Visible to the public Wearable Sensor of Humanoid Robot-Based Textile Chemical Sensors for Odor Detection and Tracking

TitleWearable Sensor of Humanoid Robot-Based Textile Chemical Sensors for Odor Detection and Tracking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsEamsa-ard, T., Seesaard, T., Kerdcharoen, T.
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST)
Date PublishedJuly 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4956-5
Keywordsammonia, Biomedical monitoring, C, carbon nanotubes, data acquisition, data monitoring system, gas sensors, Human axillary odor detection, human axillary odor monitoring, Human Behavior, human factors, human foot odor tracking, Humanoid robots, leak detection, nanocomposites, nanosensors, NH3 leakage detection, odor biomarker, odor tracking, odorant detection system, policy-based governance, polymer-CNT nanocomposite gas sensors, Polymers, Prototypes, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, robot operating systems, Robot sensing systems, security, security component, Sensitivity, smart clothes, smart shoes, Textiles, Textiles chemical sensors, umanoid robot, VOCs, Volatile biomarkers, wearable humanoid robot-based textile chemical sensors, wearable personal gas leakage detection, wearable personal safety, wearable pocket toxic-gas detector, wearable sensor, wearable wellness platform, ZigBee wireless communication technology

This paper revealed the development and implementation of the wearable sensors based on transient responses of textile chemical sensors for odorant detection system as wearable sensor of humanoid robot. The textile chemical sensors consist of nine polymer/CNTs nano-composite gas sensors which can be divided into three different prototypes of the wearable humanoid robot; (i) human axillary odor monitoring, (ii) human foot odor tracking, and (iii) wearable personal gas leakage detection. These prototypes can be integrated into high-performance wearable wellness platform such as smart clothes, smart shoes and wearable pocket toxic-gas detector. While operating mode has been designed to use ZigBee wireless communication technology for data acquisition and monitoring system. Wearable humanoid robot offers several platforms that can be applied to investigate the role of individual scent produced by different parts of the human body such as axillary odor and foot odor, which have potential health effects from abnormal or offensive body odor. Moreover, wearable personal safety and security component in robot is also effective for detecting NH3 leakage in environment. Preliminary results with nine textile chemical sensors for odor biomarker and NH3 detection demonstrates the feasibility of using the wearable humanoid robot to distinguish unpleasant odor released when you're physically active. It also showed an excellent performance to detect a hazardous gas like ammonia (NH3) with sensitivity as low as 5 ppm.

Citation Keyeamsa-ard_wearable_2018