Visible to the public Embedding Covert Information on a Given Broadcast Code

TitleEmbedding Covert Information on a Given Broadcast Code
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKibloff, David, Perlaza, Samir M., Wang, Ligong
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Date Publishedjul
ISBN Number978-1-5386-9291-2
Keywordsasymptotic fundamental limits, Broadcast Channel, broadcast channels, broadcast code, channel capacity, channel coding, covert communication, covert communications, covert message, Decoding, decoding error probability, degraded discrete memoryless broadcast channel, DM-BC, embedding covert information, error probability, error statistics, general DM-BCs, Human Behavior, human factors, Indexes, information theoretic security, information-theoretic security, Low Probability of Detection, Metrics, necessary conditions, original broadcast communication, policy-based governance, Probability distribution, pubcrawl, random codes, random coding argument, Random variables, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, stronger receiver, Transmitters, weaker receiver

Given a code used to send a message to two receivers through a degraded discrete memoryless broadcast channel (DM-BC), the sender wishes to alter the codewords to achieve the following goals: (i) the original broadcast communication continues to take place, possibly at the expense of a tolerable increase of the decoding error probability; and (ii) an additional covert message can be transmitted to the stronger receiver such that the weaker receiver cannot detect the existence of this message. The main results are: (a) feasibility of covert communications is proven by using a random coding argument for general DM-BCs; and (b) necessary conditions for establishing covert communications are described and an impossibility (converse) result is presented for a particular class of DM-BCs. Together, these results characterize the asymptotic fundamental limits of covert communications for this particular class of DM-BCs within an arbitrarily small gap.

Citation Keykibloff_embedding_2019