Visible to the public Secure-EPCIS: Addressing Security Issues in EPCIS for IoT Applications

TitleSecure-EPCIS: Addressing Security Issues in EPCIS for IoT Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWoo, S., Ha, J., Byun, J., Kwon, K., Tolcha, Y., Kang, D., Nguyen, H. M., Kim, M., Kim, D.
Conference Name2017 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES)
KeywordsAccess Control, access-control, Data security, Electronic Product Code Information System, electronic products, EPCglobal Network, EPCglobal standards, EPCIS, Human Behavior, Internet of Things, IoT, Mobile communication, Permission, Product codes, production engineering computing, pubcrawl, radiofrequency identification, resilience, Resiliency, RFID, Scalability, SCM, Secure-EPCIS, security issues, security of data, Servers, supply chain management, supply chain security, Time factors
AbstractIn the EPCglobal standards for RFID architecture frameworks and interfaces, the Electronic Product Code Information System (EPCIS) acts as a standard repository storing event and master data that are well suited to Supply Chain Management (SCM) applications. Oliot-EPCIS broadens its scope to a wider range of IoT applications in a scalable and flexible way to store a large amount of heterogeneous data from a variety of sources. However, this expansion poses data security challenge for IoT applications including patients' ownership of events generated in mobile healthcare services. Thus, in this paper we propose Secure-EPCIS to deal with security issues of EPCIS for IoT applications. We have analyzed the requirements for Secure-EPCIS based on real-world scenarios and designed access control model accordingly. Moreover, we have conducted extensive performance comparisons between EPCIS and Secure-EPCIS in terms of response time and throughput, and provide the solution for performance degradation problem in Secure-EPCIS.
Citation Keywoo_secure-epcis:_2017