Visible to the public Applications for detecting XSS attacks on different web platforms

TitleApplications for detecting XSS attacks on different web platforms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBaykara, M., Güçlü, S.
Conference Name2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS)
KeywordsC\# languages, command injection attacks, compositionality, dynamic web pages, HTML pages, Human Behavior, Information security, Internet, Intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, Java, malicious code worker, malicious Java Script code, Metrics, Nanoelectromechanical systems, online front-ends, programming languages, pubcrawl, Rails, Reactive power, Resiliency, security, security flaw, security of data, Site Intermediate Script attacks, visualization, Web application, Web browser, Web Browser Security, Web platforms, web security, Web sites, web vulnerabilities, XSS Attacks, XSS injection, XSS security

Today, maintaining the security of the web application is of great importance. Sites Intermediate Script (XSS) is a security flaw that can affect web applications. This error allows an attacker to add their own malicious code to HTML pages that are displayed to the user. Upon execution of the malicious code, the behavior of the system or website can be completely changed. The XSS security vulnerability is used by attackers to steal the resources of a web browser such as cookies, identity information, etc. by adding malicious Java Script code to the victim's web applications. Attackers can use this feature to force a malicious code worker into a Web browser of a user, since Web browsers support the execution of embedded commands on web pages to enable dynamic web pages. This work has been proposed as a technique to detect and prevent manipulation that may occur in web sites, and thus to prevent the attack of Site Intermediate Script (XSS) attacks. Ayrica has developed four different languages that detect XSS explanations with Asp.NET, PHP, PHP and Ruby languages, and the differences in the detection of XSS attacks in environments provided by different programming languages.

Citation Keybaykara_applications_2018