Visible to the public Security of Medical Big Data Images using Decoy Technique

TitleSecurity of Medical Big Data Images using Decoy Technique
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBhargavi, US., Gundibail, Shivaprasad, Manjunath, KN., Renuka, A.
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology Management (ICACTM)
KeywordsAutomation, Big Data, big data security, Biomedical imaging, biomedical MRI, biomedical telemetry, cloud computing, computerised tomography, CT scans, Databases, Decoy, decoy technique, diagnostic radiography, EHR security, electronic health records, Health Care, healthcare cloud, healthcare units, honey pots, honey-pot, honeypot intrusion detection, human factors, Intrusion detection, Medical Big Data, medical Big Data image security, medical image processing, Medical services, MRI reports, pubcrawl, radiology, Resiliency, Scalability, security, security of data, teleradiology, X-rays

Tele-radiology is a technology that helps in bringing the communication between the radiologist, patients and healthcare units situated at distant places. This involves exchange of medical centric data. The medical data may be stored as Electronic Health Records (EHR). These EHRs contain X-Rays, CT scans, MRI reports. Hundreds of scans across multiple radiology centers lead to medical big data (MBD). Healthcare Cloud can be used to handle MBD. Since lack of security to EHRs can cause havoc in medical IT, healthcare cloud must be secure. It should ensure secure sharing and storage of EHRs. This paper proposes the application of decoy technique to provide security to EHRs. The EHRs have the risk of internal attacks and external intrusion. This work addresses and handles internal attacks. It also involves study on honey-pots and intrusion detection techniques. Further it identifies the possibility of an intrusion and alerts the administrator. Also the details of intrusions are logged.

Citation Keybhargavi_security_2019