Visible to the public CheckMyCode: Assignment Submission System with Cloud-Based Java Compiler

TitleCheckMyCode: Assignment Submission System with Cloud-Based Java Compiler
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAzahari, A. M., Ahmad, A., Rahayu, S. B., Halip, M. H. Mohamed
Conference Name2020 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMU)
Keywordsassignment management system, CheckMyCode system, cloud based Java compiler, cloud compiler, cloud computing, Cloud System, compiler security, compositionality, computer aided instruction, computer science and engineering curriculum, computer science education, educational courses, Java, Java cloud based programming compiler, Java programming, learning system, Metrics, mobile learning, Multimedia systems, PC browser, portability, program compilers, Program processors, Programming, programming assignment submission system, programming language learning, programming languages, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, smart device browser, smart devices, Task Analysis, Writing
AbstractLearning programming language of Java is a basic part of the Computer Science and Engineering curriculum. Specific Java compiler is a requirement for writing and convert the writing code to executable format. However, some local installed Java compiler is suffering from compatibility, portability and storage space issues. These issues sometimes affect student-learning interest and slow down the learning process. This paper is directed toward the solution for such problems, which offers a new programming assignment submission system with cloud-based Java compiler and is known as CheckMyCode. Leveraging cloud-computing technology in terms of its availability, prevalence and affordability, CheckMyCode implements Java cloud-based programming compiler as a part of the assignment management system. CheckMyCode system is a cloud-based system that allows both main users, which are a lecturer and student to access the system via a browser on PC or smart devices. Modules of submission assignment system with cloud compiler allow lecturer and student to manage Java programming task in one platform. A framework, system module, main user and feature of CheckMyCode are presented. Also, taking into account are the future study/direction and new enhancement of CheckMyCode.
Citation Keyazahari_checkmycode_2020