Visible to the public A Privacy and Authentication Scheme for IoT Environments Using ECC and Fuzzy Extractor

TitleA Privacy and Authentication Scheme for IoT Environments Using ECC and Fuzzy Extractor
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSebbah, A., Kadri, B.
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV)
Date Publishedjun
Keywordsauthentication, authentication scheme, complementary elements, cryptography, data privacy, ECC, Fuzzy Cryptography, fuzzy extractor, insider attack, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT environments, key establishment, LightPriAuth, Logic gates, message authentication, Metrics, negative horizon, password, popular attacks, privacy, Privacy., pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, Smart card, smart cards, use cases, user anonymity, user authentication
AbstractThe internet of things (IoT) is consisting of many complementary elements which have their own specificities and capacities. These elements are gaining new application and use cases in our lives. Nevertheless, they open a negative horizon of security and privacy issues which must be treated delicately before the deployment of any IoT. Recently, different works emerged dealing with the same branch of issues, like the work of Yuwen Chen et al. that is called LightPriAuth. LightPriAuth has several drawbacks and weakness against various popular attacks such as Insider attack and stolen smart card. Our objective in this paper is to propose a novel solution which is "authentication scheme with three factor using ECC and fuzzy extractor" to ensure security and privacy. The obtained results had proven the superiority of our scheme's performances compared to that of LightPriAuth which, additionally, had defeated the weaknesses left by LightPriAuth.
Citation Keysebbah_privacy_2020