In recent years, the attacks on systems have increased and among such attack is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The path identifiers (PIDs) used for inter-domain routing are static, which makes it easier the attack easier. To address this vulnerability, this paper addresses the usage of Dynamic Path Identifiers (D-PIDs) for routing. The PID of inter-domain path connector is kept oblivious and changes dynamically, thus making it difficult to attack the system. The prototype designed with major components like client, server and router analyses the outcome of D-PID usage instead of PIDs. The results show that, DDoS attacks can be effectively prevented if Dynamic Path Identifiers (D-PIDs) are used instead of Static Path Identifiers (PIDs).
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is a serious cyberattack that exhausts target machine's processing capacity by sending a huge number of packets from hijacked machines. To minimize resource consumption caused by DDoS attacks, filtering attack packets at source machines is the best approach. Although many studies have explored the detection of DDoS attacks, few studies have proposed DDoS attack prevention schemes that work at source machines. We propose a reliable, lightweight, transparent, and flexible DDoS attack prevention scheme that works at source machines. In this scheme, we employ a hypervisor with a packet filtering mechanism on each managed machine to allow the administrator to easily and reliably suppress packet transmissions. To make the proposed scheme lightweight and transparent, we exploit a thin hypervisor that allows pass-through access to hardware (except for network devices) from the operating system, thereby reducing virtualization overhead and avoiding compromising user experience. To make the proposed scheme flexible, we exploit a configurable packet filtering mechanism with a guaranteed safe code execution mechanism that allows the administrator to provide a filtering policy as executable code. In this study, we implemented the proposed scheme using BitVisor and the Berkeley Packet Filter. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can suppress arbitrary packet transmissions with negligible latency and throughput overhead compared to a bare metal system without filtering mechanisms.
A new kind of Square Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber (SLPCF) is proposed, the first ring is formed by elliptical holes filled with ethanol. To regulate the dispersion and the confinement loss we put a circular air-holes with small diameters into the third ring of the cladding area. The diameter of the core is arranged as d2=2*A-d, where A is the pitch and d diameter of the air-holes. After simulations, we got a dispersion low as 0.0494 (ps/Km. nm) and a confinement loss also low as 2.6×10-7(dB/m) at a wavelength of 1.55 $μ$m. At 0.8 $μ$m we obtained a nonlinearity high as 60.95 (1/km. w) and a strong guiding light. Also, we compare the filled ethanol elliptical holes with the air filled elliptical holes of our proposed square lattice photonic crystal fiber. We use as a simulation method in this manuscript the two-dimensional FDTD method. The utilization of the proposed fiber is in the telecommunication transmission because of its low dispersion and low loss at the c-band and in the nonlinear applications.
Nowadays, many applications involve big data and big data analysis methods appear in many fields. As a preliminary attempt to solve the challenge of big data analysis, this paper presents a distributed online learning algorithm based on differential privacy. Since online learning can effectively process sensitive data, we introduce the concept of differential privacy in distributed online learning algorithms, with the aim at ensuring data privacy during online learning to prevent adversarial nodes from inferring any important data information. In particular, for different adversary models, we consider different type graphs to tolerate a limited number of adversaries near each regular node or tolerate a global limited number of adversaries.
An important ingredient for a successful recipe for solving machine learning problems is the availability of a suitable dataset. However, such a dataset may have to be extracted from a large unstructured and semi-structured data like programming code, scripts, and text. In this work, we propose a plug-in based, extensible feature extraction framework for which we have prototyped as a tool. The proposed framework is demonstrated by extracting features from two different sources of semi-structured and unstructured data. The semi-structured data comprised of web page and script based data whereas the other data was taken from email data for spam filtering. The usefulness of the tool was also assessed on the aspect of ease of programming.
This paper studies the principle of vulnerability generation and mechanism of cross-site scripting attack, designs a dynamic cross-site scripting vulnerabilities detection technique based on existing theories of black box vulnerabilities detection. The dynamic detection process contains five steps: crawler, feature construct, attacks simulation, results detection and report generation. Crawling strategy in crawler module and constructing algorithm in feature construct module are key points of this detection process. Finally, according to the detection technique proposed in this paper, a detection tool is accomplished in Linux using python language to detect web applications. Experiments were launched to verify the results and compare with the test results of other existing tools, analyze the usability, advantages and disadvantages of the detection method above, confirm the feasibility of applying dynamic detection technique to cross-site scripting vulnerabilities detection.
Click-through rate prediction is an essential task in industrial applications, such as online advertising. Recently deep learning based models have been proposed, which follow a similar Embedding&MLP paradigm. In these methods large scale sparse input features are first mapped into low dimensional embedding vectors, and then transformed into fixed-length vectors in a group-wise manner, finally concatenated together to fed into a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to learn the nonlinear relations among features. In this way, user features are compressed into a fixed-length representation vector, in regardless of what candidate ads are. The use of fixed-length vector will be a bottleneck, which brings difficulty for Embedding&MLP methods to capture user's diverse interests effectively from rich historical behaviors. In this paper, we propose a novel model: Deep Interest Network (DIN) which tackles this challenge by designing a local activation unit to adaptively learn the representation of user interests from historical behaviors with respect to a certain ad. This representation vector varies over different ads, improving the expressive ability of model greatly. Besides, we develop two techniques: mini-batch aware regularization and data adaptive activation function which can help training industrial deep networks with hundreds of millions of parameters. Experiments on two public datasets as well as an Alibaba real production dataset with over 2 billion samples demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed approaches, which achieve superior performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. DIN now has been successfully deployed in the online display advertising system in Alibaba, serving the main traffic.
With the increase of mobile equipment and transmission data, Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) between Building Base band Unit (BBU) and Remote Radio Unit (RRU) suffers amounts of increasing transmission data. It is essential to compress the data in CPRI if more data should be transferred without congestion under the premise of restriction of fiber consumption. A data compression scheme based on Discrete Sine Transform (DST) and Lloyd-Max quantization is proposed in distributed Base Station (BS) architecture. The time-domain samples are transformed by DST according to the characteristics of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) baseband signals, and then the coefficients after transformation are quantified by the Lloyd-Max quantizer. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can work at various Compression Ratios (CRs) while the values of Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) are better than the limits in 3GPP.
Cognitive radio technology addresses the spectrum scarcity challenges by allowing unlicensed cognitive devices to opportunistically utilize spectrum band allocated to licensed devices. However, the openness of the technology has introduced several attacks to cognitive radios, one which is the spectrum sensing data falsification attack. In spectrum sensing data falsification attack, malicious devices share incorrect spectrum observations to other cognitive radios. This paper investigates the spectrum sensing data falsification attack in cognitive radio networks. We use the modified Z-test to isolate extreme outliers in the network. The q-out-of-m rule scheme is implemented to mitigate the spectrum sensing data falsification attack, where a random number m is selected from the sensing results and q is the final decision from m. The scheme does not require the services of a fusion Centre for decision making. This paper presents the theoretical analysis of the proposed scheme.
The ever-increasing number of wireless network systems brought a problem of spectrum congestion leading to slow data communications. All of the radio spectrums are allocated to different users, services and applications. Hence studies have shown that some of those spectrum bands are underutilized while others are congested. Cognitive radio concept has evolved to solve the problem of spectrum congestion by allowing cognitive users to opportunistically utilize the underutilized spectrum while minimizing interference with other users. Byzantine attack is one of the security issues which threaten the successful deployment of this technology. Byzantine attack is compromised cognitive radios which relay falsified data about the availability of the spectrum to other legitimate cognitive radios in the network leading interference. In this paper we are proposing a security measure to thwart the effect caused by these attacks and compared it to Attack-Proof Cooperative Spectrum Sensing.
This paper investigates the use of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in the design of a "universal" MAC protocol referred to as Deep-reinforcement Learning Multiple Access (DLMA). The design framework is partially inspired by the vision of DARPA SC2, a 3-year competition whereby competitors are to come up with a clean-slate design that "best share spectrum with any network(s), in any environment, without prior knowledge, leveraging on machine-learning technique". While the scope of DARPA SC2 is broad and involves the redesign of PHY, MAC, and Network layers, this paper's focus is narrower and only involves the MAC design. In particular, we consider the problem of sharing time slots among a multiple of time-slotted networks that adopt different MAC protocols. One of the MAC protocols is DLMA. The other two are TDMA and ALOHA. The DRL agents of DLMA do not know that the other two MAC protocols are TDMA and ALOHA. Yet, by a series of observations of the environment, its own actions, and the rewards - in accordance with the DRL algorithmic framework - a DRL agent can learn the optimal MAC strategy for harmonious co-existence with TDMA and ALOHA nodes. In particular, the use of neural networks in DRL (as opposed to traditional reinforcement learning) allows for fast convergence to optimal solutions and robustness against perturbation in hyper- parameter settings, two essential properties for practical deployment of DLMA in real wireless networks.
Phishing is a form of cybercrime where an attacker imitates a real person / institution by promoting them as an official person or entity through e-mail or other communication mediums. In this type of cyber attack, the attacker sends malicious links or attachments through phishing e-mails that can perform various functions, including capturing the login credentials or account information of the victim. These e-mails harm victims because of money loss and identity theft. In this study, a software called "Anti Phishing Simulator'' was developed, giving information about the detection problem of phishing and how to detect phishing emails. With this software, phishing and spam mails are detected by examining mail contents. Classification of spam words added to the database by Bayesian algorithm is provided.
Data races are often hard to detect in device drivers, due to the non-determinism of concurrent execution. According to our study of Linux driver patches that fix data races, more than 38% of patches involve a pattern that we call inconsistent lock protection. Specifically, if a variable is accessed within two concurrently executed functions, the sets of locks held around each access are disjoint, at least one of the locksets is non-empty, and at least one of the involved accesses is a write, then a data race may occur.In this paper, we present a runtime analysis approach, named DILP, to detect data races caused by inconsistent lock protection in device drivers. By monitoring driver execution, DILP collects the information about runtime variable accesses and executed functions. Then after driver execution, DILP analyzes the collected information to detect and report data races caused by inconsistent lock protection. We evaluate DILP on 12 device drivers in Linux 4.16.9, and find 25 real data races.
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) aims at providing a better quality of life to people suffering from neuromuscular disability. This paper establishes a BCI paradigm to provide a biometric security option, used for locking and unlocking personal computers or mobile phones. Although it is primarily meant for the people with neurological disorder, its application can safely be extended for the use of normal people. The proposed scheme decodes the electroencephalogram signals liberated by the brain of the subjects, when they are engaged in selecting a sequence of dots in(6×6)2-dimensional array, representing a pattern lock. The subject, while selecting the right dot in a row, would yield a P300 signal, which is decoded later by the brain-computer interface system to understand the subject's intention. In case the right dots in all the 6 rows are correctly selected, the subject would yield P300 signals six times, which on being decoded by a BCI system would allow the subject to access the system. Because of intra-subjective variation in the amplitude and wave-shape of the P300 signal, a type 2 fuzzy classifier has been employed to classify the presence/absence of the P300 signal in the desired window. A comparison of performances of the proposed classifier with others is also included. The functionality of the proposed system has been validated using the training instances generated for 30 subjects. Experimental results confirm that the classification accuracy for the present scheme is above 90% irrespective of subjects.
Android Applications have become an integral fraction of entwined contemporary subsistence. The entire sphere is employing diverse assortment of applications for distinguished intention. Among all the flamboyant assortment of applications, some applications have engrossed apiece individual and are unanimously accepted. With apiece fleeting instant, numerous applications are emerging in the market and are contending amid the contemporary applications in use. The proposed work is a pioneering approach to develop an application for message transference in a cosseted manner. The eminence of the work lies in ensuring that the messages send are in a coded structure, more precisely in encrypted form, formulated from the proposed Cryptographic modus operandi. The focal intention of the proposed work is to augment the status of safekeeping in data transference. The work is a multidisciplinary work and includes Biological principles in devising the Cryptographic modus operandi. Hormonal system is one of the most decisive fractions of human well-being and fundamental structure. There are numerous hormones meant for diverse purposes in human anatomy, more precisely, they are exclusively distinct for male and female. Although, the numeral quotient of hormones is colossal, but in the work, preferred male and female hormones have been employed. The hormones employed, their operational cycle and their way of illustration in the proposed work opens a unique mode to encrypt data and augment the safekeeping echelon. The augmented safekeeping could unearth its employment in numerous modes and in countless places, not only for personal purposes but could also be employed for organizational purpose. The Android Application for the said Cryptographic modus operandi is an initiative for safekeeping of apiece individual employing the Application as well as a universal mold for societal impact on the whole.
As a modern power transmission network, smart grid connects plenty of terminal devices. However, along with the growth of devices are the security threats. Different from the previous separated environment, an adversary nowadays can destroy the power system by attacking these devices. Therefore, it's critical to ensure the security and safety of terminal devices. To achieve this goal, detecting the pre-existing vulnerabilities of the device program and enhance the terminal security, are of great importance and necessity. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that detects existing buffer-overflow vulnerabilities of terminal devices via automatic static analysis (ASA). We utilize the static analysis to extract the device program information and build corresponding program models. By further matching the generated program model with pre-defined vulnerability patterns, we achieve vulnerability detection and error reporting. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method can effectively detect buffer-overflow vulnerabilities of smart terminals with a high accuracy and a low false positive rate.
Formal verification of infinite-state systems, and distributed systems in particular, is a long standing research goal. In the deductive verification approach, the programmer provides inductive invariants and pre/post specifications of procedures, reducing the verification problem to checking validity of logical verification conditions. This check is often performed by automated theorem provers and SMT solvers, substantially increasing productivity in the verification of complex systems. However, the unpredictability of automated provers presents a major hurdle to usability of these tools. This problem is particularly acute in case of provers that handle undecidable logics, for example, first-order logic with quantifiers and theories such as arithmetic. The resulting extreme sensitivity to minor changes has a strong negative impact on the convergence of the overall proof effort.
With the growth of technology, designs became more complex and may contain bugs. This makes verification an indispensable part in product development. UVM describe a standard method for verification of designs which is reusable and portable. This paper verifies IIC bus protocol using Universal Verification Methodology. IIC controller is designed in Verilog using Vivado. It have APB interface and its function and code coverage is carried out in Mentor graphic Questasim 10.4e. This work achieved 83.87% code coverage and 91.11% functional coverage.