Testing which is an indispensable part of software engineering is itself an art and science which emerged as a discipline over a period. On testing, if defects are found, testers diminish the risk by providing the awareness of defects and solutions to deal with them before release. If testing does not find any defects, testing assure that under certain conditions the system functions correctly. To guarantee that enough testing has been done, major risk areas need to be tested. We have to identify the risks, analyse and control them. We need to categorize the risk items to decide the extent of testing to be covered. Also, Implementation of structured metrics is lagging in software testing. Efficient metrics are necessary to evaluate, manage the testing process and make testing a part of engineering discipline. This paper proposes the usage of risk based testing using FMEA technique and provides an ideal set of metrics which provides a way to ensure effective testing process.
Malware authors are known to reuse existing code, this development process results in software evolution and a sequence of versions of a malware family containing functions that show a divergence from the initial version. This paper proposes the term evolved similarity to account for this gradual divergence of similarity across the version history of a malware family. While existing techniques are able to match functions in different versions of malware, these techniques work best when the version changes are relatively small. This paper introduces the concept of evolved similarity and presents automated Evolved Similarity Techniques (EST). EST differs from existing malware function similarity techniques by focusing on the identification of significantly modified functions in adjacent malware versions and may also be used to identify function similarity in malware samples that differ by several versions. The challenge in identifying evolved malware function pairs lies in identifying features that are relatively invariant across evolved code. The research in this paper makes use of the function call graph to establish these features and then demonstrates the use of these techniques using Zeus malware.
In our daily lives, the advances of new technology can be used to sustain the development of people across the globe. Particularly, e-government can be the dynamo of the development for the people. The development of technology and the rapid growth in the use of internet creates a big challenge in the administration in both the public and the private sector. E-government is a vital accomplishment, whereas the security is the main downside which occurs in each e-government process. E-government has to be secure as technology grows and the users have to follow the procedures to make their own transactions safe. This paper tackles the challenges and obstacles to enhance the security of information in e-government. Hence to achieve security data hiding techniques are found to be trustworthy. Reversible data hiding (RDH) is an emerging technique which helps in retaining the quality of the cover image. Hence it is preferred over the traditional data hiding techniques. Modification in the existing algorithm is performed for image encryption scheme and data hiding scheme in order to improve the results. To achieve this secret data is split into 20 parts and data concealing is performed on each part. The data hiding procedure includes embedding of data into least significant nibble of the cover image. The bits are further equally distributed in the cover image to obtain the key security parameters. Hence the obtained results validate that the proposed scheme is better than the existing schemes.
This paper presents a case study on the use and implementation of the Qualified Digital Signature. Problematics such as the degree of use, security and authenticity of Qualified Digital Signature and the publication and dissemination of documents signed in digital format are analyzed. In order to support the case study, a methodology was adopted that included interviews with municipalities that are part of the Intermunicipal Community of the region of Leiria and a computer application was developed that allowed to analyze the documents available in the institutional websites of the municipalities, the ones that were digitally signed. The results show that institutional websites are already providing documentation with Qualified Digital Signature and that the level of trust and authenticity regarding their use is considered to be mostly very positive.
Model validation, though a process that's continuous and complex, establishes confidence in the soundness and usefulness of a model. Making sure that the model behaves similar to the modes of behavior seen in real systems, allows the builder of said model to assure accumulation of confidence in the model and thus validating the model. While doing this, the model builder is also required to build confidence from a target audience in the model through communicating to the bases. The basis of the system dynamics model validation, both in general and in the field of cyber security, relies on a casual loop diagram of the system being agreed upon by a group of experts. Model validation also uses formal quantitative and informal qualitative tools in addition to the validation techniques used by system dynamics. Amongst others, the usefulness of a model, in a user's eyes, is a valid standard by which we can evaluate them. To validate our system dynamics cyber security model, we used empirical structural and behavior tests. This paper describes tests of model structure and model behavior, which includes each test's purpose, the ways the tests were conducted, and empirical validation results using a proof-of-concept cyber security model.
The new instrumentation and control (I&C) systems of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) improve the ability to operate the plant enhance the safety and performance of the NPP. However, they bring a new type of threat to the NPP's industry-cyber threat. The early fault diagnostic system (EDS) is one of the decision support systems that might be used online during the operation stage. The EDS aim is to prevent the incident/accident evolution by a timely troubleshooting process during any plant operational modes. It means that any significative deviation of plant parameters from normal values is pointed-out to plant operators well before reaching any undesired threshold potentially leading to a prohibited plant state, together with the cause that has generated the deviation. The paper lists the key benefits using the EDS to counter the cyber threat and proposes the framework for cybersecurity assessment using EDS during the operational stage.
Smart Grid cyber-security sounds to be a critical issue, because of widespread development of information technology. To achieve secure and reliable operation, the complexity of human automation interaction (HAI) necessitates more sophisticated and intelligent methodologies. In this paper, an adaptive autonomy fuzzy expert system is developed using gradient descent algorithm to determine the Level of Automation (LOA), based on the changing of Performance Shaping Factors (PSF). These PSFs indicate the effects of environmental conditions on the performance of HAI. The major advantage of this method is that the fuzzy rule or membership function can be learnt without changing the form of the fuzzy rule in conventional fuzzy control. Because of data shortage, Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) technique is applied for assessing how the results of proposed system generalizes to the new contingency situations. The expert system database is extracted from superior experts' judgments. In order to regard the importance of each PSF, weighted rules are also considered. In addition, some new environmental conditions are introduced that has not been seen before. Nine scenarios are discussed to reveal the performance of the proposed system. Results confirm that the presented fuzzy expert system can effectively calculates the proper LOA even in the new contingency situations.
Matrix factorization (MF) has been proved to be an effective approach to build a successful recommender system. However, most current MF-based recommenders cannot obtain high prediction accuracy due to the sparseness of user-item matrix. Moreover, these methods suffer from the scalability issues when applying on large-scale real-world tasks. To tackle these issues, in this paper a social regularization method called TrustRSNMF is proposed that incorporates the social trust information of users in nonnegative matrix factorization framework. The proposed method integrates trust statements along with user-item ratings as an additional information source into the recommendation model to deal with the data sparsity and cold-start issues. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, a number of experiments are performed on two real-world datasets. The obtained results demonstrate significant improvements of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art recommendation methods.
Nowadays, trust and reputation models are used to build a wide range of trust-based security mechanisms and trust-based service management applications on the Internet of Things (IoT). Considering trust as a single unit can result in missing important and significant factors. We split trust into its building-blocks, then we sort and assign weight to these building-blocks (trust metrics) on the basis of its priorities for the transaction context of a particular goal. To perform these processes, we consider trust as a multi-criteria decision-making problem, where a set of trust worthiness metrics represent the decision criteria. We introduce Entropy-based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (EFAHP) as a trust model for selecting a trustworthy service provider, since the sense of decision making regarding multi-metrics trust is structural. EFAHP gives 1) fuzziness, which fits the vagueness, uncertainty, and subjectivity of trust attributes; 2) AHP, which is a systematic way for making decisions in complex multi-criteria decision making; and 3) entropy concept, which is utilized to calculate the aggregate weights for each service provider. We present a numerical illustration in trust-based Service Oriented Architecture in the IoT (SOA-IoT) to demonstrate the service provider selection using the EFAHP Model in assessing and aggregating the trust scores.
The mass integration and deployment of intelligent technologies within critical commercial, industrial and public environments have a significant impact on business operations and society as a whole. Though integration of these critical intelligent technologies pose serious embedded security challenges for technology manufacturers which are required to be systematically approached, in-line with international security regulations.This paper establish security foundation for such intelligent technologies by deriving embedded security requirements to realise the core security functions laid out by international security authorities, and proposing microarchitectural characteristics to establish cyber resilience in embedded systems. To bridge the research gap between embedded and operational security domains, a detailed review of existing embedded security methods, microarchitectures and design practises is presented. The existing embedded security methods have been found ad-hoc, passive and strongly rely on building and maintaining trust. To the best of our knowledge to date, no existing embedded security microarchitecture or defence mechanism provides continuity of data stream or security once trust has broken. This functionality is critical for embedded technologies deployed in critical infrastructure to enhance and maintain security, and to gain evidence of the security breach to effectively evaluate, improve and deploy active response and mitigation strategies. To this end, the paper proposes three microarchitectural characteristics that shall be designed and integrated into embedded architectures to establish, maintain and improve cyber resilience in embedded systems for next-generation critical infrastructure.