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Lin, G., Zhao, H., Zhao, L., Gan, X., Yao, Z..  2020.  Differential Privacy Information Publishing Algorithm based on Cluster Anonymity. 2020 International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE). :226—233.

With the development of Internet technology, the attacker gets more and more complex background knowledge, which makes the anonymous model susceptible to background attack. Although the differential privacy model can resist the background attack, it reduces the versatility of the data. In this paper, this paper proposes a differential privacy information publishing algorithm based on clustering anonymity. The algorithm uses the cluster anonymous algorithm based on KD tree to cluster the original data sets and gets anonymous tables by anonymous operation. Finally, the algorithm adds noise to the anonymous table to satisfy the definition of differential privacy. The algorithm is compared with the DCMDP (Density-Based Clustering Mechanism with Differential Privacy, DCMDP) algorithm under different privacy budgets. The experiments show that as the privacy budget increases, the algorithm reduces the information loss by about 80% of the published data.

Zhang, M., Wei, T., Li, Z., Zhou, Z..  2020.  A service-oriented adaptive anonymity algorithm. 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :7626—7631.

Recently, a large amount of research studies aiming at the privacy-preserving data publishing have been conducted. We find that most K-anonymity algorithms fail to consider the characteristics of attribute values distribution in data and the contribution value differences in quasi-identifier attributes when service-oriented. In this paper, the importance of distribution characteristics of attribute values and the differences in contribution value of quasi-identifier attributes to anonymous results are illustrated. In order to maximize the utility of released data, a service-oriented adaptive anonymity algorithm is proposed. We establish a model of reaction dispersion degree to quantify the characteristics of attribute value distribution and introduce the concept of utility weight related to the contribution value of quasi-identifier attributes. The priority coefficient and the characterization coefficient of partition quality are defined to optimize selection strategies of dimension and splitting value in anonymity group partition process adaptively, which can reduce unnecessary information loss so as to further improve the utility of anonymized data. The rationality and validity of the algorithm are verified by theoretical analysis and multiple experiments.

Ghazo, A. T. Al, Ibrahim, M., Ren, H., Kumar, R..  2020.  A2G2V: Automatic Attack Graph Generation and Visualization and Its Applications to Computer and SCADA Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 50:3488–3498.
Securing cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems requires the identification of how interdependence among existing atomic vulnerabilities may be exploited by an adversary to stitch together an attack that can compromise the system. Therefore, accurate attack graphs play a significant role in systems security. A manual construction of the attack graphs is tedious and error-prone, this paper proposes a model-checking-based automated attack graph generator and visualizer (A2G2V). The proposed A2G2V algorithm uses existing model-checking tools, an architecture description tool, and our own code to generate an attack graph that enumerates the set of all possible sequences in which atomic-level vulnerabilities can be exploited to compromise system security. The architecture description tool captures a formal representation of the networked system, its atomic vulnerabilities, their pre-and post-conditions, and security property of interest. A model-checker is employed to automatically identify an attack sequence in the form of a counterexample. Our own code integrated with the model-checker parses the counterexamples, encodes those for specification relaxation, and iterates until all attack sequences are revealed. Finally, a visualization tool has also been incorporated with A2G2V to generate a graphical representation of the generated attack graph. The results are illustrated through application to computer as well as control (SCADA) networks.
Mazlisham, M. H., Adnan, S. F. Syed, Isa, M. A. Mat, Mahad, Z., Asbullah, M. A..  2020.  Analysis of Rabin-P and RSA-OAEP Encryption Scheme on Microprocessor Platform. 2020 IEEE 10th Symposium on Computer Applications Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE). :292–296.

This paper presents an analysis of Rabin-P encryption scheme on microprocessor platform in term of runtime and energy consumption. A microprocessor is one of the devices utilized in the Internet of Things (IoT) structure. Therefore, in this work, the microprocessor selected is the Raspberry Pi that is powered with a smaller version of the Linux operating system for embedded devices, the Raspbian OS. A comparative analysis is then conducted for Rabin-p and RSA-OAEP cryptosystem in the Raspberry Pi setup. A conclusion can be made that Rabin-p performs faster in comparison to the RSA-OAEP cryptosystem in the microprocessor platform. Rabin-p can improve decryption efficiency by using only one modular exponentiation while produces a unique message after the decryption process.

Akbari, I., Tahoun, E., Salahuddin, M. A., Limam, N., Boutaba, R..  2020.  ATMoS: Autonomous Threat Mitigation in SDN using Reinforcement Learning. NOMS 2020 - 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. :1—9.
Machine Learning has revolutionized many fields of computer science. Reinforcement Learning (RL), in particular, stands out as a solution to sequential decision making problems. With the growing complexity of computer networks in the face of new emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things and the growing complexity of threat vectors, there is a dire need for autonomous network systems. RL is a viable solution for achieving this autonomy. Software-defined Networking (SDN) provides a global network view and programmability of network behaviour, which can be employed for security management. Previous works in RL-based threat mitigation have mostly focused on very specific problems, mostly non-sequential, with ad-hoc solutions. In this paper, we propose ATMoS, a general framework designed to facilitate the rapid design of RL applications for network security management using SDN. We evaluate our framework for implementing RL applications for threat mitigation, by showcasing the use of ATMoS with a Neural Fitted Q-learning agent to mitigate an Advanced Persistent Threat. We present the RL model's convergence results showing the feasibility of our solution for active threat mitigation.
Li, Y., Yang, Y., Yu, X., Yang, T., Dong, L., Wang, W..  2020.  IoT-APIScanner: Detecting API Unauthorized Access Vulnerabilities of IoT Platform. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—5.

The Internet of Things enables interaction between IoT devices and users through the cloud. The cloud provides services such as account monitoring, device management, and device control. As the center of the IoT platform, the cloud provides services to IoT devices and IoT applications through APIs. Therefore, the permission verification of the API is essential. However, we found that some APIs are unverified, which allows unauthorized users to access cloud resources or control devices; it could threaten the security of devices and cloud. To check for unauthorized access to the API, we developed IoT-APIScanner, a framework to check the permission verification of the cloud API. Through observation, we found there is a large amount of interactive information between IoT application and cloud, which include the APIs and related parameters, so we can extract them by analyzing the code of the IoT application, and use this for mutating API test cases. Through these test cases, we can effectively check the permissions of the API. In our research, we extracted a total of 5 platform APIs. Among them, the proportion of APIs without permission verification reached 13.3%. Our research shows that attackers could use the API without permission verification to obtain user privacy or control of devices.

Sebbah, A., Kadri, B..  2020.  A Privacy and Authentication Scheme for IoT Environments Using ECC and Fuzzy Extractor. 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV). :1–5.
The internet of things (IoT) is consisting of many complementary elements which have their own specificities and capacities. These elements are gaining new application and use cases in our lives. Nevertheless, they open a negative horizon of security and privacy issues which must be treated delicately before the deployment of any IoT. Recently, different works emerged dealing with the same branch of issues, like the work of Yuwen Chen et al. that is called LightPriAuth. LightPriAuth has several drawbacks and weakness against various popular attacks such as Insider attack and stolen smart card. Our objective in this paper is to propose a novel solution which is “authentication scheme with three factor using ECC and fuzzy extractor” to ensure security and privacy. The obtained results had proven the superiority of our scheme's performances compared to that of LightPriAuth which, additionally, had defeated the weaknesses left by LightPriAuth.
Bentahar, A., Meraoumia, A., Bendjenna, H., Chitroub, S., Zeroual, A..  2020.  Fuzzy Extractor-Based Key Agreement for Internet of Things. 020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP). :25–29.
The emergence of the Internet of Things with its constraints obliges researchers in this field to find light and accurate solutions to secure the data exchange. This document presents secure authentication using biometrics coupled with an effective key agreement scheme to save time and energy. In our scheme, the agreed key is used to encrypt transmission data between different IoT actors. While the fuzzy extractor based on the fuzzy vault principle, is used as authentication and as key agreement scheme. Besides, our system incorporates the Reed Solomon and Hamming codes to give some tolerance to errors. The experimental results have been discussed according to several recognition rates and computation times. Indeed, the recognition rate results have been compared to other works to validate our system. Also, we clarify how our system resists to specific transmission attacks without affecting lightness and accuracy.
Khadka, A., Argyriou, V., Remagnino, P..  2020.  Accurate Deep Net Crowd Counting for Smart IoT Video acquisition devices. 2020 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). :260—264.

A novel deep neural network is proposed, for accurate and robust crowd counting. Crowd counting is a complex task, as it strongly depends on the deployed camera characteristics and, above all, the scene perspective. Crowd counting is essential in security applications where Internet of Things (IoT) cameras are deployed to help with crowd management tasks. The complexity of a scene varies greatly, and a medium to large scale security system based on IoT cameras must cater for changes in perspective and how people appear from different vantage points. To address this, our deep architecture extracts multi-scale features with a pyramid contextual module to provide long-range contextual information and enlarge the receptive field. Experiments were run on three major crowd counting datasets, to test our proposed method. Results demonstrate our method supersedes the performance of state-of-the-art methods.

Khudhair, A. B., Ghani, R. F..  2020.  IoT Based Smart Video Surveillance System Using Convolutional Neural Network. 2020 6th International Engineering Conference “Sustainable Technology and Development" (IEC). :163—168.

Video surveillance plays an important role in our times. It is a great help in reducing the crime rate, and it can also help to monitor the status of facilities. The performance of the video surveillance system is limited by human factors such as fatigue, time efficiency, and human resources. It would be beneficial for all if fully automatic video surveillance systems are employed to do the job. The automation of the video surveillance system is still not satisfying regarding many problems such as the accuracy of the detector, bandwidth consumption, storage usage, etc. This scientific paper mainly focuses on a video surveillance system using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), IoT and cloud. The system contains multi nods, each node consists of a microprocessor(Raspberry Pi) and a camera, the nodes communicate with each other using client and server architecture. The nodes can detect humans using a pretraining MobileNetv2-SSDLite model and Common Objects in Context(COCO) dataset, the captured video will stream to the main node(only one node will communicate with cloud) in order to stream the video to the cloud. Also, the main node will send an SMS notification to the security team to inform the detection of humans. The security team can check the videos captured using a mobile application or web application. Operating the Object detection model of Deep learning will be required a large amount of the computational power, for instance, the Raspberry Pi with a limited in performance for that reason we used the MobileNetv2-SSDLite model.

Majhi, D., Rao, M., Sahoo, S., Dash, S. P., Mohapatra, D. P..  2020.  Modified Grey Wolf Optimization(GWO) based Accident Deterrence in Internet of Things (IoT) enabled Mining Industry. 2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA). :1–4.
The occurrences of accidents in mining industries owing to the fragile health conditions of mine workers are reportedly increasing. Health conditions measured as heart rate or pulse, glycemic index, and blood pressure are often crucial parameters that lead to failure in proper reasoning when not within acceptable ranges. These parameters, such as heartbeat rate can be measured continuously using sensors. The data can be monitored remotely and, when found to be of concern, can send necessary alarms to the mine manager. The early alarm notification enables the mine manager with better preparedness for managing the reach of first aid to the accident spot and thereby reduce mine fatalities drastically. This paper presents a framework for deterring accidents in mines with the help of the Grey Wolf Optimization approach.
Bhat, P., Batakurki, M., Chari, M..  2020.  Classifier with Deep Deviation Detection in PoE-IoT Devices. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). :1–3.
With the rapid growth in diversity of PoE-IoT devices and concept of "Edge intelligence", PoE-IoT security and behavior analysis is the major concern. These PoE-IoT devices lack visibility when the entire network infrastructure is taken into account. The IoT devices are prone to have design faults in their security capabilities. The entire network may be put to risk by attacks on vulnerable IoT devices or malware might get introduced into IoT devices even by routine operations such as firmware upgrade. There have been various approaches based on machine learning(ML) to classify PoE-IoT devices based on network traffic characteristics such as Deep Packet Inspection(DPI). In this paper, we propose a novel method for PoE-IoT classification where ML algorithm, Decision Tree is used. In addition to classification, this method provides useful insights to the network deployment, based on the deviations detected. These insights can further be used for shaping policies, troubleshooting and behavior analysis of PoE-IoT devices.
Cheng, Z., Beshley, M., Beshley, H., Kochan, O., Urikova, O..  2020.  Development of Deep Packet Inspection System for Network Traffic Analysis and Intrusion Detection. 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :877–881.
One of the most important issues in the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) is network security. The deep packet inspection (DPI) is a promising technology that helps to detection and protection against network attacks. The DPI software system for IoT is developed in this paper. The system for monitoring and analyzing IoT traffic to detect anomalies and identify attacks based on Hurst parameter is proposed. This system makes it possible to determine the Hurst flow parameter at different intervals of observation. This system can be installed on a network provider to use more effectively the bandwidth.
Bahaa, M., Aboulmagd, A., Adel, K., Fawzy, H., Abdelbaki, N..  2020.  nnDPI: A Novel Deep Packet Inspection Technique Using Word Embedding, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks. 2020 2nd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES). :165–170.
Traffic Characterization, Application Identification, Per Application Classification, and VPN/Non-VPN Traffic Characterization have been some of the most notable research topics over the past few years. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) promises an increase in Quality of Service (QoS) for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), simplifies network management and plays a vital role in content censoring. DPI has been used to help ease the flow of network traffic. For instance, if there is a high priority message, DPI could be used to enable high-priority information to pass through immediately, ahead of other lower priority messages. It can be used to prioritize packets that are mission-critical, ahead of ordinary browsing packets. Throttling or slowing down the rate of data transfer can be achieved using DPI for certain traffic types like peer-to-peer downloads. It can also be used to enhance the capabilities of ISPs to prevent the exploitation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in Distributed Denial-Of-Service (DDOS) attacks by blocking malicious requests from devices. In this paper, we introduce a novel architecture for DPI using neural networks utilizing layers of word embedding, convolutional neural networks and bidirectional recurrent neural networks which proved to have promising results in this task. The proposed architecture introduces a new mix of layers which outperforms the proposed approaches before.
Dikii, D. I..  2020.  Remote Access Control Model for MQTT Protocol. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :288–291.
The author considers the Internet of Things security problems, namely, the organization of secure access control when using the MQTT protocol. Security mechanisms and methods that are employed or supported by the MQTT protocol have been analyzed. Thus, the protocol employs authentication by the login and password. In addition, it supports cryptographic processing over transferring data via the TLS protocol. Third-party services on OAuth protocol can be used for authentication. The authorization takes place by configuring the ACL-files or via third-party services and databases. The author suggests a device discretionary access control model of machine-to-machine interaction under the MQTT protocol, which is based on the HRU-model. The model entails six operators: the addition and deletion of a subject, the addition and deletion of an object, the addition and deletion of access privileges. The access control model is presented in a form of an access matrix and has three types of privileges: read, write, ownership. The model is composed in a way that makes it compatible with the protocol of a widespread version v3.1.1. The available types of messages in the MQTT protocol allow for the adjustment of access privileges. The author considered an algorithm with such a service data unit build that the unit could easily be distinguished in the message body. The implementation of the suggested model will lead to the minimization of administrator's involvement due to the possibility for devices to determine access privileges to the information resource without human involvement. The author suggests recommendations for security policies, when organizing an informational exchange in accordance with the MQTT protocol.
Meng, C., Zhou, L..  2020.  Big Data Encryption Technology Based on ASCII And Application On Credit Supervision. 2020 International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE). :79—82.

Big Data Platform provides business units with data platforms, data products and data services by integrating all data to fully analyze and exploit the intrinsic value of data. Data accessed by big data platforms may include many users' privacy and sensitive information, such as the user's hotel stay history, user payment information, etc., which is at risk of leakage. This paper first analyzes the risks of data leakage, then introduces in detail the theoretical basis and common methods of data desensitization technology, and finally puts forward a set of effective market subject credit supervision application based on asccii, which is committed to solving the problems of insufficient breadth and depth of data utilization for enterprises involved, the problems of lagging regulatory laws and standards, the problems of separating credit construction and market supervision business, and the credit constraints of data governance.

Wang, A., Yuan, Z., He, B..  2020.  Design and Realization of Smart Home Security System Based on AWS. 2020 International Conference on Information Science, Parallel and Distributed Systems (ISPDS). :291—295.
With the popularization and application of Internet of Things technology, the degree of intelligence of the home system is getting higher and higher. As an important part of the smart home, the security system plays an important role in protecting against accidents such as flammable gas leakage, fire, and burglary that may occur in the home environment. This design focuses on sensor signal acquisition and processing, wireless access, and cloud applications, and integrates Cypress’s new generation of PSoC 6 MCU, CYW4343W Wi-Fi and Bluetooth dual-module chips, and Amazon’s AWS cloud into smart home security System designing. First, through the designed air conditioning and refrigeration module, fire warning processing module, lighting control module, ventilation fan control module, combustible gas and smoke detection and warning module, important parameter information in the home environment is obtained. Then, the hardware system is connected to the AWS cloud platform through Wi-Fi; finally, a WEB interface is built in the AWS cloud to realize remote monitoring of the smart home environment. This design has a good reference for the design of future smart home security systems.
Zhang, Y., Weng, J., Ling, Z., Pearson, B., Fu, X..  2020.  BLESS: A BLE Application Security Scanning Framework. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :636—645.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a widely adopted wireless communication technology in the Internet of Things (IoT). BLE offers secure communication through a set of pairing strategies. However, these pairing strategies are obsolete in the context of IoT. The security of BLE based devices relies on physical security, but a BLE enabled IoT device may be deployed in a public environment without physical security. Attackers who can physically access a BLE-based device will be able to pair with it and may control it thereafter. Therefore, manufacturers may implement extra authentication mechanisms at the application layer to address this issue. In this paper, we design and implement a BLE Security Scan (BLESS) framework to identify those BLE apps that do not implement encryption or authentication at the application layer. Taint analysis is used to track if BLE apps use nonces and cryptographic keys, which are critical to cryptographic protocols. We scan 1073 BLE apps and find that 93% of them are not secure. To mitigate this problem, we propose and implement an application-level defense with a low-cost \$0.55 crypto co-processor using public key cryptography.
Ditton, S., Tekeoglu, A., Bekiroglu, K., Srinivasan, S..  2020.  A Proof of Concept Denial of Service Attack Against Bluetooth IoT Devices. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :1—6.
Bluetooth technologies have widespread applications in personal area networks, device-to-device communications and forming ad hoc networks. Studying Bluetooth devices security is a challenging task as they lack support for monitor mode available with other wireless networks (e.g. 802.11 WiFi). In addition, the frequency-hoping spread spectrum technique used in its operation necessitates special hardware and software to study its operation. This investigation examines methods for analyzing Bluetooth devices' security and presents a proof-of-concept DoS attack on the Link Manager Protocol (LMP) layer using the InternalBlue framework. Through this study, we demonstrate a method to study Bluetooth device security using existing tools without requiring specialized hardware. Consequently, the methods proposed in the paper can be used to study Bluetooth security in many applications.
Enkhtaivan, B., Inoue, A..  2020.  Mediating Data Trustworthiness by Using Trusted Hardware between IoT Devices and Blockchain. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT). :314–318.
In recent years, with the progress of data analysis methods utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, concepts of smart cities collecting data from IoT devices and creating values by analyzing it have been proposed. However, making sure that the data is not tampered with is of the utmost importance. One way to do this is to utilize blockchain technology to record and trace the history of the data. Park and Kim proposed ensuring the trustworthiness of the data by utilizing an IoT device with a trusted execution environment (TEE). Also, Guan et al. proposed authenticating an IoT device and mediating data using a TEE. For the authentication, they use the physically unclonable function of the IoT device. Usually, IoT devices suffer from the lack of resources necessary for creating transactions for the blockchain ledger. In this paper, we present a secure protocol in which a TEE acts as a proxy to the IoT devices and creates the necessary transactions for the blockchain. We use an authenticated encryption method on the data transmission between the IoT device and TEE to authenticate the device and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data generated by the IoT devices.
Nasution, A. P., Suryani, V., Wardana, A. A..  2020.  IoT Object Security towards On-off Attack Using Trustworthiness Management. 2020 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT). :1–6.
Internet of Things (IoT) can create the world with the integration of the physical things with the seamlessly network of information purposely to give a sophisticated and smart service for human life. A variety of threats and attacks to IoT object, however, can lead to the misuse of data or information to the IoT objects. One of the attacks is On-off Attack in which the attacker acts not only as an object with a good manner by sending the valid trust value but also sometimes as a bad object by sending invalid one. To respond this action, there is a need for the object security to such attacks. Here the writer used the Trustworthiness Management as a method to cope with this attack. Trustworthiness Management can use the aspect of trust value security as a reference for detecting an attack to the object. In addition, with the support of security system using the authentication provided by MQTT, it is expected that it can provide an additional security. The approach used in this research was the test on On-Off Attack detection directly to the object connected to the network. The results of the test were then displayed on the webpage made using PHP and MySQL database as the storage of the values sent by the object to the server. The test on the On-off Attack detection was successfully conducted with the success level of 100% and the execution to detection took 0.5518318 seconds. This then showed that Trustworthiness Management can be used as one of the methods to cope with On-off Attack.
Neises, J., Moldovan, G., Walloschke, T., Popovici, B..  2020.  Trustworthiness in Supply Chains : A modular extensible Approach applied to Industrial IoT. 2020 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS). :1–6.
Typical transactions in cross-company Industry 4.0 supply chains require a dynamically evaluable form of trustworthiness. Therefore, specific requirements on the parties involved, down to the machine level, for automatically verifiable operations shall facilitate the realization of the economic advantages of future flexible process chains in production. The core of the paper is a modular and extensible model for the assessment of trustworthiness in industrial IoT based on the Industrial Internet Security Framework of the Industrial Internet Consortium, which among other things defines five trustworthiness key characteristics of NIST. This is the starting point for a flexible model, which contains features as discussed in ISO/IEC JTC 1/AG 7 N51 or trustworthiness profiles as used in regulatory requirements. Specific minimum and maximum requirement parameters define the range of trustworthy operation. An automated calculation of trustworthiness in a dynamic environment based on an initial trust metric is presented. The evaluation can be device-based, connection-based, behaviour-based and context-based and thus become part of measurable, trustworthy, monitorable Industry 4.0 scenarios. Finally, the dynamic evaluation of automatable trust models of industrial components is illustrated based on the Multi-Vendor-Industry of the Horizon 2020 project SecureIoT. (grant agreement number 779899).
Portaluri, G., Giordano, S..  2020.  Gambling on fairness: a fair scheduler for IIoT communications based on the shell game. 2020 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). :1–6.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm represents nowadays the cornerstone of the industrial automation since it has introduced new features and services for different environments and has granted the connection of industrial machine sensors and actuators both to local processing and to the Internet. One of the most advanced network protocol stack for IoT-IIoT networks that have been developed is 6LoWPAN which supports IPv6 on top of Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (LoWPANs). 6LoWPAN is usually coupled with the IEEE 802.15.4 low-bitrate and low-energy MAC protocol that relies on the time-slotted channel hopping (TSCH) technique. In TSCH networks, a coordinator node synchronizes all end-devices and specifies whether (and when) they can transmit or not in order to improve their energy efficiency. In this scenario, the scheduling strategy adopted by the coordinator plays a crucial role that impacts dramatically on the network performance. In this paper, we present a novel scheduling strategy for time-slot allocation in IIoT communications which aims at the improvement of the overall network fairness. The proposed strategy mimics the well-known shell game turning the totally unfair mechanics of this game into a fair scheduling strategy. We compare our proposal with three allocation strategies, and we evaluate the fairness of each scheduler showing that our allocator outperforms the others.
Sanila, A., Mahapatra, B., Turuk, A. K..  2020.  Performance Evaluation of RPL protocol in a 6LoWPAN based Smart Home Environment. 2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA). :1–6.
The advancement in technologies like IoT, device-to-device communication lead to concepts like smart home and smart cities, etc. In smart home architecture, different devices such as home appliances, personal computers, surveillance cameras, etc. are connected to the Internet and enable the user to monitor and control irrespective of time and location. IPv6-enabled 6LoWPAN is a low-power, low-range communication protocol designed and developed for the short-range IoT applications. 6LoWPAN is based on IEEE 802.15.4 protocol and IPv6 network protocol for low range wireless applications. Although 6LoWPAN supports different routing protocols, RPL is the widely used routing protocol for low power and lossy networks. In this work, we have taken an IoT enabled smart home environment, in which 6LoWPAN is used as a communication and RPL as a routing protocol. The performance of this proposed network model is analyzed based on the different performance metrics such as latency, PDR, and throughput. The proposed model is simulated using Cooja simulator running over the Contiki OS. Along with the Cooja simulator, the network analyzer tool Wireshark is used to analyze the network behaviors.
Yang, B., Liu, F., Yuan, L., Zhang, Y..  2020.  6LoWPAN Protocol Based Infrared Sensor Network Human Target Locating System. 2020 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). :1773–1779.
This paper proposes an infrared sensor human target locating system for the Internet of Things. In this design, the wireless sensor network is designed and developed to detect human targets by using 6LoWPAN protocol and pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensors. Based on the detection data acquired by multiple sensor nodes, K-means++ clustering algorithm combined with cost function is applied to complete human target location in a 10m×10m detection area. The experimental results indicate the human locating system works well and the user can view the location information on the terminal devices.