Visible to the public Determining a Security Roadmap for the Microelectronics Industry

TitleDetermining a Security Roadmap for the Microelectronics Industry
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMoyne, J., Mashiro, S., Gross, D.
Conference Name2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-3748-7
Keywordsadvanced process control efforts, Big Data, big data explosion, cloud computing, cloud-based solutions, composability, data sharing, data systems, electronic equipment manufacture, electronics industry, industrial property, Industry 4.0, industry-wide standards, Information security, International Roadmap for Devices and System Factory Integration International Focus Team, IP networks, IP security, IRDS FI IFT, Manufacturing, Metrics, Microelectronics, microelectronics manufacturing industry, Microelectronics Security, microfabrication, process control, production engineering computing, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, security maintenance, security of data, security technology roadmap, smart manufacturing, Standards, supply chain, supply chain management, technological forecasting

The evolution of the microelectronics manufacturing industry is characterized by increased complexity, analysis, integration, distribution, data sharing and collaboration, all of which is enabled by the big data explosion. This evolution affords a number of opportunities in improved productivity and quality, and reduced cost, however it also brings with it a number of risks associated with maintaining security of data systems. The International Roadmap for Devices and System Factory Integration International Focus Team (IRDS FI IFT) determined that a security technology roadmap for the industry is needed to better understand the needs, challenges and potential solutions for security in the microelectronics industry and its supply chain. As a first step in providing this roadmap, the IFT conducted a security survey, soliciting input from users, suppliers and OEMs. Preliminary results indicate that data partitioning with IP protection is the number one topic of concern, with the need for industry-wide standards as the second most important topic. Further, the "fear" of security breach is considered to be a significant hindrance to Advanced Process Control efforts as well as use of cloud-based solutions. The IRDS FI IFT will endeavor to provide components of a security roadmap for the industry in the 2018 FI chapter, leveraging the output of the survey effort combined with follow-up discussions with users and consultations with experts.

Citation Keymoyne_determining_2018