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Triastcyn, Aleksei, Faltings, Boi.  2019.  Federated Learning with Bayesian Differential Privacy. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2587–2596.
We consider the problem of reinforcing federated learning with formal privacy guarantees. We propose to employ Bayesian differential privacy, a relaxation of differential privacy for similarly distributed data, to provide sharper privacy loss bounds. We adapt the Bayesian privacy accounting method to the federated setting and suggest multiple improvements for more efficient privacy budgeting at different levels. Our experiments show significant advantage over the state-of-the-art differential privacy bounds for federated learning on image classification tasks, including a medical application, bringing the privacy budget below ε = 1 at the client level, and below ε = 0.1 at the instance level. Lower amounts of noise also benefit the model accuracy and reduce the number of communication rounds.
Gu, Chongyan, Chang, Chip Hong, Liu, Weiqiang, Yu, Shichao, Ma, Qingqing, O'Neill, Maire.  2019.  A Modeling Attack Resistant Deception Technique for Securing PUF based Authentication. 2019 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1—6.

Due to practical constraints in preventing phishing through public network or insecure communication channels, simple physical unclonable function (PDF)-based authentication protocol with unrestricted queries and transparent responses is vulnerable to modeling and replay attacks. In this paper, we present a PUF-based authentication method to mitigate the practical limitations in applications where a resource-rich server authenticates a device with no strong restriction imposed on the type of PUF designs or any additional protection on the binary channel used for the authentication. Our scheme uses an active deception protocol to prevent machine learning (ML) attacks on a device. The monolithic system makes collection of challenge response pairs (CRPs) easy for model building during enrollment but prohibitively time consuming upon device deployment. A genuine server can perform a mutual authentication with the device at any time with a combined fresh challenge contributed by both the server and the device. The message exchanged in clear does not expose the authentic CRPs. The false PUF multiplexing is fortified against prediction of waiting time by doubling the time penalty for every unsuccessful authentication.

Lai, Chengzhe, Du, Yangyang, Men, Jiawei, Zheng, Dong.  2019.  A Trust-based Real-time Map Updating Scheme. 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :334—339.

The real-time map updating enables vehicles to obtain accurate and timely traffic information. Especially for driverless cars, real-time map updating can provide high-precision map service to assist the navigation, which requires vehicles to actively upload the latest road conditions. However, due to the untrusted network environment, it is difficult for the real-time map updating server to evaluate the authenticity of the road information from the vehicles. In order to prevent malicious vehicles from deliberately spreading false information and protect the privacy of vehicles from tracking attacks, this paper proposes a trust-based real-time map updating scheme. In this scheme, the public key is used as the identifier of the vehicle for anonymous communication with conditional anonymity. In addition, the blockchain is applied to provide the existence proof for the public key certificate of the vehicle. At the same time, to avoid the spread of false messages, a trust evaluation algorithm is designed. The fog node can validate the received massages from vehicles using Bayesian Inference Model. Based on the verification results, the road condition information is sent to the real-time map updating server so that the server can update the map in time and prevent the secondary traffic accident. In order to calculate the trust value offset for the vehicle, the fog node generates a rating for each message source vehicle, and finally adds the relevant data to the blockchain. According to the result of security analysis, this scheme can guarantee the anonymity and prevent the Sybil attack. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is effective and accurate in terms of real-time map updating and trust values calculating.

Garrido, Pablo, Sanchez, Isabel, Ferlin, Simone, Aguero, Ramon, Alay, Ozgu.  2019.  Poster: rQUIC - integrating FEC with QUIC for robust wireless communications. 2019 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking). :1—2.

Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC) is an experimental transport protocol designed to primarily reduce connection establishment and transport latency, as well as to improve security standards with default end-to-end encryption in HTTPbased applications. QUIC is a multiplexed and secure transport protocol fostered by Google and its design emerged from the urgent need of innovation in the transport layer, mainly due to difficulties extending TCP and deploying new protocols. While still under standardisation, a non-negligble fraction of the Internet's traffic, more than 7% of a European Tier1-ISP, is already running over QUIC and it constitutes more than 30% of Google's egress traffic [1].

Kipchuk, Feodosiy, Sokolov, Volodymyr, Buriachok, Volodymyr, Kuzmenko, Lidia.  2019.  Investigation of Availability of Wireless Access Points based on Embedded Systems. 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S T). :1–5.
The paper presents the results of load testing of embedded hardware platforms for Internet of Things solutions. Analyzed the available hardware. The operating systems from different manufacturers were consolidated into a single classification, and for the two most popular, load testing was performed by an external and internal wireless network adapter. Developed its own software solution based on the Python programming language. The number of wireless subscribers ranged from 7 to 14. Experimental results will be useful in deploying wireless infrastructure for small commercial and scientific wireless networks.
Chen, JiaYou, Guo, Hong, Hu, Wei.  2019.  Research on Improving Network Security of Embedded System. 2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud)/ 2019 5th IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Scalable Cloud (EdgeCom). :136–138.
With the continuous development of information technology, our country has achieved great progress and development in Electronic Science and technology. Nowadays mobile embedded systems are gradually coming into people's vision. Mobile embedded system is a brand-new computer technology in the current computer technology. Now it has been widely used in enterprises. Mobile embedded system extends its functions mainly by combining the access capability of the Internet. Nowadays, embedded system network is widely welcomed by people. But for the embedded system network, there are also a variety of network attacks. Therefore, in the research process of this paper, we mainly start with the way of embedded network security and network attack, and then carry out the countermeasures to improve the network security of embedded system, which is to provide a good reference for improving the security and stability of embedded system.
Das, Bablu Kumar, Garg, Ritu.  2019.  Security of Cloud Storage based on Extended Hill Cipher and Homomorphic Encryption. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :515–520.
Cloud computing is one of the emerging area in the business world that help to access resources at low expense with high privacy. Security is a standout amongst the most imperative difficulties in cloud network for cloud providers and their customers. In order to ensure security in cloud, we proposed a framework using different encryption algorithm namely Extended hill cipher and homomorphic encryption. Firstly user data/information is isolated into two parts which is static and dynamic data (critical data). Extended hill cipher encryption is applied over more important dynamic part where we are encrypting the string using matrix multiplication. While homomorphic encryption is applied over static data in which it accepts n number of strings as information, encode each string independently and lastly combine all the strings. The test results clearly manifests that the proposed model provides better information security.
He, Fei, Chandrasekar, Santhosh, Rao, Nageswara S. V., Ma, Chris Y. T..  2019.  Effects of Interdependencies on Game-Theoretic Defense of Cyber-Physical Infrastructures. 2019 22th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION). :1–8.
Resilience and security of infrastructures depend not only on their constituent systems but also on interdependencies among them. This paper studies how these interdependencies in infrastructures affect the defense effort needed to counter external attacks, by formulating a simultaneous game between a service provider (i.e., defender) and an attacker. Effects of interdependencies in three basic topological structures, namely, bus, star and ring, are considered and compared in terms of the game-theoretic defense strategy. Results show that in a star topology, the attacker's and defender's pure strategies at Nash Equilibrium (NE) are sensitive to interdependency levels whereas in a bus structure, the interdependencies show little impact on both defender's and attacker's pure strategies. The sensitivity estimates of defense and attack strategies at NE with respect to target valuation and unit cost are also presented. The results provide insights into infrastructure design and resource allocation for reinforcement of constituent systems.
van den Berg, Eric, Robertson, Seth.  2019.  Game-Theoretic Planning to Counter DDoS in NEMESIS. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
NEMESIS provides powerful and cost-effective defenses against extreme Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks through a number of network maneuvers. However, selection of which maneuvers to deploy when and with what parameters requires great care to achieve optimal outcomes in the face of overwhelming attack. Analytical wargaming allows game theoretic optimal Courses of Action (COA) to be created real-time during live operations, orders of magnitude faster than packet-level simulation and with equivalent outcomes to even expert human hand-crafted COAs.
Gulhane, Aniket, Vyas, Akhil, Mitra, Reshmi, Oruche, Roland, Hoefer, Gabriela, Valluripally, Samaikya, Calyam, Prasad, Hoque, Khaza Anuarul.  2019.  Security, Privacy and Safety Risk Assessment for Virtual Reality Learning Environment Applications. 2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1—9.

Social Virtual Reality based Learning Environments (VRLEs) such as vSocial render instructional content in a three-dimensional immersive computer experience for training youth with learning impediments. There are limited prior works that explored attack vulnerability in VR technology, and hence there is a need for systematic frameworks to quantify risks corresponding to security, privacy, and safety (SPS) threats. The SPS threats can adversely impact the educational user experience and hinder delivery of VRLE content. In this paper, we propose a novel risk assessment framework that utilizes attack trees to calculate a risk score for varied VRLE threats with rate and duration of threats as inputs. We compare the impact of a well-constructed attack tree with an adhoc attack tree to study the trade-offs between overheads in managing attack trees, and the cost of risk mitigation when vulnerabilities are identified. We use a vSocial VRLE testbed in a case study to showcase the effectiveness of our framework and demonstrate how a suitable attack tree formalism can result in a more safer, privacy-preserving and secure VRLE system.

Krawec, Walter O..  2019.  Multi-Mediated Semi-Quantum Key Distribution. 2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps). :1—6.

A semi-quantum key distribution (SQKD) protocol allows two users A and B to establish a shared secret key that is secure against an all-powerful adversary E even when one of the users (e.g., B) is semi-quantum or classical in nature while the other is fully-quantum. A mediated SQKD protocol allows two semi-quantum users to establish a key with the help of an adversarial quantum server. We introduce the concept of a multi-mediated SQKD protocol where two (or more) adversarial quantum servers are used. We construct a new protocol in this model and show how it can withstand high levels of quantum noise, though at a cost to efficiency. We perform an information theoretic security analysis and, along the way, prove a general security result applicable to arbitrary MM-SQKD protocols. Finally, a comparison is made to previous (S)QKD protocols.

Coiteux-Roy, Xavier, Wolf, Stefan.  2019.  Proving Erasure. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :832—836.

It seems impossible to certify that a remote hosting service does not leak its users' data - or does quantum mechanics make it possible? We investigate if a server hosting data can information-theoretically prove its definite deletion using a "BB84-like" protocol. To do so, we first rigorously introduce an alternative to privacy by encryption: privacy delegation. We then apply this novel concept to provable deletion and remote data storage. For both tasks, we present a protocol, sketch its partial security, and display its vulnerability to eavesdropping attacks targeting only a few bits.

Aliasgari, Malihe, Simeone, Osvaldo, Kliewer, Jörg.  2019.  Distributed and Private Coded Matrix Computation with Flexible Communication Load. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1092—1096.

Tensor operations, such as matrix multiplication, are central to large-scale machine learning applications. These operations can be carried out on a distributed computing platform with a master server at the user side and multiple workers in the cloud operating in parallel. For distributed platforms, it has been recently shown that coding over the input data matrices can reduce the computational delay, yielding a tradeoff between recovery threshold and communication load. In this work, we impose an additional security constraint on the data matrices and assume that workers can collude to eavesdrop on the content of these data matrices. Specifically, we introduce a novel class of secure codes, referred to as secure generalized PolyDot codes, that generalizes previously published non-secure versions of these codes for matrix multiplication. These codes extend the state-of-the-art by allowing a flexible trade-off between recovery threshold and communication load for a fixed maximum number of colluding workers.

Dhal, Subhasish, Bhuwan, Vaibhav.  2018.  Cryptanalysis and improvement of a cloud based login and authentication protocol. 2018 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT). :1–6.
Outsourcing services to cloud server (CS) becomes popular in these years. However, the outsourced services often involve with sensitive activity and CS naturally becomes a target of varieties of attacks. Even worse, CS itself can misuse the outsourced services for illegal profit. Traditional online banking system also can make use of a cloud framework to provide economical and high-speed online services to the consumers, which makes the financial dealing easy and convenient. Most of the banking organizations provide services through passbook, ATM, mobile banking, electronic banking (e-banking) etc. Among these, the e-banking and mobile banking are more convenient and becomes essential. Therefore, it is critical to provide an efficient, reliable and more importantly, secure e-banking services to the consumers. The cloud environment is suitable paradigm to a new, small and medium scale banking organization as it eliminates the requirement for them to start with small resources and increase gradually as the service demand rises. However, security is one of the main concerns since it deals with many sensitive data of the valuable customers. In addition to this, the access of various data needs to be restricted to prevent any unauthorized transaction. Nagaraju et al. presented a framework to achieve reliability and security in public cloud based online banking using multi-factor authentication concept. Unfortunately, the login and authentication protocol of this framework is prone to impersonation attack. In this paper, we have revised the framework to avoid this attack.
Jacomme, Charlie, Kremer, Steve.  2018.  An Extensive Formal Analysis of Multi-factor Authentication Protocols. 2018 IEEE 31st Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1–15.
Passwords are still the most widespread means for authenticating users, even though they have been shown to create huge security problems. This motivated the use of additional authentication mechanisms used in so-called multi-factor authentication protocols. In this paper we define a detailed threat model for this kind of protocols: while in classical protocol analysis attackers control the communication network, we take into account that many communications are performed over TLS channels, that computers may be infected by different kinds of malwares, that attackers could perform phishing, and that humans may omit some actions. We formalize this model in the applied pi calculus and perform an extensive analysis and comparison of several widely used protocols - variants of Google 2-step and FIDO's U2F. The analysis is completely automated, generating systematically all combinations of threat scenarios for each of the protocols and using the P ROVERIF tool for automated protocol analysis. Our analysis highlights weaknesses and strengths of the different protocols, and allows us to suggest several small modifications of the existing protocols which are easy to implement, yet improve their security in several threat scenarios.
Pomak, Wiphop, Limpiyakom, Yachai.  2018.  Enterprise WiFi Hotspot Authentication with Hybrid Encryption on NFC- Enabled Smartphones. 2018 8th International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication (ICEIEC). :247–250.
Nowadays, some workplaces have adopted the policy of BYOD (bring your own device) that permits employees to bring personally owned devices, and to use those devices to access company information and applications. Especially, small devices like smartphones are widely used due to the greater mobility and connectivity. A majority of organizations provide the wireless local area network which is necessary for small devices and business data transmission. The resources access through Wi-Fi network of the organization needs intense restriction. WPA2 Enterprise with 802.1X standard is typically introduced to handle user authentication on the network using the EAP framework. However, credentials management for all users is a hassle for administrators. Strong authentication provides higher security whereas the difficulty of deployment is still open issues. This research proposes the utility of Near Field Communication to securely transmit certificate data that rely on the hybrid cryptosystem. The approach supports enterprise Wi-Fi hotspot authentication based on WPA2-802.1X model with the EAP-TLS method. It also applies multi-factor authentication for enhancing the security of networks and users. The security analysis and experiment on establishing connection time were conducted to evaluate the presented approach.
Alizai, Zahoor Ahmed, Tareen, Noquia Fatima, Jadoon, Iqra.  2018.  Improved IoT Device Authentication Scheme Using Device Capability and Digital Signatures. 2018 International Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics (ICAEM). :1–5.
Internet of Things (IoT) device authentication is weighed as a very important step from security perspective. Privacy and security of the IoT devices and applications is the major issue. From security perspective, important issue that needs to be addressed is the authentication mechanism, it has to be secure from different types of attacks and is easy to implement. The paper gives general idea about how different authentication mechanisms work, and then secure and efficient multi-factor device authentication scheme idea is proposed. The proposed scheme idea uses digital signatures and device capability to authenticate a device. In the proposed scheme device will only be allowed into the network if it is successfully authenticated through multi-factor authentication otherwise the authentication process fails and whole authentication process will restart. By analyzing the proposed scheme idea, it can be seen that the scheme is efficient and has less over head. The scheme not only authenticates the device very efficiently through multi-factor authentication but also authenticates the authentication server with the help of digital signatures. The proposed scheme also mitigates the common attacks like replay and man in the middle because of nonce and timestamp.
da Silva Andrade, Richardson B., Souto Rosa, Nelson.  2019.  MidSecThings: Assurance Solution for Security Smart Homes in IoT. 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE). :171–178.
The interest over building security-based solutions to reduce the vulnerability exploits and mitigate the risks associated with smart homes in IoT is growing. However, our investigation identified to architect and implement distributed security mechanisms is still a challenge because is necessary to handle security and privacy in IoT middleware with a strong focus. Our investigation, it was identified the significant proportion of the systems that did not address security and did not describe the security approach in any meaningful detail. The idea proposed in this work is to provide middleware aim to implement security mechanisms in smart home and contribute as how guide to beginner developers' IoT middleware. The advantages of using MidSecThings are to avoid leakage data, unavailable service, unidentification action and not authorized access over IoT devices in smart home.
Vural, Serdar, Minerva, Roberto, Carella, Giuseppe A., Medhat, Ahmed M., Tomasini, Lorenzo, Pizzimenti, Simone, Riemer, Bjoern, Stravato, Umberto.  2018.  Performance Measurements of Network Service Deployment on a Federated and Orchestrated Virtualisation Platform for 5G Experimentation. 2018 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). :1–6.
The EU SoftFIRE project has built an experimentation platform for NFV and SDN experiments, tailored for testing and evaluating 5G network applications and solutions. The platform is a fully orchestrated virtualisation testbed consisting of multiple component testbeds across Europe. Users of the platform can deploy their virtualisation experiments via the platform's Middleware. This paper introduces the SoftFIRE testbed and its Middleware, and presents a set of KPI results for evaluation of experiment deployment performance.
Tang, Yuzhe, Zou, Qiwu, Chen, Ju, Li, Kai, Kamhoua, Charles A., Kwiat, Kevin, Njilla, Laurent.  2018.  ChainFS: Blockchain-Secured Cloud Storage. 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :987–990.
This work presents ChainFS, a middleware system that secures cloud storage services using a minimally trusted Blockchain. ChainFS hardens the cloud-storage security against forking attacks. The ChainFS middleware exposes a file-system interface to end users. Internally, ChainFS stores data files in the cloud and exports minimal and necessary functionalities to the Blockchain for key distribution and file operation logging. We implement the ChainFS system on Ethereum and S3FS and closely integrate it with FUSE clients and Amazon S3 cloud storage. We measure the system performance and demonstrate low overhead.
Luo, Xupeng, Yan, Qiao, Wang, Mingde, Huang, Wenyao.  2019.  Using MTD and SDN-based Honeypots to Defend DDoS Attacks in IoT. 2019 Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp). :392–395.
With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT), distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks become the important security threat of the IoT. Characteristics of IoT, such as large quantities and simple function, which have easily caused the IoT devices or servers to be attacked and be turned into botnets for launching DDoS attacks. In this paper, we use software-defined networking (SDN) to develop moving target defense (MTD) architecture that increases uncertainty because of ever changing attack surface. In addition, we deploy SDN-based honeypots to mimic IoT devices, luring attackers and malwares. Finally, experimental results show that combination of MTD and SDN-based honeypots can effectively hide network asset from scanner and defend against DDoS attacks in IoT.
Parikh, Sarang, Sanjay, H A, Shastry, K. Aditya, Amith, K K.  2019.  Multimodal Data Security Framework Using Steganography Approaches. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :1997–2002.
Information or data is a very crucial resource. Hence securing the information becomes a critical task. Transfer and Communication mediums via which we send this information do not provide data security natively. Therefore, methods for data security have to be devised to protect the information from third party and unauthorized users. Information hiding strategies like steganography provide techniques for data encryption so that the unauthorized users cannot read it. This work is aimed at creating a novel method of Augmented Reality Steganography (ARSteg). ARSteg uses cloud for image and key storage that does not alter any attributes of an image such as size and colour scheme. Unlike, traditional algorithms such as Least Significant Bit (LSB) which changes the attributes of images, our approach uses well established encryption algorithm such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption and decryption. This system is further secured by many alternative means such as honey potting, tracking and heuristic intrusion detection that ensure that the transmitted messages are completely secure and no intrusions are allowed. The intrusions are prevented by detecting them immediately and neutralizing them.
Tseng, Yi-Fan, Fan, Chun-I, Wu, Chin-Yu.  2019.  FGAC-NDN: Fine-Grained Access Control for Named Data Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 16:143—152.

Named data network (NDN) is one of the most promising information-centric networking architectures, where the core concept is to focus on the named data (or contents) themselves. Users in NDN can easily send a request packet to get the desired content regardless of its address. The routers in NDN have cache functionality to make the users instantly retrieve the desired file. Thus, the user can immediately get the desired file from the nearby nodes instead of the remote host. Nevertheless, NDN is a novel proposal and there are still some open issues to be resolved. In view of previous research, it is a challenge to achieve access control on a specific user and support potential receivers simultaneously. In order to solve it, we present a fine-grained access control mechanism tailored for NDN, supporting data confidentiality, potential receivers, and mobility. Compared to previous works, this is the first to support fine-grained access control and potential receivers. Furthermore, the proposed scheme achieves provable security under the DBDH assumption.

Arefin, Sayed Erfan, Heya, Tasnia Ashrafi, Chakrabarty, Amitabha.  2019.  Agent Based Fog Architecture using NDN and Trust Management for IoT. TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON). :257—262.

Statistics suggests, proceeding towards IoT generation, is increasing IoT devices at a drastic rate. This will be very challenging for our present-day network infrastructure to manage, this much of data. This may risk, both security and traffic collapsing. We have proposed an infrastructure with Fog Computing. The Fog layer consists two layers, using the concepts of Service oriented Architecture (SOA) and the Agent based composition model which ensures the traffic usage reduction. In order to have a robust and secured system, we have modified the Fog based agent model by replacing the SOA with secured Named Data Network (NDN) protocol. Knowing the fact that NDN has the caching layer, we are combining NDN and with Fog, as it can overcome the forwarding strategy limitation and memory constraints of NDN by the Agent Society, in the Middle layer along with Trust management.

Tiennoy, Sasirom, Saivichit, Chaiyachet.  2018.  Using a Distributed Roadside Unit for the Data Dissemination Protocol in VANET With the Named Data Architecture. IEEE Access. 6:32612–32623.
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) has recently become one of the highly active research areas for wireless networking. Since VANET is a multi-hop wireless network with very high mobility and intermittent connection lifetime, it is important to effectively handle the data dissemination issue in this rapidly changing environment. However, the existing TCP/IP implementation may not fit into such a highly dynamic environment because the nodes in the network must often perform rerouting due to their inconsistency of connectivity. In addition, the drivers in the vehicles may want to acquire some data, but they do not know the address/location of such data storage. Hence, the named data networking (NDN) approach may be more desirable here. The NDN architecture is proposed for the future Internet, which focuses on the delivering mechanism based on the message contents instead of relying on the host addresses of the data. In this paper, a new protocol named roadside unit (RSU) assisted of named data network (RA-NDN) is presented. The RSU can operate as a standalone node [standalone RSU (SA-RSU)]. One benefit of deploying SA-RSUs is the improved network connectivity. This study uses the NS3 and SUMO software packages for the network simulator and traffic simulator software, respectively, to verify the performance of the RA-NDN protocol. To reduce the latency under various vehicular densities, vehicular transmission ranges, and number of requesters, the proposed approach is compared with vehicular NDN via a real-world data set in the urban area of Sathorn road in Bangkok, Thailand. The simulation results show that the RA-NDN protocol improves the performance of ad hoc communications with the increase in data received ratio and throughput and the decrease in total dissemination time and traffic load.