Visible to the public Fast Reconfigurable Hash Functions for Network Flow Hashing in FPGAs

TitleFast Reconfigurable Hash Functions for Network Flow Hashing in FPGAs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsGrochol, David, Sekanina, Lukas
Conference Name2018 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS)
Keywordscompositionality, cryptography, fast reconfigurable hash functions, field programmable gate array, field programmable gate arrays, FPGA, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, Hardware, hardware acceleration, hash algorithms, hash function design, high speed computer networks, high-quality hash functions, IP networks, Linear programming, Monitoring, multiobjective linear genetic programming, network flow hashing, pubcrawl, reconfigurable architectures, reconfigurable design, reconfigurable hash function, Registers, resilience, Resiliency

Efficient monitoring of high speed computer networks operating with a 100 Gigabit per second (Gbps) data throughput requires a suitable hardware acceleration of its key components. We present a platform capable of automated designing of hash functions suitable for network flow hashing. The platform employs a multi-objective linear genetic programming developed for the hash function design. We evolved high-quality hash functions and implemented them in a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Several evolved hash functions were combined together in order to form a new reconfigurable hash function. The proposed reconfigurable design significantly reduces the area on a chip while the maximum operation frequency remains very close to the fastest hash functions. Properties of evolved hash functions were compared with the state-of-the-art hash functions in terms of the quality of hashing, area and operation frequency in the FPGA.

Citation Keygrochol_fast_2018