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Gosain, Devashish, Agarwal, Anshika, Chakravarty, Sambuddho, Acharya, H. B..  2017.  The Devil's in The Details: Placing Decoy Routers in the Internet. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :577–589.

Decoy Routing, the use of routers (rather than end hosts) as proxies, is a new direction in anti-censorship research. Decoy Routers (DRs), placed in Autonomous Systems, proxy traffic from users; so the adversary, e.g. a censorious government, attempts to avoid them. It is quite difficult to place DRs so the adversary cannot route around them – for example, we need the cooperation of 850 ASes to contain China alone [1]. In this paper, we consider a different approach. We begin by noting that DRs need not intercept all the network paths from a country, just those leading to Overt Destinations, i.e. unfiltered websites hosted outside the country (usually popular ones, so that client traffic to the OD does not make the censor suspicious). Our first question is – How many ASes are required for installing DRs to intercept a large fraction of paths from e.g. China to the top-n websites (as per Alexa)? How does this number grow with n ? To our surprise, the same few ($\approx$ 30) ASes intercept over 90% of paths to the top n sites worldwide, for n = 10, 20...200 and also to other destinations. Investigating further, we find that this result fits perfectly with the hierarchical model of the Internet [2]; our first contribution is to demonstrate with real paths that the number of ASes required for a world-wide DR framework is small ($\approx$ 30). Further, censor nations' attempts to filter traffic along the paths transiting these 30 ASes will not only block their own citizens, but others residing in foreign ASes. Our second contribution in this paper is to consider the details of DR placement: not just in which ASes DRs should be placed to intercept traffic, but exactly where in each AS. We find that even with our small number of ASes, we still need a total of about 11, 700 DRs. We conclude that, even though a DR system involves far fewer ASes than previously thought, it is still a major undertaking. For example, the current routers cost over 10.3 billion USD, so if Decoy Routing at line speed requires all-new hardware, the cost alone would make such a project unfeasible for most actors (but not for major nation states).

Bushouse, Micah, Ahn, Sanghyun, Reeves, Douglas.  2017.  Arav: Monitoring a Cloud's Virtual Routers. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. :3:1–3:8.

Virtual Routers (VRs) are increasingly common in cloud environments. VRs route traffic between network segments and support network services. Routers, including VRs, have been the target of several recent high-profile attacks, emphasizing the need for more security measures, including security monitoring. However, existing agent-based monitoring systems are incompatible with a VR's temporary nature, stripped-down operating system, and placement in the cloud. As a result, VRs are often not monitored, leading to undetected security incidents. This paper proposes a new security monitoring design that leverages virtualization instead of in-guest agents. Its hypervisor-based system, Arav, scrutinizes VRs by novel application of Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) breakpoint injection. Arav monitored and addressed security-related events in two common VRs, pfSense and VyOS, and detected four attacks against two popular VR services, Quagga and OpenVPN. Arav's performance overhead is negligible, less than 0.63%, demonstrating VMI's utility in monitoring virtual machines unsuitable for traditional security monitoring.

Yaneva, Vanya, Rajan, Ajitha, Dubach, Christophe.  2017.  Compiler-Assisted Test Acceleration on GPUs for Embedded Software. Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. :35–45.

Embedded software is found everywhere from our highly visible mobile devices to the confines of our car in the form of smart sensors. Embedded software companies are under huge pressure to produce safe applications that limit risks, and testing is absolutely critical to alleviate concerns regarding safety and user privacy. This requires using large test suites throughout the development process, increasing time-to-market and ultimately hindering competitivity. Speeding up test execution is, therefore, of paramount importance for embedded software developers. This is traditionally achieved by running, in parallel, multiple tests on large-scale clusters of computers. However, this approach is costly in terms of infrastructure maintenance and energy consumed, and is at times inconvenient as developers have to wait for their tests to be scheduled on a shared resource. We propose to look at exploiting GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for running embedded software testing. GPUs are readily available in most computers and offer tremendous amounts of parallelism, making them an ideal target for embedded software testing. In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time, how test executions of embedded C programs can be automatically performed on a GPU, without involving the end user. We take a compiler-assisted approach which automatically compiles the C program into GPU kernels for parallel execution of the input tests. Using this technique, we achieve an average speedup of 16× when compared to CPU execution of input tests across nine programs from an industry standard embedded benchmark suite.

Levy, Amit, Campbell, Bradford, Ghena, Branden, Pannuto, Pat, Dutta, Prabal, Levis, Philip.  2017.  The Case for Writing a Kernel in Rust. Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems. :1:1–1:7.

An operating system kernel written in the Rust language would have extremely fine-grained isolation boundaries, have no memory leaks, and be safe from a wide range of security threats and memory bugs. Previous efforts towards this end concluded that writing a kernel requires changing Rust. This paper reaches a different conclusion, that no changes to Rust are needed and a kernel can be implemented with a very small amount of unsafe code. It describes how three sample kernel mechanisms–-DMA, USB, and buffer caches–-can be built using these abstractions.

Zhang, Haoyuan, Li, Huang, Oliveira, Bruno C. d. S..  2017.  Type-Safe Modular Parsing. Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering. :2–13.

Over the years a lot of effort has been put on solving extensibility problems, while retaining important software engineering properties such as modular type-safety and separate compilation. Most previous work focused on operations that traverse and process extensible Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) structures. However, there is almost no work on operations that build such extensible ASTs, including parsing. This paper investigates solutions for the problem of modular parsing. We focus on semantic modularity and not just syntactic modularity. That is, the solutions should not only allow complete parsers to be built out of modular parsing components, but also enable the parsing components to be modularly type-checked and separately compiled. We present a technique based on parser combinators that enables modular parsing. Interestingly, the modularity requirements for modular parsing rule out several existing parser combinator approaches, which rely on some non-modular techniques. We show that Packrat parsing techniques, provide solutions for such modularity problems, and enable reasonable performance in a modular setting. Extensibility is achieved using multiple inheritance and Object Algebras. To evaluate the approach we conduct a case study based on the “Types and Programming Languages” interpreters. The case study shows the effectiveness at reusing parsing code from existing interpreters, and the total parsing code is 69% shorter than an existing code base using a non-modular parsing approach.

Fellmuth, J., Herber, P., Pfeffer, T. F., Glesner, S..  2017.  Securing Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems Using WCET-Aware Artificial Diversity. 2017 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :454–461.

Artificial software diversity is an effective way to prevent software vulnerabilities and errors to be exploited in code-reuse attacks. This is achieved by lowering the individual probability of a successful attack to a level that makes the attack unfeasible. Unfortunately, the existing approaches are not applicable to safety-critical real-time systems as they induce unacceptable performance overheads, they violate safety and timing guarantees, or they assume hardware resources which are typically not available in embedded systems. To overcome these problems, we propose a safe diversity approach that preserves the timing properties of real-time processes by controlling its impact on the worst case execution time (WCET). Our main idea is to use block-level diversity with a large, but fixed set of movable instruction sequences, and to use static WCET analysis to identify non-critical areas of code where it can safely be split into more movable instruction sequences.

Salles-Loustau, G., Garcia, L., Sun, P., Dehnavi, M., Zonouz, S..  2017.  Power Grid Safety Control via Fine-Grained Multi-Persona Programmable Logic Controllers. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm). :283–288.

Trustworthy and safe operation of the power grid critical infrastructures relies on secure execution of low-level substation controller devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Currently, there are very few security protection solutions deployed on these devices to ensure provenance control: to execute controller code on the device that is developed by trusted parties and complies with safety/security policies that are defined by the code developer as well as the power grid operators. Resource-limited PLC controllers have been becoming increasingly popular among not only legitimate system operators, but also malicious adversaries such as the most recent Stuxnet and BlackEnergy malware that caused various damages such as unauthorized infrastructural safety and integrity violations. We present PLCtrust, a domain-specific solution that deploys virtual micro security-perimeters, so-called capsules, and the corresponding device-level runtime power system-safety policy enforcement dynamically. PLCtrust makes use of data taint analysis to monitor and control data flow among the capsules based on data owner-defined policies. PLCtrust provides the operators with a transparent and lightweight solution to address various safety-critical data protection requirements. PLCtrust also provides the legitimate third-party controller code developers with a taint-aware programming interface to develop applications in compliance with the dynamic power system safety/security policies. Our experimental results on real-world settings show that PLCtrust is transparent to the end-users while ensuring the power grid safety maintenance with minimal performance overhead.

Shin, S., Tuck, J., Solihin, Y..  2017.  Hiding the Long Latency of Persist Barriers Using Speculative Execution. 2017 ACM/IEEE 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). :175–186.

Byte-addressable non-volatile memory technology is emerging as an alternative for DRAM for main memory. This new Non-Volatile Main Memory (NVMM) allows programmers to store important data in data structures in memory instead of serializing it to the file system, thereby providing a substantial performance boost. However, modern systems reorder memory operations and utilize volatile caches for better performance, making it difficult to ensure a consistent state in NVMM. Intel recently announced a new set of persistence instructions, clflushopt, clwb, and pcommit. These new instructions make it possible to implement fail-safe code on NVMM, but few workloads have been written or characterized using these new instructions. In this work, we describe how these instructions work and how they can be used to implement write-ahead logging based transactions. We implement several common data structures and kernels and evaluate the performance overhead incurred over traditional non-persistent implementations. In particular, we find that persistence instructions occur in clusters along with expensive fence operations, they have long latency, and they add a significant execution time overhead, on average by 20.3% over code with logging but without fence instructions to order persists. To deal with this overhead and alleviate the performance bottleneck, we propose to speculate past long latency persistency operations using checkpoint-based processing. Our speculative persistence architecture reduces the execution time overheads to only 3.6%.

Makarim, Rusydi H., Stevens, Marc.  2017.  M4GB: An Efficient Gröbner-Basis Algorithm. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation. :293–300.

This paper introduces a new efficient algorithm for computing Grobner-bases named M4GB. Like Faugere's algorithm F4 it is an extension of Buchberger's algorithm that describes: how to store already computed (tail-)reduced multiples of basis polynomials to prevent redundant work in the reduction step; and how to exploit efficient linear algebra for the reduction step. In comparison to F4 it removes further redundant work in the processing of reducible monomials. Furthermore, instead of translating the reduction of many critical pairs into the row reduction of some large matrix, our algorithm is described more natively and is efficient while processing critical pairs one by one. This feature implies that typically M4GB has to process fewer critical pairs than F4, and reduces the time and data complexity 'staircase' related to the increasing degree of regularity for a sequence of problems one observes for F4. To achieve high efficiency, M4GB has been designed specifically to operate only on tail-reduced polynomials, i.e., polynomials of which all terms except the leading term are non-reducible. This allows it to perform full-reduction directly in the computation of a term polynomial multiplication, where all computations are done over coefficient vectors over the non-reducible monomials. We have implemented a version of our new algorithm tailored for dense overdefined polynomial systems as a proof of concept and made our source code publicly available. We have made a comparison of our implementation against the implementations of FGBlib, Magma and OpenF4 on various dense Fukuoka MQ challenge problems that we were able to compute in reasonable time and memory. We observed that M4GB uses the least total CPU time and the least memory of all these implementations for those MQ problems, often by a significant factor. In the Fukuoka MQ challenges, the starting challenges of Type V and Type VI have 16 equations which was chosen based on an extrapolated computational runtime of more than a month using Magma. M4GB allowed us to set new records for these Fukuoka MQ challenges breaking Type V (F28) up to 18 equations and Type VI (F31) up to 19 equations, each can be computed within up to 11 days on our dual Xeon system.

Winant, Thomas, Cockx, Jesper, Devriese, Dominique.  2017.  Expressive and Strongly Type-Safe Code Generation. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming. :199–210.

Meta-programs are programs that generate other programs, but in weakly type-safe systems, type-checking a meta-program only establishes its own type safety, and generated programs need additional type-checking after generation. Strong type safety of a meta-program implies type safety of any generated object program, a property with important engineering benefits. Current strongly type-safe systems suffer from expressivity limitations and cannot support many meta-programs found in practice, for example automatic generation of lenses. To overcome this, we move away from the idea of staged meta-programming. Instead, we use an off-the-shelf dependently-typed language as the meta-language and a relatively standard, intrinsically well-typed representation of the object language. We scale this approach to practical meta-programming, by choosing a high-level, explicitly typed intermediate representation as the object language, rather than a surface programming language. We implement our approach as a library for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) and evaluate it on several meta-programs, including a deriveLenses meta-program taken from a real-world Haskell lens library. Our evaluation demonstrates expressivity beyond the state of the art and applicability to real settings, at little cost in terms of code size.

Tsujii, Y., Kawakita, K. E., Kumagai, M., Kikuchi, A., Watanabe, M..  2017.  State Estimation Error Detection System for Online Dynamic Security Assessment. 2017 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–5.

Online Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) is a dynamical system widely used for assessing and analyzing an electrical power system. The outcomes of DSA are used in many aspects of the operation of power system, from monitoring the system to determining remedial action schemes (e.g. the amount of generators to be shed at the event of a fault). Measurement from supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and state estimation (SE) results are the inputs for online-DSA, however, the SE error, caused by sudden change in power flow or low convergence rate, could be unnoticed and skew the outcome. Therefore, generator shedding scheme cannot achieve optimum but must have some margin because we don't know how SE error caused by these problems will impact power system stability control. As a method for solving the problem, we developed SE error detection system (EDS), which is enabled by detecting the SE error that will impact power system transient stability. The method is comparing a threshold value and an index calculated by the difference between SE results and PMU observation data, using the distance from the fault point and the power flow value. Using the index, the reliability of the SE results can be verified. As a result, online-DSA can use the SE results while avoiding the bad SE results, assuring the outcome of the DSA assessment and analysis, such as the amount of generator shedding in order to prevent the power system's instability.

Vargas, C., Langfinger, M., Vogel-Heuser, B..  2017.  A Tiered Security Analysis of Industrial Control System Devices. 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). :399–404.

The discussion of threats and vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems has gained popularity during the last decade due to the increase in interest and growing concern to secure these systems. In order to provide an overview of the complete landscape of these threats and vulnerabilities this contribution provides a tiered security analysis of the assets that constitute Industrial Control Systems. The identification of assets is obtained from a generalization of the system's architecture. Additionally, the security analysis is complemented by discussing security countermeasures and solutions that can be used to counteract the vulnerabilities and increase the security of control systems.

Hill, Zachary, Chen, Samuel, Wall, Donald, Papa, Mauricio, Hale, John, Hawrylak, Peter.  2017.  Simulation and Analysis Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Cyber and Information Security Research. :7:1–7:4.

This paper describes a unified framework for the simulation and analysis of cyber physical systems (CPSs). The framework relies on the FreeBSD-based IMUNES network simulator. Components of the CPS are modeled as nodes within the IMUNES network simulator; nodes that communicate using real TCP/IP traffic. Furthermore, the simulated system can be exposed to other networks and the Internet to make it look like a real SCADA system. The frame-work has been used to simulate a TRIGA nuclear reactor. This is accomplished by creating nodes within the IMUNES network capable of running system modules simulating different CPS components. Nodes communicate using MODBUS/TCP, a widely used process control protocol. A goal of this work is to eventually integrate the simulator with a honeynet. This allows researchers to not only simulate a digital control system using real TCP/IP traffic to test control strategies and network topologies, but also to explore possible cyber attacks and mitigation strategies.

Markman, Chen, Wool, Avishai, Cardenas, Alvaro A..  2017.  A New Burst-DFA Model for SCADA Anomaly Detection. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. :1–12.

In Industrial Control Systems (ICS/SCADA), machine to machine data traffic is highly periodic. Past work showed that in many cases, it is possible to model the traffic between each individual Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and the SCADA server by a cyclic Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA), and to use the model to detect anomalies in the traffic. However, a recent analysis of network traffic in a water facility in the U.S, showed that cyclic-DFA models have limitations. In our research, we examine the same data corpus; our study shows that the communication on all of the channels in the network is done in bursts of packets, and that the bursts have semantic meaning---the order within a burst depends on the messages. Using these observations, we suggest a new burst-DFA model that fits the data much better than previous work. Our model treats the traffic on each channel as a series of bursts, and matches each burst to the DFA, taking the burst's beginning and end into account. Our burst-DFA model successfully explains between 95% and 99% of the packets in the data-corpus, and goes a long way toward the construction of a practical anomaly detection system.

Formby, David, Walid, Anwar, Beyah, Raheem.  2017.  A Case Study in Power Substation Network Dynamics. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGMETRICS / International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. :66–66.

The modern world is becoming increasingly dependent on computing and communication technology to function, but unfortunately its application and impact on areas such as critical infrastructure and industrial control system (ICS) networks remains to be thoroughly studied. Significant research has been conducted to address the myriad security concerns in these areas, but they are virtually all based on artificial testbeds or simulations designed on assumptions about their behavior either from knowledge of traditional IT networking or from basic principles of ICS operation. In this work, we provide the most detailed characterization of an example ICS to date in order to determine if these common assumptions hold true. A live power distribution substation is observed over the course of two and a half years to measure its behavior and evolution over time. Then, a horizontal study is conducted that compared this behavior with three other substations from the same company. Although most predictions were found to be correct, some unexpected behavior was observed that highlights the fundamental differences between ICS and IT networks including round trip times dominated by processing speed as opposed to network delay, several well known TCP features being largely irrelevant, and surprisingly large jitter from devices running real-time operating systems. The impact of these observations is discussed in terms of generality to other embedded networks, network security applications, and the suitability of the TCP protocol for this environment.

Alves, Thiago, Morris, Thomas, Yoo, Seong-Moo.  2017.  Securing SCADA Applications Using OpenPLC With End-To-End Encryption. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Industrial Control System Security Workshop. :1–6.

During its nascent stages, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) were made robust to sustain tough industrial environments, but little care was taken to raise defenses against potential cyberthreats. The recent interconnectivity of legacy PLCs and SCADA systems with corporate networks and the internet has significantly increased the threats to critical infrastructure. To counter these threats, researchers have put their efforts in finding defense mechanisms that can protect the SCADA network and the PLCs. Encryption is a critical component of security and therefore has been used by many organizations to protect data on the network. However, since PLC vendors don't make available information about their hardware or software, it becomes challenging to embed encryption into their devices, especially if they rely on legacy protocols. This paper describes an alternative design using an open source PLC that was modified to encrypt all data it sends over the network, independently of the protocol used. Experimental results indicated that the encryption layer increased the security of the link without causing a significant overhead.

Korman, Matus, Välja, Margus, Björkman, Gunnar, Ekstedt, Mathias, Vernotte, Alexandre, Lagerström, Robert.  2017.  Analyzing the Effectiveness of Attack Countermeasures in a SCADA System. Proceedings of the 2Nd Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids. :73–78.

The SCADA infrastructure is a key component for power grid operations. Securing the SCADA infrastructure against cyber intrusions is thus vital for a well-functioning power grid. However, the task remains a particular challenge, not the least since not all available security mechanisms are easily deployable in these reliability-critical and complex, multi-vendor environments that host modern systems alongside legacy ones, to support a range of sensitive power grid operations. This paper examines how effective a few countermeasures are likely to be in SCADA environments, including those that are commonly considered out of bounds. The results show that granular network segmentation is a particularly effective countermeasure, followed by frequent patching of systems (which is unfortunately still difficult to date). The results also show that the enforcement of a password policy and restrictive network configuration including whitelisting of devices contributes to increased security, though best in combination with granular network segmentation.

Green, Benjamin, Krotofil, Marina, Abbasi, Ali.  2017.  On the Significance of Process Comprehension for Conducting Targeted ICS Attacks. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. :57–67.

The exploitation of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has been described as both easy and impossible, where is the truth? PostStuxnet works have included a plethora of ICS focused cyber security research activities, with topics covering device maturity, network protocols, and overall cyber security culture. We often hear the notion of ICSs being highly vulnerable due to a lack of inbuilt security mechanisms, considered a low hanging fruit to a variety of low skilled threat actors. While there is substantial evidence to support such a notion, when considering targeted attacks on ICS, it is hard to believe an attacker with limited resources, such as a script kiddie or hacktivist, using publicly accessible tools and exploits alone, would have adequate knowledge and resources to achieve targeted operational process manipulation, while simultaneously evade detection. Through use of a testbed environment, this paper provides two practical examples based on a Man-In-The-Middle scenario, demonstrating the types of information an attacker would need obtain, collate, and comprehend, in order to begin targeted process manipulation and detection avoidance. This allows for a clearer view of associated challenges, and illustrate why targeted ICS exploitation might not be possible for every malicious actor.

Perry, David M., Mattavelli, Andrea, Zhang, Xiangyu, Cadar, Cristian.  2017.  Accelerating Array Constraints in Symbolic Execution. Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. :68–78.

Despite significant recent advances, the effectiveness of symbolic execution is limited when used to test complex, real-world software. One of the main scalability challenges is related to constraint solving: large applications and long exploration paths lead to complex constraints, often involving big arrays indexed by symbolic expressions. In this paper, we propose a set of semantics-preserving transformations for array operations that take advantage of contextual information collected during symbolic execution. Our transformations lead to simpler encodings and hence better performance in constraint solving. The results we obtain are encouraging: we show, through an extensive experimental analysis, that our transformations help to significantly improve the performance of symbolic execution in the presence of arrays. We also show that our transformations enable the analysis of new code, which would be otherwise out of reach for symbolic execution.

Zhang, Xin, Si, Xujie, Naik, Mayur.  2017.  Combining the Logical and the Probabilistic in Program Analysis. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Machine Learning and Programming Languages. :27–34.

Conventional program analyses have made great strides by leveraging logical reasoning. However, they cannot handle uncertain knowledge, and they lack the ability to learn and adapt. This in turn hinders the accuracy, scalability, and usability of program analysis tools in practice. We seek to address these limitations by proposing a methodology and framework for incorporating probabilistic reasoning directly into existing program analyses that are based on logical reasoning. We demonstrate that the combined approach can benefit a number of important applications of program analysis and thereby facilitate more widespread adoption of this technology.

Abate, Alessandro.  2017.  Formal Verification of Complex Systems: Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods. Proceedings of the 15th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design. :91–93.

Two known shortcomings of standard techniques in formal verification are the limited capability to provide system-level assertions, and the scalability to large, complex models, such as those needed in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) applications. Leveraging data, which nowadays is becoming ever more accessible, has the potential to mitigate such limitations. However, this leads to a lack of formal proofs that are needed for modern safety-critical systems. This contribution presents a research initiative that addresses these shortcomings by bringing model-based techniques and data-driven methods together, which can help pushing the envelope of existing algorithms and tools in formal verification and thus expanding their applicability to complex engineering systems, such as CPS. In the first part of the contribution, we discuss a new, formal, measurement-driven and model-based automated technique, for the quantitative verification of physical systems with partly unknown dynamics. We formulate this setup as a data-driven Bayesian inference problem, formally embedded within a quantitative, model-based verification procedure. We argue that the approach can be applied to complex physical systems that are key for CPS applications, dealing with spatially continuous variables, evolving under complex dynamics, driven by external inputs, and accessed under noisy measurements. In the second part of the contribution, we concentrate on systems represented by models that evolve under probabilistic and heterogeneous (continuous/discrete - that is "hybrid" - as well as nonlinear) dynamics. Such stochastic hybrid models (also known as SHS) are a natural mathematical framework for CPS. With focus on model-based verification procedures, we provide algorithms for quantitative model checking of temporal specifications on SHS with formal guarantees. This is attained via the development of formal abstraction techniques that are based on quantitative approximations. Theory is complemented by algorithms, all packaged in software tools that are available to users, and which are applied here in the domain of Smart Energy.

Gulzar, Muhammad Ali, Interlandi, Matteo, Han, Xueyuan, Li, Mingda, Condie, Tyson, Kim, Miryung.  2017.  Automated Debugging in Data-Intensive Scalable Computing. Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing. :520–534.

Developing Big Data Analytics workloads often involves trial and error debugging, due to the unclean nature of datasets or wrong assumptions made about data. When errors (e.g., program crash, outlier results, etc.) arise, developers are often interested in identifying a subset of the input data that is able to reproduce the problem. BigSift is a new faulty data localization approach that combines insights from automated fault isolation in software engineering and data provenance in database systems to find a minimum set of failure-inducing inputs. BigSift redefines data provenance for the purpose of debugging using a test oracle function and implements several unique optimizations, specifically geared towards the iterative nature of automated debugging workloads. BigSift improves the accuracy of fault localizability by several orders-of-magnitude ($\sim$103 to 107×) compared to Titian data provenance, and improves performance by up to 66× compared to Delta Debugging, an automated fault-isolation technique. For each faulty output, BigSift is able to localize fault-inducing data within 62% of the original job running time.

Zaostrovnykh, Arseniy, Pirelli, Solal, Pedrosa, Luis, Argyraki, Katerina, Candea, George.  2017.  A Formally Verified NAT. Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication. :141–154.

We present a Network Address Translator (NAT) written in C and proven to be semantically correct according to RFC 3022, as well as crash-free and memory-safe. There exists a lot of recent work on network verification, but it mostly assumes models of network functions and proves properties specific to network configuration, such as reachability and absence of loops. Our proof applies directly to the C code of a network function, and it demonstrates the absence of implementation bugs. Prior work argued that this is not feasible (i.e., that verifying a real, stateful network function written in C does not scale) but we demonstrate otherwise: NAT is one of the most popular network functions and maintains per-flow state that needs to be properly updated and expired, which is a typical source of verification challenges. We tackle the scalability challenge with a new combination of symbolic execution and proof checking using separation logic; this combination matches well the typical structure of a network function. We then demonstrate that formally proven correctness in this case does not come at the cost of performance. The NAT code, proof toolchain, and proofs are available at [58].

Xu, Wen, Kashyap, Sanidhya, Min, Changwoo, Kim, Taesoo.  2017.  Designing New Operating Primitives to Improve Fuzzing Performance. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2313–2328.

Fuzzing is a software testing technique that finds bugs by repeatedly injecting mutated inputs to a target program. Known to be a highly practical approach, fuzzing is gaining more popularity than ever before. Current research on fuzzing has focused on producing an input that is more likely to trigger a vulnerability. In this paper, we tackle another way to improve the performance of fuzzing, which is to shorten the execution time of each iteration. We observe that AFL, a state-of-the-art fuzzer, slows down by 24x because of file system contention and the scalability of fork() system call when it runs on 120 cores in parallel. Other fuzzers are expected to suffer from the same scalability bottlenecks in that they follow a similar design pattern. To improve the fuzzing performance, we design and implement three new operating primitives specialized for fuzzing that solve these performance bottlenecks and achieve scalable performance on multi-core machines. Our experiment shows that the proposed primitives speed up AFL and LibFuzzer by 6.1 to 28.9x and 1.1 to 735.7x, respectively, on the overall number of executions per second when targeting Google's fuzzer test suite with 120 cores. In addition, the primitives improve AFL's throughput up to 7.7x with 30 cores, which is a more common setting in data centers. Our fuzzer-agnostic primitives can be easily applied to any fuzzer with fundamental performance improvement and directly benefit large-scale fuzzing and cloud-based fuzzing services.

Dering, M. L., Tucker, C. S..  2017.  Generative Adversarial Networks for Increasing the Veracity of Big Data. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2595–2602.

This work describes how automated data generation integrates in a big data pipeline. A lack of veracity in big data can cause models that are inaccurate, or biased by trends in the training data. This can lead to issues as a pipeline matures that are difficult to overcome. This work describes the use of a Generative Adversarial Network to generate sketch data, such as those that might be used in a human verification task. These generated sketches are verified as recognizable using a crowd-sourcing methodology, and finds that the generated sketches were correctly recognized 43.8% of the time, in contrast to human drawn sketches which were 87.7% accurate. This method is scalable and can be used to generate realistic data in many domains and bootstrap a dataset used for training a model prior to deployment.