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Hassan, Galal, Rashwan, Abdulmonem M., Hassanein, Hossam S..  2019.  SandBoxer: A Self-Contained Sensor Architecture for Sandboxing the Industrial Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :1–6.
The Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) has gained significant interest from both the research and industry communities. Such interest came with a vision towards enabling automation and intelligence for futuristic versions of our day to day devices. However, such a vision demands the need for accelerated research and development of IIoT systems, in which sensor integration, due to their diversity, impose a significant roadblock. Such roadblocks are embodied in both the cost and time to develop an IIoT platform, imposing limits on the innovation of sensor manufacturers, as a result of the demand to maintain interface compatibility for seamless integration and low development costs. In this paper, we propose an IIoT system architecture (SandBoxer) tailored for sensor integration, that utilizes a collaborative set of efforts from various technologies and research fields. The paper introduces the concept of ”development-sandboxing” as a viable choice towards building the foundation for enabling true-plug-and-play IIoT. We start by outlining the key characteristics desired to create an architecture that catalyzes IIoT research and development. We then present our vision of the architecture through the use of a sensor-hosted EEPROM and scripting to ”sandbox” the sensors, which in turn accelerates sensor integration for developers and creates a broader innovation path for sensor manufacturers. We also discuss multiple design alternative, challenges, and use cases in both the research and industry.
Liu, Yingying, Wang, Yiwei.  2019.  A Robust Malware Detection System Using Deep Learning on API Calls. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :1456–1460.
With the development of technology, the massive malware become the major challenge to current computer security. In our work, we implemented a malware detection system using deep learning on API calls. By means of cuckoo sandbox, we extracted the API calls sequence of malicious programs. Through filtering and ordering the redundant API calls, we extracted the valid API sequences. Compared with GRU, BGRU, LSTM and SimpleRNN, we evaluated the BLSTM on the massive datasets including 21,378 samples. The experimental results demonstrate that BLSTM has the best performance for malware detection, reaching the accuracy of 97.85%.
Sgambelluri, A., Dugeon, O., Sevilla, K., Ubaldi, F., Monti, P., De Dios, O. G., Paolucci, F..  2019.  Multi-Operator Orchestration of Connectivity Services Exploiting Stateful BRPC and BGP-LS in the 5GEx Sandbox. 2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC). :1–3.
QoS-based connectivity coordinated by the 5GEx Multi-domain Orchestrator exploiting novel stateful BRPC is demonstrated for the first time over a multi-operator multi-technology transport network within the European 5GEx Sandbox, including Segment Routing and optical domains.
Jadidi, Mahya Soleimani, Zaborski, Mariusz, Kidney, Brian, Anderson, Jonathan.  2019.  CapExec: Towards Transparently-Sandboxed Services. 2019 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :1–5.
Network services are among the riskiest programs executed by production systems. Such services execute large quantities of complex code and process data from arbitrary — and untrusted — network sources, often with high levels of system privilege. It is desirable to confine system services to a least-privileged environment so that the potential damage from a malicious attacker can be limited, but existing mechanisms for sandboxing services require invasive and system-specific code changes and are insufficient to confine broad classes of network services. Rather than sandboxing one service at a time, we propose that the best place to add sandboxing to network services is in the service manager that starts those services. As a first step towards this vision, we propose CapExec, a process supervisor that can execute a single service within a sandbox based on a service declaration file in which, required resources whose limited access to are supported by Caper services, are specified. Using the Capsicum compartmentalization framework and its Casper service framework, CapExec provides robust application sandboxing without requiring any modifications to the application itself. We believe that this is the first step towards ubiquitous sandboxing of network services without the costs of virtualization.
Huang, Shiyou, Guo, Jianmei, Li, Sanhong, Li, Xiang, Qi, Yumin, Chow, Kingsum, Huang, Jeff.  2019.  SafeCheck: Safety Enhancement of Java Unsafe API. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :889–899.

Java is a safe programming language by providing bytecode verification and enforcing memory protection. For instance, programmers cannot directly access the memory but have to use object references. Yet, the Java runtime provides an Unsafe API as a backdoor for the developers to access the low- level system code. Whereas the Unsafe API is designed to be used by the Java core library, a growing community of third-party libraries use it to achieve high performance. The Unsafe API is powerful, but dangerous, which leads to data corruption, resource leaks and difficult-to-diagnose JVM crash if used improperly. In this work, we study the Unsafe crash patterns and propose a memory checker to enforce memory safety, thus avoiding the JVM crash caused by the misuse of the Unsafe API at the bytecode level. We evaluate our technique on real crash cases from the openJDK bug system and real-world applications from AJDK. Our tool reduces the efforts from several days to a few minutes for the developers to diagnose the Unsafe related crashes. We also evaluate the runtime overhead of our tool on projects using intensive Unsafe operations, and the result shows that our tool causes a negligible perturbation to the execution of the applications.

Coblenz, Michael, Sunshine, Joshua, Aldrich, Jonathan, Myers, Brad A..  2019.  Smarter Smart Contract Development Tools. 2019 IEEE/ACM 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain (WETSEB). :48–51.

Much recent work focuses on finding bugs and security vulnerabilities in smart contracts written in existing languages. Although this approach may be helpful, it does not address flaws in the underlying programming language, which can facilitate writing buggy code in the first place. We advocate a re-thinking of the blockchain software engineering tool set, starting with the programming language in which smart contracts are written. In this paper, we propose and justify requirements for a new generation of blockchain software development tools. New tools should (1) consider users' needs as a primary concern; (2) seek to facilitate safe development by detecting relevant classes of serious bugs at compile time; (3) as much as possible, be blockchain-agnostic, given the wide variety of different blockchain platforms available, and leverage the properties that are common among blockchain environments to improve safety and developer effectiveness.

Romagnoli, Raffaele, Krogh, Bruce H., Sinopoli, Bruno.  2019.  Design of Software Rejuvenation for CPS Security Using Invariant Sets. 2019 American Control Conference (ACC). :3740–3745.

Software rejuvenation has been proposed as a strategy to protect cyber-physical systems (CSPs) against unanticipated and undetectable cyber attacks. The basic idea is to refresh the system periodically with a secure and trusted copy of the online software so as to eliminate all effects of malicious modifications to the run-time code and data. This paper considers software rejuvenation design from a control-theoretic perspective. Invariant sets for the Lyapunov function for the safety controller are used to derive bounds on the time that the CPS can operate in mission control mode before the software must be refreshed. With these results it can be guaranteed that the CPS will remain safe under cyber attacks against the run-time system. The approach is illustrated using simulation of the nonlinear dynamics of a quadrotor system. The concluding section discusses directions for further research.

Liu, Wenqing, Zhang, Kun, Tu, Bibo, Lin, Kunli.  2019.  HyperPS: A Hypervisor Monitoring Approach Based on Privilege Separation. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :981–988.

In monolithic operating system (OS), any error of system software can be exploit to destroy the whole system. The situation becomes much more severe in cloud environment, when the kernel and the hypervisor share the same address space. The security of guest Virtual Machines (VMs), both sensitive data and vital code, can no longer be guaranteed, once the hypervisor is compromised. Therefore, it is essential to deploy some security approaches to secure VMs, regardless of the hypervisor is safe or not. Some approaches propose microhypervisor reducing attack surface, or a new software requiring a higher privilege level than hypervisor. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, named HyperPS, which separates the fundamental and crucial privilege into a new trusted environment in order to monitor hypervisor. A pivotal condition for HyperPS is that hypervisor must not be allowed to manipulate any security-sensitive system resources, such as page tables, system control registers, interaction between VM and hypervisor as well as VM memory mapping. Besides, HyperPS proposes a trusted environment which does not rely on any higher privilege than the hypervisor. We have implemented a prototype for KVM hypervisor on x86 platform with multiple VMs running Linux. KVM with HyperPS can be applied to current commercial cloud computing industry with portability. The security analysis shows that this approach can provide effective monitoring against attacks, and the performance evaluation confirms the efficiency of HyperPS.

Abedin, Zain Ul, Guan, Zhitao, Arif, Asad Ullah, Anwar, Usman.  2019.  An Advance Cryptographic Solutions in Cloud Computing Security. 2019 2nd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET). :1–6.

Cryptographically cloud computing may be an innovative safe cloud computing design. Cloud computing may be a huge size dispersed computing model that ambitious by the economy of the level. It integrates a group of inattentive virtualized animatedly scalable and managed possessions like computing control storage space platform and services. External end users will approach to resources over the net victimization fatal particularly mobile terminals, Cloud's architecture structures are advances in on-demand new trends. That are the belongings are animatedly assigned to a user per his request and hand over when the task is finished. So, this paper projected biometric coding to boost the confidentiality in Cloud computing for biometric knowledge. Also, this paper mentioned virtualization for Cloud computing also as statistics coding. Indeed, this paper overviewed the safety weaknesses of Cloud computing and the way biometric coding will improve the confidentiality in Cloud computing atmosphere. Excluding this confidentiality is increased in Cloud computing by victimization biometric coding for biometric knowledge. The novel approach of biometric coding is to reinforce the biometric knowledge confidentiality in Cloud computing. Implementation of identification mechanism can take the security of information and access management in the cloud to a higher level. This section discusses, however, a projected statistics system with relation to alternative recognition systems to date is a lot of advantageous and result oriented as a result of it does not work on presumptions: it's distinctive and provides quick and contact less authentication. Thus, this paper reviews the new discipline techniques accustomed to defend methodology encrypted info in passing remote cloud storage.

Boehm, Barry, Rosenberg, Doug, Siegel, Neil.  2019.  Critical Quality Factors for Rapid, Scalable, Agile Development. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :514–515.

Agile methods frequently have difficulties with qualities, often specifying quality requirements as stories, e.g., "As a user, I need a safe and secure system." Such projects will generally schedule some capability releases followed by safety and security releases, only to discover user-developer misunderstandings and unsecurable agile code, leading to project failure. Very large agile projects also have further difficulties with project velocity and scalability. Examples are trying to use daily standup meetings, 2-week sprints, shared tacit knowledge vs. documents, and dealing with user-developer misunderstandings. At USC, our Parallel Agile, Executable Architecture research project shows some success at mid-scale (50 developers). We also examined several large (hundreds of developers) TRW projects that had succeeded with rapid, high-quality development. The paper elaborates on their common Critical Quality Factors: a concurrent 3-team approach, an empowered Keeper of the Project Vision, and a management approach emphasizing qualities.

Lai, Chengzhe, Ding, Yuhan.  2019.  A Secure Blockchain-Based Group Mobility Management Scheme in VANETs. 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :340–345.

Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) can provide vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communications for efficient and safe transportation. The vehicles features high mobility, thus undergoing frequent handovers when they are moving, which introduces the significant overload on the network entities. To address the problem, the distributed mobility management (DMM) protocol for next generation mobile network has been proposed, which can be well combined with VANETs. Although the existing DMM solutions can guarantee the smooth handovers of vehicles, the security has not been fully considered in the mobility management. Moreover, the most of existing schemes cannot support group communication scenario. In this paper, we propose an efficient and secure group mobility management scheme based on the blockchain. Specifically, to reduce the handover latency and signaling cost during authentication, aggregate message authentication code (AMAC) and one-time password (OTP) are adopted. The security analysis and the performance evaluation results show that the proposed scheme can not only enhance the security functionalities but also support fast handover authentication.

Richter, Michael, Mehlmann, Gert, Luther, Matthias.  2019.  Grid Code Compliant Modeling and Control of Modular Multilevel Converters during Unbalanced Faults. 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). :1–6.

This paper presents necessary modeling and control enhancements for Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) to provide Fault-Ride-Through capability and fast fault current injection as required by the new German Technical Connection Rules for HVDC. HVDC converters have to be able to detect and control the grid voltage and grid currents accurately during all fault conditions. That applies to the positive as well as negative sequence components, hence a Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame - Phase-Locked-Loop (DDSRF-PLL) and Current Control (DDSRF-CC) are implemented. In addition, an enhanced current limitation and an extension of the horizontal balancing control are proposed to complement the control structure for safe operation.

Lin, Nan, Zhang, Linrui, Chen, Yuxuan, Zhu, Yujun, Chen, Ruoxi, Wu, Peichen, Chen, Xiaoping.  2019.  Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Safe Control with Force Sensing. 2019 WRC Symposium on Advanced Robotics and Automation (WRC SARA). :148–153.

For the task with complicated manipulation in unstructured environments, traditional hand-coded methods are ineffective, while reinforcement learning can provide more general and useful policy. Although the reinforcement learning is able to obtain impressive results, its stability and reliability is hard to guarantee, which would cause the potential safety threats. Besides, the transfer from simulation to real-world also will lead in unpredictable situations. To enhance the safety and reliability of robots, we introduce the force and haptic perception into reinforcement learning. Force and tactual sensation play key roles in robotic dynamic control and human-robot interaction. We demonstrate that the force-based reinforcement learning method can be more adaptive to environment, especially in sim-to-real transfer. Experimental results show in object pushing task, our strategy is safer and more efficient in both simulation and real world, thus it holds prospects for a wide variety of robotic applications.

Xu, Zheng, Abraham, Jacob.  2019.  Resilient Reorder Buffer Design for Network-on-Chip. 20th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :92–97.

Functionally safe control logic design without full duplication is difficult due to the complexity of random control logic. The Reorder buffer (ROB) is a control logic function commonly used in high performance computing systems. In this study, we focus on a safe ROB design used in an industry quality Network-on-Chip (NoC) Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) Network Interface (NI) block. We developed and applied area efficient safe design techniques including partial duplication, Error Detection Code (EDC) and invariance checking with formal proofs and showed that we can achieve a desired safe Diagnostic Coverage (DC) requirement with small area and power overheads and no performance degradation.

Van, Hao, Nguyen, Huyen N., Hewett, Rattikorn, Dang, Tommy.  2019.  HackerNets: Visualizing Media Conversations on Internet of Things, Big Data, and Cybersecurity. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :3293–3302.
The giant network of Internet of Things establishes connections between smart devices and people, with protocols to collect and share data. While the data is expanding at a fast pace in this era of Big Data, there are growing concerns about security and privacy policies. In the current Internet of Things ecosystems, at the intersection of the Internet of Things, Big Data, and Cybersecurity lies the subject that attracts the most attention. In aiding users in getting an adequate understanding, this paper introduces HackerNets, an interactive visualization for emerging topics in the crossing of IoT, Big Data, and Cybersecurity over time. To demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of HackerNets, we apply and evaluate the technique on the dataset from the social media platform.
Yang, Yunxue, Ji, Guohua, Yang, Zhenqi, Xue, Shengjun.  2019.  Incentive Contract for Cybersecurity Information Sharing Considering Monitoring Signals. 2019 International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :507–512.
Cyber insurance is a viable method for cyber risk transfer. However, the cyber insurance faces critical challenges, the most important of which is lack of statistical data. In this paper, we proposed an incentive model considering monitoring signals for cybersecurity information haring based on the principal-agent theory. We studied the effect of monitoring signals on increasing the rationality of the incentive contract and reducing moral hazard in the process of cybersecurity information sharing, and analyzed factors influencing the effectiveness of the incentive contract. We show that by introducing monitoring signals, the insurer can collect more information about the effort level of the insured, and encourage the insured to share cybersecurity information based on the information sharing output and monitoring signals of the effort level, which can not only reduce the blindness of incentive to the insured in the process of cybersecurity information sharing, but also reduce moral hazard.
Li, Tao, Guo, Yuanbo, Ju, Ankang.  2019.  A Self-Attention-Based Approach for Named Entity Recognition in Cybersecurity. 2019 15th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :147–150.
With cybersecurity situation more and more complex, data-driven security has become indispensable. Numerous cybersecurity data exists in textual sources and data analysis is difficult for both security analyst and the machine. To convert the textual information into structured data for further automatic analysis, we extract cybersecurity-related entities and propose a self-attention-based neural network model for the named entity recognition in cybersecurity. Considering the single word feature not enough for identifying the entity, we introduce CNN to extract character feature which is then concatenated into the word feature. Then we add the self-attention mechanism based on the existing BiLSTM-CRF model. Finally, we evaluate the proposed model on the labelled dataset and obtain a better performance than the previous entity extraction model.
Offenberger, Spencer, Herman, Geoffrey L., Peterson, Peter, Sherman, Alan T, Golaszewski, Enis, Scheponik, Travis, Oliva, Linda.  2019.  Initial Validation of the Cybersecurity Concept Inventory: Pilot Testing and Expert Review. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1–9.
We analyze expert review and student performance data to evaluate the validity of the Cybersecurity Concept Inventory (CCI) for assessing student knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts after a first course on the topic. A panel of 12 experts in cybersecurity reviewed the CCI, and 142 students from six different institutions took the CCI as a pilot test. The panel reviewed each item of the CCI and the overwhelming majority rated every item as measuring appropriate cybersecurity knowledge. We administered the CCI to students taking a first cybersecurity course either online or proctored by the course instructor. We applied classical test theory to evaluate the quality of the CCI. This evaluation showed that the CCI is sufficiently reliable for measuring student knowledge of cybersecurity and that the CCI may be too difficult as a whole. We describe the results of the expert review and the pilot test and provide recommendations for the continued improvement of the CCI.
Wang, Johnson J. H..  2019.  Solving Cybersecurity Problem by Symmetric Dual-Space Formulation—Physical and Cybernetic. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting. :601–602.
To address cybersecurity, this author proposed recently the approach of formulating it in symmetric dual-space and dual-system. This paper further explains this concept, beginning with symmetric Maxwell Equation (ME) and Fourier Transform (FT). The approach appears to be a powerful solution, with wide applications ranging from Electronic Warfare (EW) to 5G Mobile, etc.
Schwab, Stephen, Kline, Erik.  2019.  Cybersecurity Experimentation at Program Scale: Guidelines and Principles for Future Testbeds. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :94–102.
Cybersecurity Experimentation is often viewed narrowly in terms of a single technology or experiment. This paper reviews the experimentation life-cycle for two large scale research efforts that span multiple technologies. We identify salient aspects of each cybersecurity program, and capture guidelines based on eight years of experience. Extrapolating, we identify four principles for building future experimental infrastructure: 1) Reduce the cognitive burden on experimenters when designing and operating experiments. 2) Allow experimenters to encode their goals and constraints. 3) Provide flexibility in experimental design. 4) Provide multifaceted guidance to help experimenters produce high-quality experiments. By following these principles, future cybersecurity testbeds can enable significantly higher-quality experiments.
Kalashnikov, A.O., Anikina, E.V..  2019.  Complex Network Cybersecurity Monitoring Method. 2019 Twelfth International Conference "Management of large-scale system development" (MLSD). :1–3.
This paper considers one of the methods of efficient allocation of limited resources in special-purpose devices (sensors) to monitor complex network unit cybersecurity.
Zhang, Ruipeng, Xu, Chen, Xie, Mengjun.  2019.  Powering Hands-on Cybersecurity Practices with Cloud Computing. 2019 IEEE 27th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP). :1–2.
Cybersecurity education and training have gained increasing attention in all sectors due to the prevalence and quick evolution of cyberattacks. A variety of platforms and systems have been proposed and developed to accommodate the growing needs of hands-on cybersecurity practice. However, those systems are either lacking sufficient flexibility (e.g., tied to a specific virtual computing service provider, little customization support) or difficult to scale. In this work, we present a cloud-based platform named EZSetup for hands-on cybersecurity practice at scale and our experience of using it in class. EZSetup is customizable and cloud-agnostic. Users can create labs through an intuitive Web interface and deploy them onto one or multiple clouds. We have used NSF funded Chameleon cloud and our private OpenStack cloud to develop, test and deploy EZSetup. We have developed 14 network and security labs using the tool and included six labs in an undergraduate network security course in spring 2019. Our survey results show that students have very positive feedback on using EZSetup and computing clouds for hands-on cybersecurity practice.
Promyslov, Vitaly, Jharko, Elena, Semenkov, Kirill.  2019.  Principles of Physical and Information Model Integration for Cybersecurity Provision to a Nuclear Power Plant. 2019 Twelfth International Conference "Management of large-scale system development" (MLSD). :1–3.
For complex technical objects the research of cybersecurity problems should take into account both physical and information properties of the object. The paper considers a hybrid model that unifies information and physical models and may be used as a tool for countering cyber threats and for cybersecurity risk assessment at the design and operational stage of an object's lifecycle.
Williams, Laurie.  2019.  Science Leaves Clues. IEEE Security Privacy. 17:4–6.
The elusive science of security. Science advances when research results build upon prior findings through the evolution of hypotheses and theories about the fundamental relationships among variables within a context and considering the threats and limitations of the work. Some hypothesize that, through this science of security, the industry can take a more principled and systematic approach to securing systems, rather than reacting to the latest move by attackers. Others debate the utility of a science of security.
Xie, Yuanpeng, Jiang, Yixin, Liao, Runfa, Wen, Hong, Meng, Jiaxiao, Guo, Xiaobin, Xu, Aidong, Guan, Zewu.  2015.  User Privacy Protection for Cloud Computing Based Smart Grid. 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China - Workshops (CIC/ICCC). :7–11.

The smart grid aims to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of the electric system via modern communication system, it's necessary to utilize cloud computing to process and store the data. In fact, it's a promising paradigm to integrate smart grid into cloud computing. However, access to cloud computing system also brings data security issues. This paper focuses on the protection of user privacy in smart meter system based on data combination privacy and trusted third party. The paper demonstrates the security issues for smart grid communication system and cloud computing respectively, and illustrates the security issues for the integration. And we introduce data chunk storage and chunk relationship confusion to protect user privacy. We also propose a chunk information list system for inserting and searching data.