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Tiwari, V., Chaurasia, B. K..  2017.  Security issues in fog computing using vehicular cloud. 2017 International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC). :1–4.

In the near future, vehicular cloud will help to improve traffic safety and efficiency. Unfortunately, a computing of vehicular cloud and fog cloud faced a set of challenges in security, authentication, privacy, confidentiality and detection of misbehaving vehicles. In addition to, there is a need to recognize false messages from received messages in VANETs during moving on the road. In this work, the security issues and challenges for computing in the vehicular cloud over for computing is studied.

He, S., Cheng, B., Wang, H., Xiao, X., Cao, Y., Chen, J..  2018.  Data security storage model for fog computing in large-scale IoT application. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :39–44.

With the scale of big data increasing in large-scale IoT application, fog computing is a recent computing paradigm that is extending cloud computing towards the edge of network in the field. There are a large number of storage resources placed on the edge of the network to form a geographical distributed storage system in fog computing system (FCS). It is used to store the big data collected by the fog computing nodes and to reduce the management costs for moving big data to the cloud. However, the storage of fog nodes at the edge of the network faces a direct attack of external threats. In order to improve the security of the storage of fog nodes in FCS, in this paper, we proposed a data security storage model for fog computing (FCDSSM) to realize the integration of storage and security management in large-scale IoT application. We designed a detail of the FCDSSM system architecture, gave a design of the multi-level trusted domain, cooperative working mechanism, data synchronization and key management strategy for the FCDSSM. Experimental results show that the loss of computing and communication performance caused by data security storage in the FCDSSM is within the acceptable range, and the FCDSSM has good scalability. It can be adapted to big data security storage in large-scale IoT application.

Imine, Y., Kouicem, D. E., Bouabdallah, A., Ahmed, L..  2018.  MASFOG: An Efficient Mutual Authentication Scheme for Fog Computing Architecture. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :608–613.

Fog computing is a new paradigm which extends cloud computing services into the edge of the network. Indeed, it aims to pool edge resources in order to deal with cloud's shortcomings such as latency problems. However, this proposal does not ensure the honesty and the good behavior of edge devices. Thus, security places itself as an important challenge in front of this new proposal. Authentication is the entry point of any security system, which makes it an important security service. Traditional authentication schemes endure latency issues and some of them do not satisfy fog-computing requirements such as mutual authentication between end devices and fog servers. Thus, new authentication protocols need to be implemented. In this paper, we propose a new efficient authentication scheme for fog computing architecture. Our scheme ensures mutual authentication and remedies to fog servers' misbehaviors. Moreover, fog servers need to hold only a couple of information to verify the authenticity of every user in the system. Thus, it provides a low overhead in terms of storage capacity. Finally, we show through experimentation the efficiency of our scheme.

Abubaker, N., Dervishi, L., Ayday, E..  2017.  Privacy-preserving fog computing paradigm. 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :502–509.

As an extension of cloud computing, fog computing is proving itself more and more potentially useful nowadays. Fog computing is introduced to overcome the shortcomings of cloud computing paradigm in handling the massive amount of traffic caused by the enormous number of Internet of Things devices being increasingly connected to the Internet on daily basis. Despite its advantages, fog architecture introduces new security and privacy threats that need to be studied and solved as soon as possible. In this work, we explore two privacy issues posed by the fog computing architecture and we define privacy challenges according to them. The first challenge is related to the fog's design purposes of reducing the latency and improving the bandwidth, where the existing privacy-preserving methods violate these design purposed. The other challenge is related to the proximity of fog nodes to the end-users or IoT devices. We discuss the importance of addressing these challenges by putting them in the context of real-life scenarios. Finally, we propose a privacy-preserving fog computing paradigm that solves these challenges and we assess the security and efficiency of our solution.

Chaudhry, J., Saleem, K., Islam, R., Selamat, A., Ahmad, M., Valli, C..  2017.  AZSPM: Autonomic Zero-Knowledge Security Provisioning Model for Medical Control Systems in Fog Computing Environments. 2017 IEEE 42nd Conference on Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops). :121–127.

The panic among medical control, information, and device administrators is due to surmounting number of high-profile attacks on healthcare facilities. This hostile situation is going to lead the health informatics industry to cloud-hoarding of medical data, control flows, and site governance. While different healthcare enterprises opt for cloud-based solutions, it is a matter of time when fog computing environment are formed. Because of major gaps in reported techniques for fog security administration for health data i.e. absence of an overarching certification authority (CA), the security provisioning is one of the the issue that we address in this paper. We propose a security provisioning model (AZSPM) for medical devices in fog environments. We propose that the AZSPM can be build by using atomic security components that are dynamically composed. The verification of authenticity of the atomic components, for trust sake, is performed by calculating the processor clock cycles from service execution at the resident hardware platform. This verification is performed in the fully sand boxed environment. The results of the execution cycles are matched with the service specifications from the manufacturer before forwarding the mobile services to the healthcare cloud-lets. The proposed model is completely novel in the fog computing environments. We aim at building the prototype based on this model in a healthcare information system environment.

Arya, D., Dave, M..  2017.  Security-based service broker policy for FOG computing environment. 2017 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–6.

With the evolution of computing from using personal computers to use of online Internet of Things (IoT) services and applications, security risks have also evolved as a major concern. The use of Fog computing enhances reliability and availability of the online services due to enhanced heterogeneity and increased number of computing servers. However, security remains an open challenge. Various trust models have been proposed to measure the security strength of available service providers. We utilize the quantized security of Datacenters and propose a new security-based service broker policy(SbSBP) for Fog computing environment to allocate the optimal Datacenter(s) to serve users' requests based on users' requirements of cost, time and security. Further, considering the dynamic nature of Fog computing, the concept of dynamic reconfiguration has been added. Comparative analysis of simulation results shows the effectiveness of proposed policy to incorporate users' requirements in the decision-making process.

Dang, T. D., Hoang, D..  2017.  A data protection model for fog computing. 2017 Second International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC). :32–38.

Cloud computing has established itself as an alternative IT infrastructure and service model. However, as with all logically centralized resource and service provisioning infrastructures, cloud does not handle well local issues involving a large number of networked elements (IoTs) and it is not responsive enough for many applications that require immediate attention of a local controller. Fog computing preserves many benefits of cloud computing and it is also in a good position to address these local and performance issues because its resources and specific services are virtualized and located at the edge of the customer premise. However, data security is a critical challenge in fog computing especially when fog nodes and their data move frequently in its environment. This paper addresses the data protection and the performance issues by 1) proposing a Region-Based Trust-Aware (RBTA) model for trust translation among fog nodes of regions, 2) introducing a Fog-based Privacy-aware Role Based Access Control (FPRBAC) for access control at fog nodes, and 3) developing a mobility management service to handle changes of users and fog devices' locations. The implementation results demonstrate the feasibility and the efficiency of our proposed framework.

Aljumah, A., Ahanger, T. A..  2018.  Fog computing and security issues: A review. 2018 7th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control (ICCCC). :237–239.

The paradigm of fog computing has set new trends and heights in the modern world networking and have overcome the major technical complexities of cloud computing. It is not a replacement of cloud computing technology but it just adds feasible advanced characteristics to existing cloud computing paradigm.fog computing not only provide storage, networking and computing services but also provide a platform for IoT (internet of things). However, the fog computing technology also arise the threat to privacy and security of the data and services. The existing security and privacy mechanisms of the cloud computing cannot be applied to the fog computing directly due to its basic characteristics of large-scale geo-distribution, mobility and heterogeneity. This article provides an overview of the present existing issues and challenges in fog computing.

Song, Youngho, Shin, Young-sung, Jang, Miyoung, Chang, Jae-Woo.  2017.  Design and implementation of HDFS data encryption scheme using ARIA algorithm on Hadoop. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). :84–90.

Hadoop is developed as a distributed data processing platform for analyzing big data. Enterprises can analyze big data containing users' sensitive information by using Hadoop and utilize them for their marketing. Therefore, researches on data encryption have been widely done to protect the leakage of sensitive data stored in Hadoop. However, the existing researches support only the AES international standard data encryption algorithm. Meanwhile, the Korean government selected ARIA algorithm as a standard data encryption scheme for domestic usages. In this paper, we propose a HDFS data encryption scheme which supports both ARIA and AES algorithms on Hadoop. First, the proposed scheme provides a HDFS block-splitting component that performs ARIA/AES encryption and decryption under the Hadoop distributed computing environment. Second, the proposed scheme provides a variable-length data processing component that can perform encryption and decryption by adding dummy data, in case when the last data block does not contains 128-bit data. Finally, we show from performance analysis that our proposed scheme is efficient for various applications, such as word counting, sorting, k-Means, and hierarchical clustering.

Jiang, H., Xu, Q., Liu, C., Liu, Z..  2017.  An Efficient CPA-Secure Encryption Scheme with Equality Test. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 2:38–45.

In this paper, we propose a CPA-Secure encryption scheme with equality test. Unlike other public key solutions, in our scheme, only the data owner can encrypt the message and get the comparable ciphertext, and only the tester with token who can perform the equality test. Our encryption scheme is based on multiplicative homomorphism of ElGamal Encryption and Non Interactive Zero Knowledge proof of Discrete Log. We proof that the proposed scheme is OW-CPA security under the attack of the adversary who has equality test token, and IND-CPA security under the attack of adversary who can not test the equality. The proposed scheme only suppose to compare two ciphertexts encrypted by same user, though it is less of flexibility, it is efficient and more suitable for data outsourcing scenario.

Wang, Xuyang, Hu, Aiqun, Fang, Hao.  2017.  Feasibility Analysis of Lattice-based Proxy Re-Encryption. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy. :12–16.
Proxy Re-encryption (PRE) is a useful cryptographic structure who enables a semi-trusted proxy to convert a ciphertext for Alice into a ciphertext for Bob without seeing the corresponding plaintext. Although there are many PRE schemes in recent years, few of them are set up based on lattice. Not only this, these lattice-based PRE schemes are all more complicated than the traditional PRE schemes. In this paper, through the study of the common lattice problems such as the Small integer solution (SIS) and the Learning with Errors (LWE), we analyze the feasibility of efficient lattice-based PRE scheme combined with the previous results. Finally, we propose an efficient lattice-based PRE scheme L-PRE without losing the hardness of lattice problems.
Aono, Yoshinori, Hayashi, Takuya, Trieu Phong, Le, Wang, Lihua.  2017.  Efficient Key-Rotatable and Security-Updatable Homomorphic Encryption. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing. :35–42.
In this paper we presents the notion of key-rotatable and security-updatable homomorphic encryption (KR-SU-HE) scheme, which is a class of public-key homomorphic encryption in which the keys and the security of any ciphertext can be rotated and updated while still keeping the underlying plaintext intact and unrevealed. We formalise syntax and security notions for KR-SU-HE schemes and then build a concrete scheme based on the Learning With Errors assumption. We then perform testing implementation to show that our proposed scheme is efficiently practical.
Rizomiliotis, Panagiotis, Molla, Eirini, Gritzalis, Stefanos.  2017.  REX: A Searchable Symmetric Encryption Scheme Supporting Range Queries. Proceedings of the 2017 on Cloud Computing Security Workshop. :29–37.
Searchable Symmetric Encryption is a mechanism that facilitates search over encrypted data that are outsourced to an untrusted server. SSE schemes are practical as they trade nicely security for efficiency. However, the supported functionalities are mainly limited to single keyword queries. In this paper, we present a new efficient SSE scheme, called REX, that supports range queries. REX is a no interactive (single round) and response-hiding scheme. It has optimal communication and search computation complexity, while it is much more secure than traditional Order Preserving Encryption based range SSE schemes.
Wu, Zuowei, Li, Taoshen.  2017.  An Improved Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Under the Cloud Environment. Proceedings of the 12th Chinese Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. :251–252.
In order to improve the efficiency of the existing homomorphic encryption method, based on the DGHV scheme, an improved fully homomorphic scheme over the integer is proposed. Under the premise of ensuring data owner and user data security, the scheme supports the addition and multiplication operations of ciphertext, and ensures faster execution efficiency and meets the security requirements of cloud computing. Security analysis shows that our scheme is safe. Performance assessment demonstrates that our scheme can more efficiently implement data than DGHV scheme.
Shafagh, Hossein, Hithnawi, Anwar, Burkhalter, Lukas, Fischli, Pascal, Duquennoy, Simon.  2017.  Secure Sharing of Partially Homomorphic Encrypted IoT Data. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems. :29:1–29:14.
IoT applications often utilize the cloud to store and provide ubiquitous access to collected data. This naturally facilitates data sharing with third-party services and other users, but bears privacy risks, due to data breaches or unauthorized trades with user data. To address these concerns, we present Pilatus, a data protection platform where the cloud stores only encrypted data, yet is still able to process certain queries (e.g., range, sum). More importantly, Pilatus features a novel encrypted data sharing scheme based on re-encryption, with revocation capabilities and in situ key-update. Our solution includes a suite of novel techniques that enable efficient partially homomorphic encryption, decryption, and sharing. We present performance optimizations that render these cryptographic tools practical for mobile platforms. We implement a prototype of Pilatus and evaluate it thoroughly. Our optimizations achieve a performance gain within one order of magnitude compared to state-of-the-art realizations; mobile devices can decrypt hundreds of data points in a few hundred milliseconds. Moreover, we discuss practical considerations through two example mobile applications (Fitbit and Ava) that run Pilatus on real-world data.
Felsch, Dennis, Mainka, Christian, Mladenov, Vladislav, Schwenk, Jörg.  2017.  SECRET: On the Feasibility of a Secure, Efficient, and Collaborative Real-Time Web Editor. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :835–848.
Real-time editing tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Office Online, or Etherpad have changed the way of collaboration. Many of these tools are based on Operational Transforms (OT), which guarantee that the views of different clients onto a document remain consistent over time. Usually, documents and operations are exposed to the server in plaintext – and thus to administrators, governments, and potentially cyber criminals. Therefore, it is highly desirable to work collaboratively on encrypted documents. Previous implementations do not unleash the full potential of this idea: They either require large storage, network, and computation overhead, are not real-time collaborative, or do not take the structure of the document into account. The latter simplifies the approach since only OT algorithms for byte sequences are required, but the resulting ciphertexts are almost four times the size of the corresponding plaintexts. We present SECRET, the first secure, efficient, and collaborative real-time editor. In contrast to all previous works, SECRET is the first tool that (1.) allows the encryption of whole documents or arbitrary sub-parts thereof, (2.) uses a novel combination of tree-based OT with a structure preserving encryption, and (3.) requires only a modern browser without any extra software installation or browser extension. We evaluate our implementation and show that its encryption overhead is three times smaller in comparison to all previous approaches. SECRET can even be used by multiple users in a low-bandwidth scenario. The source code of SECRET is published on GitHub as an open-source project:
Brandauer, C., Dorfinger, P., Paiva, P. Y. A..  2017.  Towards scalable and adaptable security monitoring. 2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). :1–6.

A long time ago Industrial Control Systems were in a safe place due to the use of proprietary technology and physical isolation. This situation has changed dramatically and the systems are nowadays often prone to severe attacks executed from remote locations. In many cases, intrusions remain undetected for a long time and this allows the adversary to meticulously prepare an attack and maximize its destructiveness. The ability to detect an attack in its early stages thus has a high potential to significantly reduce its impact. To this end, we propose a holistic, multi-layered, security monitoring and mitigation framework spanning the physical- and cyber domain. The comprehensiveness of the approach demands for scalability measures built-in by design. In this paper we present how scalability is addressed by an architecture that enforces geographically decentralized data reduction approaches that can be dynamically adjusted to the currently perceived context. A specific focus is put on a robust and resilient solution to orchestrate dynamic configuration updates. Experimental results based on a prototype implementation show the feasibility of the approach.

Husak, M., Čermák, M..  2017.  A graph-based representation of relations in network security alert sharing platforms. 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). :891–892.

In this paper, we present a framework for graph-based representation of relation between sensors and alert types in a security alert sharing platform. Nodes in a graph represent either sensors or alert types, while edges represent various relations between them, such as common type of reported alerts or duplicated alerts. The graph is automatically updated, stored in a graph database, and visualized. The resulting graph will be used by network administrators and security analysts as a visual guide and situational awareness tool in a complex environment of security alert sharing.

Malloy, Matthew, Barford, Paul, Alp, Enis Ceyhun, Koller, Jonathan, Jewell, Adria.  2017.  Internet Device Graphs. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. :1913–1921.
Internet device graphs identify relationships between user-centric internet connected devices such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, TV's, etc. The ability to create such graphs is compelling for online advertising, content customization, recommendation systems, security, and operations. We begin by describing an algorithm for generating a device graph based on IP-colocation, and then apply the algorithm to a corpus of over 2.5 trillion internet events collected over the period of six weeks in the United States. The resulting graph exhibits immense scale with greater than 7.3 billion edges (pair-wise relationships) between more than 1.2 billion nodes (devices), accounting for the vast majority of internet connected devices in the US. Next, we apply community detection algorithms to the graph resulting in a partitioning of internet devices into 100 million small communities representing physical households. We validate this partition with a unique ground truth dataset. We report on the characteristics of the graph and the communities. Lastly, we discuss the important issues of ethics and privacy that must be considered when creating and studying device graphs, and suggest further opportunities for device graph enrichment and application.
Xue, Haoyue, Li, Yuhong, Rahmani, Rahim, Kanter, Theo, Que, Xirong.  2017.  A Mechanism for Mitigating DoS Attack in ICN-based Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning. :26:1–26:10.
Information-Centric Networking (ICN) 1 is a significant networking paradigm for the Internet of Things, which is an information-centric network in essence. The ICN paradigm owns inherently some security features, but also brings several new vulnerabilities. The most significant one among them is Interest flooding, which is a new type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack, and has even more serious effects to the whole network in the ICN paradigm than in the traditional IP paradigm. In this paper, we suggest a new mechanism to mitigate Interest flooding attack. The detection of Interest flooding and the corresponding mitigation measures are implemented on the edge routers, which are directly connected with the attackers. By using statistics of Interest satisfaction rate on the incoming interface of some edge routers, malicious name-prefixes or interfaces can be discovered, and then dropped or slowed down accordingly. With the help of the network information, the detected malicious name-prefixes and interfaces can also be distributed to the whole network quickly, and the attack can be mitigated quickly. The simulation results show that the suggested mechanism can reduce the influence of the Interest flooding quickly, and the network performance can recover automatically to the normal state without hurting the legitimate users.
Feibish, Shir Landau, Afek, Yehuda, Bremler-Barr, Anat, Cohen, Edith, Shagam, Michal.  2017.  Mitigating DNS Random Subdomain DDoS Attacks by Distinct Heavy Hitters Sketches. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies. :8:1–8:6.
Random Subdomain DDoS attacks on the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure are becoming a popular vector in recent attacks (e.g., recent Mirai attack on Dyn). In these attacks, many queries are sent for a single or a few victim domains, yet they include highly varying non-existent subdomains generated randomly. Motivated by these attacks we designed and implemented novel and efficient algorithms for distinct heavy hitters (dHH). A (classic) heavy hitter (HH) in a stream of elements is a key (e.g., the domain of a query) which appears in many elements (e.g., requests). When stream elements consist of ¡key, subkey¿ pairs, (¡domain, subdomain¿) a distinct heavy hitter (dhh) is a key that is paired with a large number of different subkeys. Our algorithms dominate previous designs in both the asymptotic (theoretical) sense and practicality. Specifically the new fixed-size algorithms are simple to code and with asymptotically optimal space accuracy tradeoffs. Based on these algorithms, we build and implement a system for detection and mitigation of Random Subdomain DDoS attacks. We perform experimental evaluation, demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithms.
Ushijima-Mwesigwa, Hayato, Negre, Christian F. A., Mniszewski, Susan M..  2017.  Graph Partitioning Using Quantum Annealing on the D-Wave System. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Post Moores Era Supercomputing. :22–29.
Graph partitioning (GP) applications are ubiquitous throughout mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, bio-science, machine learning, and complex systems. Post Moore's era supercomputing has provided us an opportunity to explore new approaches for traditional graph algorithms on quantum computing architectures. In this work, we explore graph partitioning using quantum annealing on the D-Wave 2X machine. Motivated by a recently proposed graph-based electronic structure theory applied to quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulations, graph partitioning is used for reducing the calculation of the density matrix into smaller subsystems rendering the calculation more computationally efficient. Unconstrained graph partitioning as community clustering based on the modularity metric can be naturally mapped into the Hamiltonian of the quantum annealer. On the other hand, when constraints are imposed for partitioning into equal parts and minimizing the number of cut edges between parts, a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) reformulation is required. This reformulation may employ the graph complement to fit the problem in the Chimera graph of the quantum annealer. Partitioning into 2 parts and k parts concurrently for arbitrary k are demonstrated with benchmark graphs, random graphs, and small material system density matrix based graphs. Results for graph partitioning using quantum and hybrid classical-quantum approaches are shown to be comparable to current "state of the art" methods and sometimes better.
Gu, Yufei, Zhao, Qingchuan, Zhang, Yinqian, Lin, Zhiqiang.  2017.  PT-CFI: Transparent Backward-Edge Control Flow Violation Detection Using Intel Processor Trace. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM on Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy. :173–184.
This paper presents PT-CFI, a new backward-edge control flow violation detection system based on a novel use of a recently introduced hardware feature called Intel Processor Trace (PT). Designed primarily for offline software debugging and performance analysis, PT offers the capability of tracing the entire control flow of a running program. In this paper, we explore the practicality of using PT for security applications, and propose to build a new control flow integrity (CFI) model that enforces a backward-edge CFI policy for native COTS binaries based on the traces from Intel PT. By exploring the intrinsic properties of PT with a system call based synchronization primitive and a deep inspection capability, we have addressed a number of technical challenges such as how to make sure the backward edge CFI policy is both sound and complete, how to make PT enforce our CFI policy, and how to balance the performance overhead. We have implemented PT-CFI and evaluated with a number of programs including SPEC2006 and HTTP daemons. Our experimental results show that PT-CFI can enforce a perfect backward-edge CFI with only small overhead for the protected program.
Han, Meng, Li, Lei, Peng, Xiaoqing, Hong, Zhen, Li, Mohan.  2017.  Information Privacy of Cyber Transportation System: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology. :23–28.
The Cyber Transport Systems (CTSs) have made significant advancement along with the development of the information technology and transportation industries worldwide. The rapid proliferation of cyber transportation technology provides rich information and infinite possibilities for our society to understand and use the complex inherent mechanism, which governs the novel intelligence world. In addition, applying information technology to cyber transportation applications open a range of new application scenarios, such as vehicular safety, energy efficiency, reduced pollution, and intelligent maintenance services. However, while enjoying the services and convenience provided by CTS, users, vehicles, even the systems might lose privacy during information transmitting and processing. This paper summarizes the state-of-art research findings on information privacy issues in a broad range. We firstly introduce the typical types of information and the basic mechanisms of information communication in CTS. Secondly, considering the information privacy issues of CTS, we present the literature on information privacy issues and privacy protection approaches in CTS. Thirdly, we discuss the emerging challenges and the opportunities for the information technology community in CTS.
Qayum, Mohammad A., Badawy, Abdel-Hameed A., Cook, Jeanine.  2017.  DyAdHyTM: A Low Overhead Dynamically Adaptive Hybrid Transactional Memory with Application to Large Graphs. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Memory Systems. :327–336.
Big data is a buzzword used to describe massive volumes of data that provides opportunities of exploring new insights through data analytics. However, big data is mostly structured but can be semi-structured or unstructured. It is normally so large that it is not only difficult but also slow to process using traditional computing systems. One of the solutions is to format the data as graph data structures and process them on shared memory architecture to use fast and novel policies such as transactional memory. In most graph applications in big data type problems such as bioinformatics, social networks, and cybersecurity, graphs are sparse in nature. Due to this sparsity, we have the opportunity to use Transactional Memory (TM) as the synchronization policy for critical sections to speedup applications. At low conflict probability TM performs better than most synchronization policies due to its inherent non-blocking characteristics. TM can be implemented in Software, Hardware or a combination of both. However, hardware TM implementations are fast but limited by scarce hardware resources while software implementations have high overheads which can degrade performance. In this paper, we develop a low overhead, yet simple, dynamically adaptive (i.e., at runtime) hybrid (i.e., combines hardware and software) TM (DyAd-HyTM) scheme that combines the best features of both Hardware TM (HTM) and Software TM (STM) while adapting to application's requirements. It performs better than coarse-grain lock by up to 8.12x, a low overhead STM by up to 2.68x, a couple of implementations of HTMs (by up to 2.59x), and other HyTMs (by up to 1.55x) for SSCA-2 graph benchmark running on a multicore machine with a large shared memory.