Visible to the public Feature extraction using Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection System

TitleFeature extraction using Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsIshaque, Mohammed, Hudec, Ladislav
Conference Name2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS)
KeywordsClassification algorithms, composability, compositionality, Computational Intelligence, cryptography, data mining, Deep Learning, deep learning system, feature extraction, fully trainable system, Intrusion detection, intrusion detection system, Intrusion Detection Systems, learning (artificial intelligence), learning models, machine learning research, principal component analysis, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security of data, smart intrusion detection system, Web system

Deep Learning is an area of Machine Learning research, which can be used to manipulate large amount of information in an intelligent way by using the functionality of computational intelligence. A deep learning system is a fully trainable system beginning from raw input to the final output of recognized objects. Feature selection is an important aspect of deep learning which can be applied for dimensionality reduction or attribute reduction and making the information more explicit and usable. Deep learning can build various learning models which can abstract unknown information by selecting a subset of relevant features. This property of deep learning makes it useful in analysis of highly complex information one which is present in intrusive data or information flowing with in a web system or a network which needs to be analyzed to detect anomalies. Our approach combines the intelligent ability of Deep Learning to build a smart Intrusion detection system.

Citation Keyishaque_feature_2019