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Abeykoon, I., Feng, X..  2019.  Challenges in ROS Forensics. 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence Computing, Advanced Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing Communications, Cloud Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI). :1677—1682.

The usage of robot is rapidly growth in our society. The communication link and applications connect the robots to their clients or users. This communication link and applications are normally connected through some kind of network connections. This network system is amenable of being attached and vulnerable to the security threats. It is a critical part for ensuring security and privacy for robotic platforms. The paper, also discusses about several cyber-physical security threats that are only for robotic platforms. The peer to peer applications use in the robotic platforms for threats target integrity, availability and confidential security purposes. A Remote Administration Tool (RAT) was introduced for specific security attacks. An impact oriented process was performed for analyzing the assessment outcomes of the attacks. Tests and experiments of attacks were performed in simulation environment which was based on Gazbo Turtlebot simulator and physically on the robot. A software tool was used for simulating, debugging and experimenting on ROS platform. Integrity attacks performed for modifying commands and manipulated the robot behavior. Availability attacks were affected for Denial-of-Service (DoS) and the robot was not listened to Turtlebot commands. Integrity and availability attacks resulted sensitive information on the robot.

Sandoval, S., Thulasiraman, P..  2019.  Cyber Security Assessment of the Robot Operating System 2 for Aerial Networks. 2019 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1—8.

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a widely adopted standard robotic middleware. However, its preliminary design is devoid of any network security features. Military grade unmanned systems must be guarded against network threats. ROS 2 is built upon the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard and is designed to provide solutions to identified ROS 1 security vulnerabilities by incorporating authentication, encryption, and process profile features, which rely on public key infrastructure. The Department of Defense is looking to use ROS 2 for its military-centric robotics platform. This paper seeks to demonstrate that ROS 2 and its DDS security architecture can serve as a functional platform for use in military grade unmanned systems, particularly in unmanned Naval aerial swarms. In this paper, we focus on the viability of ROS 2 to safeguard communications between swarms and a ground control station (GCS). We test ROS 2's ability to mitigate and withstand certain cyber threats, specifically that of rogue nodes injecting unauthorized data and accessing services that will disable parts of the UAV swarm. We use the Gazebo robotics simulator to target individual UAVs to ascertain the effectiveness of our attack vectors under specific conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ROS 2 in mitigating the chosen attack vectors but observed a measurable operational delay within our simulations.

Reardon, C., Lee, K., Fink, J..  2018.  Come See This! Augmented Reality to Enable Human-Robot Cooperative Search. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR). :1—7.

Robots operating alongside humans in field environments have the potential to greatly increase the situational awareness of their human teammates. A significant challenge, however, is the efficient conveyance of what the robot perceives to the human in order to achieve improved situational awareness. We believe augmented reality (AR), which allows a human to simultaneously perceive the real world and digital information situated virtually in the real world, has the potential to address this issue. Motivated by the emerging prevalence of practical human-wearable AR devices, we present a system that enables a robot to perform cooperative search with a human teammate, where the robot can both share search results and assist the human teammate in navigation to the search target. We demonstrate this ability in a search task in an uninstrumented environment where the robot identifies and localizes targets and provides navigation direction via AR to bring the human to the correct target.

Xu, Z., Zhu, Q..  2018.  Cross-Layer Secure and Resilient Control of Delay-Sensitive Networked Robot Operating Systems. 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). :1712—1717.

A Robot Operating System (ROS) plays a significant role in organizing industrial robots for manufacturing. With an increasing number of the robots, the operators integrate a ROS with networked communication to share the data. This cyber-physical nature exposes the ROS to cyber attacks. To this end, this paper proposes a cross-layer approach to achieve secure and resilient control of a ROS. In the physical layer, due to the delay caused by the security mechanism, we design a time-delay controller for the ROS agent. In the cyber layer, we define cyber states and use Markov Decision Process to evaluate the tradeoffs between physical and security performance. Due to the uncertainty of the cyber state, we extend the MDP to a Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP). We propose a threshold solution based on our theoretical results. Finally, we present numerical examples to evaluate the performance of the secure and resilient mechanism.

Sabek, I., Chandramouli, B., Minhas, U. F..  2019.  CRA: Enabling Data-Intensive Applications in Containerized Environments. 2019 IEEE 35th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :1762—1765.
Today, a modern data center hosts a wide variety of applications comprising batch, interactive, machine learning, and streaming applications. In this paper, we factor out the commonalities in a large majority of these applications, into a generic dataflow layer called Common Runtime for Applications (CRA). In parallel, another trend, with containerization technologies (e.g., Docker), has taken a serious hold on cloud-scale data centers, with direct implications on building next generation of data center applications. Container orchestrators (e.g., Kubernetes) have made deployment a lot easy, and they solve many infrastructure level problems, e.g., service discovery, auto-restart, and replication. For best in class performance, there is a need to marry the next generation applications with containerization technologies. To that end, CRA leverages and builds upon the containerization and resource orchestration capabilities of Kubernetes/Docker, and makes it easy to build a wide range of cloud-edge applications on top. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present a cloud native runtime for building data center applications. We show the efficiency of CRA through various micro-benchmarking experiments.
Zhou, Z., Yang, Y., Cai, Z., Yang, Y., Lin, L..  2019.  Combined Layer GAN for Image Style Transfer*. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM). :1—3.

Image style transfer is an increasingly interesting topic in computer vision where the goal is to map images from one style to another. In this paper, we propose a new framework called Combined Layer GAN as a solution of dealing with image style transfer problem. Specifically, the edge-constraint and color-constraint are proposed and explored in the GAN based image translation method to improve the performance. The motivation of the work is that color and edge are fundamental vision factors for an image, while in the traditional deep network based approach, there is a lack of fine control of these factors in the process of translation and the performance is degraded consequently. Our experiments and evaluations show that our novel method with the edge and color constrains is more stable, and significantly improves the performance compared with the traditional methods.

Vasiliu, V., Sörös, G..  2019.  Coherent Rendering of Virtual Smile Previews with Fast Neural Style Transfer. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). :66—73.

Coherent rendering in augmented reality deals with synthesizing virtual content that seamlessly blends in with the real content. Unfortunately, capturing or modeling every real aspect in the virtual rendering process is often unfeasible or too expensive. We present a post-processing method that improves the look of rendered overlays in a dental virtual try-on application. We combine the original frame and the default rendered frame in an autoencoder neural network in order to obtain a more natural output, inspired by artistic style transfer research. Specifically, we apply the original frame as style on the rendered frame as content, repeating the process with each new pair of frames. Our method requires only a single forward pass, our shallow architecture ensures fast execution, and our internal feedback loop inherently enforces temporal consistency.

Abratkiewicz, K., Gromek, D., Samczynski, P..  2019.  Chirp Rate Estimation and micro-Doppler Signatures for Pedestrian Security Radar Systems. 2019 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo). :212—215.

A new approach to micro-Doppler signal analysis is presented in this article. Novel chirp rate estimators in the time-frequency domain were used for this purpose, which provided the chirp rate of micro-Doppler signatures, allowing the classification of objects in the urban environment. As an example verifying the method, a signal from a high-resolution radar with a linear frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) recording an echo reflected from a pedestrian was used to validate the proposed algorithms for chirp rate estimation. The obtained results are plotted on saturated accelerograms, giving an additional parameter dedicated for target classification in security systems utilizing radar sensors for target detection.

Phu, T. N., Hoang, L., Toan, N. N., Tho, N. Dai, Binh, N. N..  2019.  C500-CFG: A Novel Algorithm to Extract Control Flow-based Features for IoT Malware Detection. 2019 19th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT). :568—573.

{Static characteristic extraction method Control flow-based features proposed by Ding has the ability to detect malicious code with higher accuracy than traditional Text-based methods. However, this method resolved NP-hard problem in a graph, therefore it is not feasible with the large-size and high-complexity programs. So, we propose the C500-CFG algorithm in Control flow-based features based on the idea of dynamic programming, solving Ding's NP-hard problem in O(N2) time complexity, where N is the number of basic blocks in decom-piled executable codes. Our algorithm is more efficient and more outstanding in detecting malware than Ding's algorithm: fast processing time, allowing processing large files, using less memory and extracting more feature information. Applying our algorithms with IoT data sets gives outstanding results on 2 measures: Accuracy = 99.34%

Swain, P., Kamalia, U., Bhandarkar, R., Modi, T..  2019.  CoDRL: Intelligent Packet Routing in SDN Using Convolutional Deep Reinforcement Learning. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS). :1—6.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides opportunities for flexible and dynamic traffic engineering. However, in current SDN systems, routing strategies are based on traditional mechanisms which lack in real-time modification and less efficient resource utilization. To overcome these limitations, deep learning is used in this paper to improve the routing computation in SDN. This paper proposes Convolutional Deep Reinforcement Learning (CoDRL) model which is based on deep reinforcement learning agent for routing optimization in SDN to minimize the mean network delay and packet loss rate. The CoDRL model consists of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) deep agent coupled with Convolution layer. The proposed model tends to automatically adapts the dynamic packet routing using network data obtained through the SDN controller, and provides the routing configuration that attempts to reduce network congestion and minimize the mean network delay. Hence, the proposed deep agent exhibits good convergence towards providing routing configurations that improves the network performance.

Yu, C., Quan, W., Cheng, N., Chen, S., Zhang, H..  2019.  Coupled or Uncoupled? Multi-path TCP Congestion Control for High-Speed Railway Networks 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :612—617.

With the development of modern High-Speed Railway (HSR) and mobile communication systems, network operators have a strong demand to provide high-quality on-board Internet services for HSR passengers. Multi-path TCP (MPTCP) provides a potential solution to aggregate available network bandwidth, greatly overcoming throughout degradation and severe jitter using single transmission path during the high-speed train moving. However, the choose of MPTCP algorithms, i.e., Coupled or Uncoupled, has a great impact on the performance. In this paper, we investigate this interesting issue in the practical datasets along multiple HSR lines. Particularly, we collect the first-hand network datasets and analyze the characteristics and category of traffic flows. Based on this statistics, we measure and analyze the transmission performance for both mice flows and elephant ones with different MPTCP congestion control algorithms in HSR scenarios. The simulation results show that, by comparing with the coupled MPTCP algorithms, i.e., Fully Coupled and LIA, the uncoupled EWTCP algorithm provides more stable throughput and balances congestion window distribution, more suitable for the HSR scenario for elephant flows. This work provides significant reference for the development of on-board devices in HSR network systems.

Naik, D., Nikita, De, T..  2018.  Congestion aware traffic grooming in elastic optical and WiMAX network. 2018 Technologies for Smart-City Energy Security and Power (ICSESP). :1—9.

In recent years, integration of Passive Optical Net-work(PON) and WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability Microwave Access Network) network is attracting huge interest among many researchers. The continuous demand for large bandwidths with wider coverage area are the key drivers to this technology. This integration has led to high speed and cost efficient solution for internet accessibility. This paper investigates the issues related to traffic grooming, routing and resource allocation in the hybrid networks. The Elastic Optical Network forms Backbone and is integrated with WiMAX. In this novel approach, traffic grooming is carried out using light trail technique to minimize the bandwidth blocking ratio and also reduce the network resource consumption. The simulation is performed on different network topologies, where in the traffic is routed through three modes namely the pure Wireless Network, the Wireless-Optical/Optical-Wireless Network, the pure Optical Network keeping the network congestion in mind. The results confirm reduction in bandwidth blocking ratio in all the given networks coupled with minimum network resource utilization.

Islam, S., Welzl, M., Hiorth, K., Hayes, D., Armitage, G., Gjessing, S..  2018.  ctrlTCP: Reducing latency through coupled, heterogeneous multi-flow TCP congestion control. IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :214—219.

We present ctrlTCP, a method to combine the congestion controls of multiple TCP connections. In contrast to the previous methods such as the Congestion Manager, ctrlTCP can couple all TCP flows that leave one sender, traverse a common bottleneck (e.g., a home user's thin uplink) and arrive at different destinations. Using ns-2 simulations and an implementation in the FreeBSD kernel, we show that our mechanism reduces queuing delay, packet loss, and short flow completion times while enabling precise allocation of the share of the available bandwidth between the connections according to the needs of the applications.

Harris, L., Grzes, M..  2019.  Comparing Explanations between Random Forests and Artificial Neural Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC). :2978—2985.

The decisions made by machines are increasingly comparable in predictive performance to those made by humans, but these decision making processes are often concealed as black boxes. Additional techniques are required to extract understanding, and one such category are explanation methods. This research compares the explanations of two popular forms of artificial intelligence; neural networks and random forests. Researchers in either field often have divided opinions on transparency, and comparing explanations may discover similar ground truths between models. Similarity can help to encourage trust in predictive accuracy alongside transparent structure and unite the respective research fields. This research explores a variety of simulated and real-world datasets that ensure fair applicability to both learning algorithms. A new heuristic explanation method that extends an existing technique is introduced, and our results show that this is somewhat similar to the other methods examined whilst also offering an alternative perspective towards least-important features.

Poulsen, A., Burmeister, O. K., Tien, D..  2018.  Care Robot Transparency Isn't Enough for Trust. 2018 IEEE Region Ten Symposium (Tensymp). :293—297.

A recent study featuring a new kind of care robot indicated that participants expect a robot's ethical decision-making to be transparent to develop trust, even though the same type of `inspection of thoughts' isn't expected of a human carer. At first glance, this might suggest that robot transparency mechanisms are required for users to develop trust in robot-made ethical decisions. But the participants were found to desire transparency only when they didn't know the specifics of a human-robot social interaction. Humans trust others without observing their thoughts, which implies other means of determining trustworthiness. The study reported here suggests that the method is social interaction and observation, signifying that trust is a social construct. Moreover, that `social determinants of trust' are the transparent elements. This socially determined behaviour draws on notions of virtue ethics. If a caregiver (nurse or robot) consistently provides good, ethical care, then patients can trust that caregiver to do so often. The same social determinants may apply to care robots and thus it ought to be possible to trust them without the ability to see their thoughts. This study suggests why transparency mechanisms may not be effective in helping to develop trust in care robot ethical decision-making. It suggests that roboticists need to build sociable elements into care robots to help patients to develop patient trust in the care robot's ethical decision-making.

Nielsen, C., Mathiesen, M., Nielsen, J., Jensen, L. C..  2019.  Changes in Heart Rate and Feeling of Safety When Led by a Rehabilitation Robot. 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). :580—581.

Trust is an important topic in medical human-robot interaction, since patients may be more fragile than other groups of people. This paper investigates the issue of users' trust when interacting with a rehabilitation robot. In the study, we investigate participants' heart rate and perception of safety in a scenario when their arm is led by the rehabilitation robot in two types of exercises at three different velocities. The participants' heart rate are measured during each exercise and the participants are asked how safe they feel after each exercise. The results showed that velocity and type of exercise has no significant influence on the participants' heart rate, but they do have significant influence on how safe they feel. We found that increasing velocity and longer exercises negatively influence participants' perception of safety.

Guan, L., Lin, J., Ma, Z., Luo, B., Xia, L., Jing, J..  2018.  Copker: A Cryptographic Engine Against Cold-Boot Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 15:742–754.
Cryptosystems are essential for computer and communication security, e.g., RSA or ECDSA in PGP Email clients and AES in full disk encryption. In practice, the cryptographic keys are loaded and stored in RAM as plain-text, and therefore vulnerable to cold-boot attacks exploiting the remanence effect of RAM chips to directly read memory data. To tackle this problem, we propose Copker, a cryptographic engine that implements asymmetric cryptosystems entirely within the CPU, without storing any plain-text sensitive data in RAM. Copker supports the popular asymmetric cryptosystems (i.e., RSA and ECDSA), and deterministic random bit generators (DRBGs) used in ECDSA signing. In its active mode, Copker stores kilobytes of sensitive data, including the private key, the DRBG seed and intermediate states, only in on-chip CPU caches (and registers). Decryption/signing operations are performed without storing any sensitive information in RAM. In the suspend mode, Copker stores symmetrically-encrypted private keys and DRBG seeds in memory, while employs existing solutions to keep the key-encryption key securely in CPU registers. Hence, Copker releases the system resources in the suspend mode. We implement Copker with the support of multiple private keys. With security analyses and intensive experiments, we demonstrate that Copker provides cryptographic services that are secure against cold-boot attacks and introduce reasonable overhead.
Singh, M., Kim, S..  2018.  Crypto trust point (cTp) for secure data sharing among intelligent vehicles. 2018 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). :1–4.
Tremendous amount of research is going on in the field of Intelligent vehicles (IVs)in industries and academics. Although, IV supports a better convenience for the society, but it also suffers from some concerns. Security is the major concern in Intelligent vehicle technology, due to its high exposure to data and information communication. The environment of the IV communication has many security vulnerabilities, which cannot be solved by Traditional Security approaches due to their fixed capabilities. Among security, trust, data accuracy and reliability of communication data in the communication channel are the other issues in IV communication. Blockchain is a peer-to-peer, distributed and decentralized technology which is used by the digital currency Bit-coin, to build trust and reliability and it has capability and is feasible to use Blockchain in IV Communication. In this paper, we propose, Blockchain based crypto Trust point (cTp) mechanism for IV communication. Using cTp in the IVs communication environment can provide IV data security and reliability. cTp mechanism accounts for the legitimate and illegitimate vehicles behavior, and rewarding thereby building trust among the vehicles. We also propose a reward based system using cTp (exchange of some cTp among IVs, during successful communication). We use blockchain technology in the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for the data management of the cTp. Using ITS, cTp details of every vehicle can be accessed ubiquitously by IVs. We evaluation, our proposal using the intersection use case scenario for intelligent vehicles communication.
Feth, P., Adler, R., Schneider, D..  2018.  A Context-Aware, Confidence-Disclosing and Fail-Operational Dynamic Risk Assessment Architecture. 2018 14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC). :190–194.
Future automotive systems will be highly automated and they will cooperate to optimize important system qualities and performance. Established safety assurance approaches and standards have been designed with manually controlled stand-alone systems in mind and are thus not fit to ensure safety of this next generation of systems. We argue that, given frequent dynamic changes and unknown contexts, systems need to be enabled to dynamically assess and manage their risks. In doing so, systems become resilient from a safety perspective, i.e. they are able to maintain a state of acceptable risk even when facing changes. This work presents a Dynamic Risk Assessment architecture that implements the concepts of context-awareness, confidence-disclosure and fail-operational. In particular, we demonstrate the utilization of these concepts for the calculation of automotive collision risk metrics, which are at the heart of our architecture.
Roisum, H., Urizar, L., Yeh, J., Salisbury, K., Magette, M..  2019.  Completeness Integrity Protection for Outsourced Databases Using Semantic Fake Data. 2019 4th International Conference on Communication and Information Systems (ICCIS). :222–228.
As cloud storage and computing gains popularity, data entrusted to the cloud has the potential to be exposed to more people and thus more vulnerable to attacks. It is important to develop mechanisms to protect data privacy and integrity so that clients can safely outsource their data to the cloud. We present a method for ensuring data completeness which is one facet of the data integrity problem. Our approach converts a standard database to a Completeness Protected Database (CPDB) by inserting some semantic fake data before outsourcing it to the cloud. These fake data are initially produced using our generating function which uses Order Preserving Encryption, which allows the user to be able to regenerate these fake data and match them to fake data returned from a range query to check for completeness. The CPDB is innovative in the following ways: (1) fake data is deterministically generated but is semantically indistinguishable from other existing data; (2) since fake data is generated by deterministic functions, data owners do not need to locally store the fake data that have been inserted, instead they can re-generate fake data using the functions; (3) no costly data encryption/signature is used in our scheme compared to previous work which encrypt/sign the entire database.
Karmakar, R., Jana, S. S., Chattopadhyay, S..  2019.  A Cellular Automata Guided Obfuscation Strategy For Finite-State-Machine Synthesis. 2019 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1–6.
A popular countermeasure against IP piracy relies on obfuscating the Finite State Machine (FSM), which is assumed to be the heart of a digital system. In this paper, we propose to use a special class of non-group additive cellular automata (CA) called D1 * CA, and it's counterpart D1 * CAdual to obfuscate each state-transition of an FSM. The synthesized FSM exhibits correct state-transitions only for a correct key, which is a designer's secret. The proposed easily testable key-controlled FSM synthesis scheme can thwart reverse engineering attacks, thus offers IP protection.
Sengupta, A., Ashraf, M., Nabeel, M., Sinanoglu, O..  2018.  Customized Locking of IP Blocks on a Multi-Million-Gate SoC. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–7.
Reliance on off-site untrusted fabrication facilities has given rise to several threats such as intellectual property (IP) piracy, overbuilding and hardware Trojans. Logic locking is a promising defense technique against such malicious activities that is effected at the silicon layer. Over the past decade, several logic locking defenses and attacks have been presented, thereby, enhancing the state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, there has been little research aiming to demonstrate the applicability of logic locking with large-scale multi-million-gate industrial designs consisting of multiple IP blocks with different security requirements. In this work, we take on this challenge to successfully lock a multi-million-gate system-on-chip (SoC) provided by DARPA by taking it all the way to GDSII layout. We analyze how specific features, constraints, and security requirements of an IP block can be leveraged to lock its functionality in the most appropriate way. We show that the blocks of an SoC can be locked in a customized manner at 0.5%, 15.3%, and 1.5% chip-level overhead in power, performance, and area, respectively.
Pflanzner, T., Feher, Z., Kertesz, A..  2019.  A Crawling Approach to Facilitate Open IoT Data Archiving and Reuse. 2019 Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :235–242.
Several cloud providers have started to offer specific data management services by responding to the new trend called the Internet of Things (IoT). In recent years, we have already seen that cloud computing has managed to serve IoT needs for data retrieval, processing and visualization transparent for the user side. IoT-Cloud systems for smart cities and smart regions can be very complex, therefore their design and analysis should be supported by means of simulation. Nevertheless, the models used in simulation environments should be as close as to the real world utilization to provide reliable results. To facilitate such simulations, in earlier works we proposed an IoT trace archiving service called SUMMON that can be used to gather real world datasets, and to reuse them for simulation experiments. In this paper we provide an extension to SUMMON with an automated web crawling service that gathers IoT and sensor data from publicly available websites. We introduce the architecture and operation of this approach, and exemplify it utilization with three use cases. The provided archiving solution can be used by simulators to perform realistic evaluations.
Farhadi, M., Haddad, H., Shahriar, H..  2019.  Compliance Checking of Open Source EHR Applications for HIPAA and ONC Security and Privacy Requirements. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:704–713.
Electronic Health Record (EHR) applications are digital versions of paper-based patient's health information. They are increasingly adopted to improved quality in healthcare, such as convenient access to histories of patient medication and clinic visits, easier follow up of patient treatment plans, and precise medical decision-making process. EHR applications are guided by measures of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Furthermore, Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology (HIT) certification criteria for usability of EHRs. A compliance checking approach attempts to identify whether or not an adopted EHR application meets the security and privacy criteria. There is no study in the literature to understand whether traditional static code analysis-based vulnerability discovered can assist in compliance checking of regulatory requirements of HIPAA and ONC. This paper attempts to address this issue. We identify security and privacy requirements for HIPAA technical requirements, and identify a subset of ONC criteria related to security and privacy, and then evaluate EHR applications for security vulnerabilities. Finally propose mitigation of security issues towards better compliance and to help practitioners reuse open source tools towards certification compliance.
Muller, T., Walz, A., Kiefer, M., Doran, H. Dermot, Sikora, A..  2018.  Challenges and prospects of communication security in real-time ethernet automation systems. 2018 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS). :1–9.
Real-Time Ethernet has become the major communication technology for modern automation and industrial control systems. On the one hand, this trend increases the need for an automation-friendly security solution, as such networks can no longer be considered sufficiently isolated. On the other hand, it shows that, despite diverging requirements, the domain of Operational Technology (OT) can derive advantage from high-volume technology of the Information Technology (IT) domain. Based on these two sides of the same coin, we study the challenges and prospects of approaches to communication security in real-time Ethernet automation systems. In order to capitalize the expertise aggregated in decades of research and development, we put a special focus on the reuse of well-established security technology from the IT domain. We argue that enhancing such technology to become automation-friendly is likely to result in more robust and secure designs than greenfield designs. Because of its widespread deployment and the (to this date) nonexistence of a consistent security architecture, we use PROFINET as a showcase of our considerations. Security requirements for this technology are defined and different well-known solutions are examined according their suitability for PROFINET. Based on these findings, we elaborate the necessary adaptions for the deployment on PROFINET.