Visible to the public IMPACT: A Trust Model for Human-Agent Teaming

TitleIMPACT: A Trust Model for Human-Agent Teaming
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHou, M.
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS)
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsAdaptation models, Authorization, autonomous agents, Collaboration, collaborative team, decision making, Human Behavior, human partners, human trust, human-agent teaming, human-autonomy interaction, IMPACT model, intelligent adaptive decision aid, large scale joint exercise controlling multiple unmanned vehicles, multi-agent systems, Predictive models, pubcrawl, remotely operated vehicles, target engagement, Task Analysis, Trust, unmanned vehicle, Weapons
AbstractA trust model IMPACT: Intention, Measurability, Predictability, Agility, Communication, and Transparency has been conceptualized to build human trust in autonomous agents. The six critical characteristics must be exhibited by the agents in order to gain and maintain the trust from their human partners towards an effective and collaborative team in achieving common goals. The IMPACT model guided a design of an intelligent adaptive decision aid for dynamic target engagement processes in a military context. Positive feedback from subject matter experts participated in a large scale joint exercise controlling multiple unmanned vehicles indicated the effectiveness of the decision aid. It also demonstrated the utility of the IMPACT model as design principles for building up a trusted human-agent teaming.
Citation Keyhou_impact_2020