven services. Overall, the supply chain around Android's open source model lacks transparency and has facilitated potentially harmful behaviors and backdoored access to sensitive data and services without user consent or awareness. We conclude the paper with recommendations to improve transparency, attribution, and accountability in the Android ecosystem.

Mukhametov, D. R..  2020.  Self-organization of Network Communities via Blockchain Technology: Reputation Systems and Limits of Digital Democracy. 2020 Systems of Signal Synchronization, Generating and Processing in Telecommunications (SYNCHROINFO). :1—7.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of blockchain technology for self-organization of network communities. Network communities are characterized by the key role of trust in personal interactions, the need for repeated interactions, strong and weak ties within the network, social learning as the mechanism of self-organization. Therefore, in network communities reputation is the central component of social action, assessment of the situation, and formation of the expectations. The current proliferation of virtual network communities requires the development of appropriate technical infrastructure in the form of reputation systems - programs that provide calculation of network members reputation and organization of their cooperation and interaction. Traditional reputation systems have vulnerabilities in the field of information security and prevention of abusive behavior of agents. Overcoming these restrictions is possible through integration of reputation systems and blockchain technology that allows to increase transparency of reputation assessment system and prevent attempts of manipulation the system and social engineering. At the same time, the most promising is the use of blockchain-oracles to ensure communication between the algorithms of blockchain-based reputation system and the external information environment. The popularization of blockchain technology and its implementation in various spheres of social management, production control, economic exchange actualizes the problems of using digital technologies in political processes and their impact on the formation of digital authoritarianism, digital democracy and digital anarchism. The paper emphasizes that blockchain technology and reputation systems can equally benefit both the resources of government control and tools of democratization and public accountability to civil society or even practices of avoiding government. Therefore, it is important to take into account the problems of political institutionalization, path dependence and the creation of differentiated incentives as well as the technological aspects.

Li, M., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., Wang, W., Tsang, I. W., Lin, X..  2020.  I/O Efficient Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search based on Learned Functions. 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :289–300.
Approximate nearest neighbour search (ANNS) in high dimensional space is a fundamental problem in many applications, such as multimedia database, computer vision and information retrieval. Among many solutions, data-sensitive hashing-based methods are effective to this problem, yet few of them are designed for external storage scenarios and hence do not optimized for I/O efficiency during the query processing. In this paper, we introduce a novel data-sensitive indexing and query processing framework for ANNS with an emphasis on optimizing the I/O efficiency, especially, the sequential I/Os. The proposed index consists of several lists of point IDs, ordered by values that are obtained by learned hashing (i.e., mapping) functions on each corresponding data point. The functions are learned from the data and approximately preserve the order in the high-dimensional space. We consider two instantiations of the functions (linear and non-linear), both learned from the data with novel objective functions. We also develop an I/O efficient ANNS framework based on the index. Comprehensive experiments on six benchmark datasets show that our proposed methods with learned index structure perform much better than the state-of-the-art external memory-based ANNS methods in terms of I/O efficiency and accuracy.
Fang, S., Kennedy, S., Wang, C., Wang, B., Pei, Q., Liu, X..  2020.  Sparser: Secure Nearest Neighbor Search with Space-filling Curves. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :370–375.
Nearest neighbor search, a classic way of identifying similar data, can be applied to various areas, including database, machine learning, natural language processing, software engineering, etc. Secure nearest neighbor search aims to find nearest neighbors to a given query point over encrypted data without accessing data in plaintext. It provides privacy protection to datasets when nearest neighbor queries need to be operated by an untrusted party (e.g., a public server). While different solutions have been proposed to support nearest neighbor queries on encrypted data, these existing solutions still encounter critical drawbacks either in efficiency or privacy. In light of the limitations in the current literature, we propose a novel approximate nearest neighbor search solution, referred to as Sparser, by leveraging a combination of space-filling curves, perturbation, and Order-Preserving Encryption. The advantages of Sparser are twofold, strengthening privacy and improving efficiency. Specifically, Sparser pre-processes plaintext data with space-filling curves and perturbation, such that data is sparse, which mitigates leakage abuse attacks and renders stronger privacy. In addition to privacy enhancement, Sparser can efficiently find approximate nearest neighbors over encrypted data with logarithmic time. Through extensive experiments over real-world datasets, we demonstrate that Sparser can achieve strong privacy protection under leakage abuse attacks and minimize search time.
Lei, X., Tu, G.-H., Liu, A. X., Xie, T..  2020.  Fast and Secure kNN Query Processing in Cloud Computing. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–9.
Advances in sensing and tracking technology lead to the proliferation of location-based services. Location service providers (LSPs) often resort to commercial public clouds to store the tremendous geospatial data and process location-based queries from data users. To protect the privacy of LSP's geospatial data and data user's query location against the untrusted cloud, they are required to be encrypted before sending to the cloud. Nevertheless, it is not easy to design a fast and secure location-based query processing scheme over the encrypted data. In this paper, we propose a Fast and Secure kNN (FSkNN) scheme to support secure k nearest neighbor (k NN) search in cloud computing. We reveal the inherent connection between an Sk NN protocol and a secure range query protocol and further describe how to construct FSkNN based on a secure range query protocol. FSkNN leverages a customized accuracy-assured strategy to ensure the result accuracy and adopts a data structure named random Bloom filter (RBF) to build a secure index for efficiently searching. We formally prove the security of FSkNN under the random oracle model. Our evaluation results show that FSkNN is highly practical.
Martinelli, F., Marulli, F., Mercaldo, F., Marrone, S., Santone, A..  2020.  Enhanced Privacy and Data Protection using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.

Artificial Intelligence systems have enabled significant benefits for users and society, but whilst the data for their feeding are always increasing, a side to privacy and security leaks is offered. The severe vulnerabilities to the right to privacy obliged governments to enact specific regulations to ensure privacy preservation in any kind of transaction involving sensitive information. In the case of digital and/or physical documents comprising sensitive information, the right to privacy can be preserved by data obfuscation procedures. The capability of recognizing sensitive information for obfuscation is typically entrusted to the experience of human experts, who are over-whelmed by the ever increasing amount of documents to process. Artificial intelligence could proficiently mitigate the effort of the human officers and speed up processes. Anyway, until enough knowledge won't be available in a machine readable format, automatic and effectively working systems can't be developed. In this work we propose a methodology for transferring and leveraging general knowledge across specific-domain tasks. We built, from scratch, specific-domain knowledge data sets, for training artificial intelligence models supporting human experts in privacy preserving tasks. We exploited a mixture of natural language processing techniques applied to unlabeled domain-specific documents corpora for automatically obtain labeled documents, where sensitive information are recognized and tagged. We performed preliminary tests just over 10.000 documents from the healthcare and justice domains. Human experts supported us during the validation. Results we obtained, estimated in terms of precision, recall and F1-score metrics across these two domains, were promising and encouraged us to further investigations.

Doku, R., Rawat, D. B., Garuba, M., Njilla, L..  2020.  Fusion of Named Data Networking and Blockchain for Resilient Internet-of-Battlefield-Things. 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–6.
Named Data Network's (NDN) data-centric approach makes it a suitable solution in a networking scenario where there are connectivity issues as a result of the dynamism of the network. Coupling of this ability with the blockchain's well-documented immutable trustworthy-distributed ledger feature, the union of blockchain and NDN in an Internet-of-Battlefield-Things (IoBT) setting could prove to be the ideal alliance that would guarantee data exchanged in an IoBT environment is trusted and less susceptible to cyber-attacks and packet losses. Various blockchain technologies, however, require that each node has a ledger that stores information or transactions in a chain of blocks. This poses an issue as nodes in an IoBT setting have varying computing and storage resources. Moreover, most of the nodes in the IoT/IoBT network are plagued with limited resources. As such, there needs to be an approach that ensures that the limited resources of these nodes are efficiently utilized. In this paper, we investigate an approach that merges blockchain and NDN to efficiently utilize the resources of these resource-constrained nodes by only storing relevant information on each node's ledger. Furthermore, we propose a sharding technique called an Interest Group and introduce a novel consensus mechanism called Proof of Common Interest. Performance of the proposed approach is evaluated using numerical results.
Liu, F., Eugenio, E., Jin, I. H., Bowen, C..  2020.  Differentially Private Generation of Social Networks via Exponential Random Graph Models. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1695—1700.
Many social networks contain sensitive relational information. One approach to protect the sensitive relational information while offering flexibility for social network research and analysis is to release synthetic social networks at a pre-specified privacy risk level, given the original observed network. We propose the DP-ERGM procedure that synthesizes networks that satisfy the differential privacy (DP) via the exponential random graph model (EGRM). We apply DP-ERGM to a college student friendship network and compare its original network information preservation in the generated private networks with two other approaches: differentially private DyadWise Randomized Response (DWRR) and Sanitization of the Conditional probability of Edge given Attribute classes (SCEA). The results suggest that DP-EGRM preserves the original information significantly better than DWRR and SCEA in both network statistics and inferences from ERGMs and latent space models. In addition, DP-ERGM satisfies the node DP, a stronger notion of privacy than the edge DP that DWRR and SCEA satisfy.
Lau, T. S., Tay, W. Peng.  2020.  Privacy-Aware Quickest Change Detection. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :5999—6003.
This paper considers the problem of the quickest detection of a change in distribution while taking privacy considerations into account. Our goal is to sanitize the signal to satisfy information privacy requirements while being able to detect a change quickly. We formulate the privacy-aware quickest change detection (QCD) problem by including a privacy constraint to Lorden's minimax formulation. We show that the Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) CuSum achieves asymptotic optimality with a properly designed sanitization channel and formulate the design of this sanitization channel as an optimization problem. For computational tractability, a continuous relaxation for the discrete counting constraint is proposed and the augmented Lagrangian method is applied to obtain locally optimal solutions.
Wang, Y., Kjerstad, E., Belisario, B..  2020.  A Dynamic Analysis Security Testing Infrastructure for Internet of Things. 2020 Sixth International Conference on Mobile And Secure Services (MobiSecServ). :1—6.
IoT devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo provide great convenience to our lives. Many of these IoT devices collect data including Personal Identifiable Information such as names, phone numbers, and addresses and thus IoT security is important. However, conducting security analysis on IoT devices is challenging due to the variety, the volume of the devices, and the special skills required for hardware and software analysis. In this research, we create and demonstrate a dynamic analysis security testing infrastructure for capturing network traffic from IoT devices. The network traffic is automatically mirrored to a server for live traffic monitoring and offline data analysis. Using the dynamic analysis security testing infrastructure, we conduct extensive security analysis on network traffic from Google Home and Amazon Echo. Our testing results indicate that Google Home enforces tighter security controls than Amazon Echo while both Google and Amazon devices provide the desired security level to protect user data in general. The dynamic analysis security testing infrastructure presented in the paper can be utilized to conduct similar security analysis on any IoT devices.
Rabieh, K., Mercan, S., Akkaya, K., Baboolal, V., Aygun, R. S..  2020.  Privacy-Preserving and Efficient Sharing of Drone Videos in Public Safety Scenarios using Proxy Re-encryption. 2020 IEEE 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IRI). :45–52.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) also known as drones are being used in many applications where they can record or stream videos. One interesting application is the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and public safety applications where drones record videos and send them to a control center for further analysis. These videos are shared by various clients such as law enforcement or emergency personnel. In such cases, the recording might include faces of civilians or other sensitive information that might pose privacy concerns. While the video can be encrypted and stored in the cloud that way, it can still be accessed once the keys are exposed to third parties which is completely insecure. To prevent such insecurity, in this paper, we propose proxy re-encryption based sharing scheme to enable third parties to access only limited videos without having the original encryption key. The costly pairing operations in proxy re-encryption are not used to allow rapid access and delivery of the surveillance videos to third parties. The key management is handled by a trusted control center, which acts as the proxy to re-encrypt the data. We implemented and tested the approach in a realistic simulation environment using different resolutions under ns-3. The implementation results and comparisons indicate that there is an acceptable overhead while it can still preserve the privacy of drivers and passengers.
Chen, Z., Chen, J., Meng, W..  2020.  A New Dynamic Conditional Proxy Broadcast Re-Encryption Scheme for Cloud Storage and Sharing. 2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :569–576.
Security of cloud storage and sharing is concerned for years since a semi-trusted party, Cloud Server Provider (CSP), has access to user data on cloud server that may leak users' private data without constraint. Intuitively, an efficient solution of protecting cloud data is to encrypt it before uploading to the cloud server. However, a new requirement, data sharing, makes it difficult to manage secret keys among data owners and target users. Therefore conditional proxy broadcast re-encryption technology (CPBRE) is proposed in recent years to provide data encryption and sharing approaches for cloud environment. It enables a data owner to upload encrypted data to the cloud server and a third party proxy can re-encrypted cloud data under certain condition to a new ciphertext so that target users can decrypt re-encrypted data using their own private key. But few CPBRE schemes are applicable for a dynamic cloud environment. In this paper, we propose a new dynamic conditional proxy broadcast reencryption scheme that can be dynamic in system user setting and target user group. The initialization phase does not require a fixed system user setup so that users can join or leave the system in any time. And data owner can dynamically change the group of user he wants to share data with. We also provide security analysis which proves our scheme to be secure against CSP, and performance analysis shows that our scheme exceeds other schemes in terms of functionality and resource cost.
Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Li, S..  2020.  Research and Implementation on an Efficient Public Key Encryption Algorithm with Keyword Search Scheme. 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :314–319.
With the rapid development of network storage service, a number of companies and individuals have stored data on a third-party server. Encryption is an effective means of protecting the confidentiality and privacy of data, but retrieval on the encrypted data is a very difficult task. Thus, searchable encryption has become a hot topic in recent years. The paper first introduces the existing searchable encryption algorithms. Then studies the new PEKS scheme (NPEKS) and analyzes its performance and efficiency. In the end, based on NPEKS, introduced attribute encryption, designed a scheme which is suitable for corporate cloud storage environment. This scheme not only has the advantages of simplicity and efficiency, but also can realize the secret retrieval of the third-party data. Experiments show that comparing with existing PEKS schemes and other improved schemes, this scheme has the advantages of simplicity and high efficiency. In addition, its security is the same as existing PEKS schemes.
Ng, M., Coopamootoo, K. P. L., Toreini, E., Aitken, M., Elliot, K., Moorsel, A. van.  2020.  Simulating the Effects of Social Presence on Trust, Privacy Concerns Usage Intentions in Automated Bots for Finance. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :190–199.
FinBots are chatbots built on automated decision technology, aimed to facilitate accessible banking and to support customers in making financial decisions. Chatbots are increasing in prevalence, sometimes even equipped to mimic human social rules, expectations and norms, decreasing the necessity for human-to-human interaction. As banks and financial advisory platforms move towards creating bots that enhance the current state of consumer trust and adoption rates, we investigated the effects of chatbot vignettes with and without socio-emotional features on intention to use the chatbot for financial support purposes. We conducted a between-subject online experiment with N = 410 participants. Participants in the control group were provided with a vignette describing a secure and reliable chatbot called XRO23, whereas participants in the experimental group were presented with a vignette describing a secure and reliable chatbot that is more human-like and named Emma. We found that Vignette Emma did not increase participants' trust levels nor lowered their privacy concerns even though it increased perception of social presence. However, we found that intention to use the presented chatbot for financial support was positively influenced by perceived humanness and trust in the bot. Participants were also more willing to share financially-sensitive information such as account number, sort code and payments information to XRO23 compared to Emma - revealing a preference for a technical and mechanical FinBot in information sharing. Overall, this research contributes to our understanding of the intention to use chatbots with different features as financial technology, in particular that socio-emotional support may not be favoured when designed independently of financial function.
Li, R., Ishimaki, Y., Yamana, H..  2020.  Privacy Preserving Calculation in Cloud using Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Table Lookup. 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA). :315–322.
To protect data in cloud servers, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is an effective solution. In addition to encrypting data, FHE allows a third party to evaluate arithmetic circuits (i.e., computations) over encrypted data without decrypting it, guaranteeing protection even during the calculation. However, FHE supports only addition and multiplication. Functions that cannot be directly represented by additions or multiplications cannot be evaluated with FHE. A naïve implementation of such arithmetic operations with FHE is a bit-wise operation that encrypts numerical data as a binary string. This incurs huge computation time and storage costs, however. To overcome this limitation, we propose an efficient protocol to evaluate multi-input functions with FHE using a lookup table. We extend our previous work, which evaluates a single-integer input function, such as f(x). Our extended protocol can handle multi-input functions, such as f(x,y). Thus, we propose a new method of constructing lookup tables that can evaluate multi-input functions to handle general functions. We adopt integer encoding rather than bit-wise encoding to speed up the evaluations. By adopting both permutation operations and a private information retrieval scheme, we guarantee that no information from the underlying plaintext is leaked between two parties: a cloud computation server and a decryptor. Our experimental results show that the runtime of our protocol for a two-input function is approximately 13 minutes, when there are 8,192 input elements in the lookup table. By adopting a multi-threading technique, the runtime can be further reduced to approximately three minutes with eight threads. Our work is more practical than a previously proposed bit-wise implementation, which requires 60 minutes to evaluate a single-input function.
Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Shang, T., Wu, W..  2020.  Quantum Homomorphic Encryption Based on Quantum Obfuscation. 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :2010–2015.
Homomorphic encryption enables computation on encrypted data while maintaining secrecy. This leads to an important open question whether quantum computation can be delegated and verified in a non-interactive manner or not. In this paper, we affirmatively answer this question by constructing the quantum homomorphic encryption scheme with quantum obfuscation. It takes advantage of the interchangeability of the unitary operator, and exchanges the evaluation operator and the encryption operator by means of equivalent multiplication to complete homomorphic encryption. The correctness of the proposed scheme is proved theoretically. The evaluator does not know the decryption key and does not require a regular interaction with a user. Because of key transmission after quantum obfuscation, the encrypting party and the decrypting party can be different users. The output state has the property of complete mixture, which guarantees the scheme security. Moreover, the security level of the quantum homomorphic encryption scheme depends on quantum obfuscation and encryption operators.
Ogunseyi, T. B., Bo, T..  2020.  Fast Decryption Algorithm for Paillier Homomorphic Cryptosystem. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS). :803–806.
With the shift in storage paradigm, there is an increasing need for privacy of dataset and also for an encryption scheme that permits computation on encrypted data. Paillier cryptosystem is a good example of such a homomorphic encryption scheme. To improve the efficiency of the Paillier homomorphic encryption scheme in terms of its decryption speed and overall computational cost, we propose an improved decryption process. Specifically, the inclusion of a variable k to reduce the modular multiplicative arithmetic. The variable k is combined with the L function and CRT recombination method, to arrive at a fast and improved decryption process, showing the mathematical correctness of the decryption algorithm. Experimental results validate that our scheme is significantly efficient in its decryption speed.
Mahmood, Z. H., Ibrahem, M. K..  2020.  A Noise-Free Homomorphic Encryption based on Chaotic System. 2020 1st. Information Technology To Enhance e-learning and Other Application (IT-ELA. :132–137.
Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) was one of the most prominent research topics of the last ten years. And it is considered as a major cryptographic tool in a secure and reliable cloud computing environment. The reason behind that because it allows computations over encrypted data, without decrypting the original message. This paper developed a new symmetric (FHE) algorithm based on Enhanced Matrix Operation for Randomization and Encryption (EMORE) algorithm using a chaotic system. The proposed algorithm was considered a noise-free algorithm. It generates the ciphertext in a floating-point number's format, overcomes the problem of plaintext ring and modular arithmetic operation in EMORE by the hardness of a chaotic system, and provides another level of security in terms of randomness properties, sensitivity to the initial condition, and large key size (\textbackslashtextgreater2100) of a chaotic system. Besides that, the proposed algorithm provides the confidentiality and privacy of outsourced data computing through homomorphism property of it. By using both numerical and statistical tests, these tests proved that the proposed algorithm has positive randomness properties and provide secure and reliable encryption (through encryption-decryption time, key sensitivity, keyspace, and correlation). Finally, the simulation results show that the execution time of the proposed algorithm is faster about 7.85 times than the EMORE algorithm.
Sendhil, R., Amuthan, A..  2020.  Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation in Fog Computing using Homomorphic Encryption: An Analysis. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–5.
In recent days the attention of the researchers has been grabbed by the advent of fog computing which is found to be a conservatory of cloud computing. The fog computing is found to be more advantageous and it solves mighty issues of the cloud namely higher delay and also no proper mobility awareness and location related awareness are found in the cloud environment. The IoT devices are connected to the fog nodes which support the cloud services to accumulate and process a component of data. The presence of Fog nodes not only reduces the demands of processing data, but it had improved the quality of service in real time scenarios. Nevertheless the fog node endures from challenges of false data injection, privacy violation in IoT devices and violating integrity of data. This paper is going to address the key issues related to homomorphic encryption algorithms which is used by various researchers for providing data integrity and authenticity of the devices with their merits and demerits.
Lin, G., Zhao, H., Zhao, L., Gan, X., Yao, Z..  2020.  Differential Privacy Information Publishing Algorithm based on Cluster Anonymity. 2020 International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE). :226—233.

With the development of Internet technology, the attacker gets more and more complex background knowledge, which makes the anonymous model susceptible to background attack. Although the differential privacy model can resist the background attack, it reduces the versatility of the data. In this paper, this paper proposes a differential privacy information publishing algorithm based on clustering anonymity. The algorithm uses the cluster anonymous algorithm based on KD tree to cluster the original data sets and gets anonymous tables by anonymous operation. Finally, the algorithm adds noise to the anonymous table to satisfy the definition of differential privacy. The algorithm is compared with the DCMDP (Density-Based Clustering Mechanism with Differential Privacy, DCMDP) algorithm under different privacy budgets. The experiments show that as the privacy budget increases, the algorithm reduces the information loss by about 80% of the published data.

Santos, W., Sousa, G., Prata, P., Ferrão, M. E..  2020.  Data Anonymization: K-anonymity Sensitivity Analysis. 2020 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1—6.

These days the digitization process is everywhere, spreading also across central governments and local authorities. It is hoped that, using open government data for scientific research purposes, the public good and social justice might be enhanced. Taking into account the European General Data Protection Regulation recently adopted, the big challenge in Portugal and other European countries, is how to provide the right balance between personal data privacy and data value for research. This work presents a sensitivity study of data anonymization procedure applied to a real open government data available from the Brazilian higher education evaluation system. The ARX k-anonymization algorithm, with and without generalization of some research value variables, was performed. The analysis of the amount of data / information lost and the risk of re-identification suggest that the anonymization process may lead to the under-representation of minorities and sociodemographic disadvantaged groups. It will enable scientists to improve the balance among risk, data usability, and contributions for the public good policies and practices.

Esmeel, T. K., Hasan, M. M., Kabir, M. N., Firdaus, A..  2020.  Balancing Data Utility versus Information Loss in Data-Privacy Protection using k-Anonymity. 2020 IEEE 8th Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC). :158—161.

Data privacy has been an important area of research in recent years. Dataset often consists of sensitive data fields, exposure of which may jeopardize interests of individuals associated with the data. In order to resolve this issue, privacy techniques can be used to hinder the identification of a person through anonymization of the sensitive data in the dataset to protect sensitive information, while the anonymized dataset can be used by the third parties for analysis purposes without obstruction. In this research, we investigated a privacy technique, k-anonymity for different values of on different number columns of the dataset. Next, the information loss due to k-anonymity is computed. The anonymized files go through the classification process by some machine-learning algorithms i.e., Naive Bayes, J48 and neural network in order to check a balance between data anonymity and data utility. Based on the classification accuracy, the optimal values of and are obtained, and thus, the optimal and can be used for k-anonymity algorithm to anonymize optimal number of columns of the dataset.

Kumar, B. S., Daniya, T., Sathya, N., Cristin, R..  2020.  Investigation on Privacy Preserving using K-Anonymity Techniques. 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1—7.

In the current world, day by day the data growth and the investigation about that information increased due to the pervasiveness of computing devices, but people are reluctant to share their information on online portals or surveys fearing safety because sensitive information such as credit card information, medical conditions and other personal information in the wrong hands can mean danger to the society. These days privacy preserving has become a setback for storing data in data repository so for that reason data in the repository should be made undistinguishable, data is encrypted while storing and later decrypted when needed for analysis purpose in data mining. While storing the raw data of the individuals it is important to remove person-identifiable information such as name, employee id. However, the other attributes pertaining to the person should be encrypted so the methodologies used to implement. These methodologies can make data in the repository secure and PPDM task can made easier.

Javed, M. U., Jamal, A., Javaid, N., Haider, N., Imran, M..  2020.  Conditional Anonymity enabled Blockchain-based Ad Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network. 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :2149—2153.

Advertisement sharing in vehicular network through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication is a fascinating in-vehicle service for advertisers and the users due to multiple reasons. It enable advertisers to promote their product or services in the region of their interest. Also the users get to receive more relevant ads. Usually, users tend to contribute in dissemination of ads if their privacy is preserved and if some incentive is provided. Recent researches have focused on enabling both of the parameters for the users by developing fair incentive mechanism which preserves privacy by using Zero-Knowledge Proof of Knowledge (ZKPoK) (Ming et al., 2019). However, the anonymity provided by ZKPoK can introduce internal attacker scenarios in the network due to which authenticated users can disseminate fake ads in the network without payment. As the existing scheme uses certificate-less cryptography, due to which malicious users cannot be removed from the network. In order to resolve these challenges, we employed conditional anonymity and introduced Monitoring Authority (MA) in the system. In our proposed scheme, the pseudonyms are assigned to the vehicles while their real identities are stored in Certification Authority (CA) in encrypted form. The pseudonyms are updated after a pre-defined time threshold to prevent behavioural privacy leakage. We performed security and performance analysis to show the efficiency of our proposed system.